A man who pretends to be rich in order to attract pretty, young women is not a "Sugar Daddy".
He's an artificial sweetner.
Being a pet owner is like being a sugar daddy.
You waste all of your money on keeping them happy and the only thing they do is look cute and give you attention sometimes.
Sugar Daddy Humor
**Johnny the Fighter Pilot**
A teacher asks the kids in her 3rd grade class: "What do you want to be when you grow up?"
Little Johnny says: "I wanna start out as a Fighter Pilot, then be a billionaire, go to the most expensive clubs, find me the finest Sugar Baby, give her a Ferrari wo...
I once had a sugar daddy
It was nothing wierd. My father had type II diabetes.
How do you call it, when a sugar daddy falls in love with a girl?
Candy Crush.
I always wanted to be a sugar daddy....
...turns out I only have the money for being some sort of artificial sweetener daddy.
What do you call a sugar daddy in a wheel chair?
Meals on wheels
Starting a sugar daddy dating site for people into 80s music.
I'm calling it Girls Just Wanna Have Funds.
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A girl and her sugar daddy are in bed and she's about to orgasm...
"Daddy I'm cumming!" "Hi Cumming, I'm dad"
Donald and Melania Trump are actually a very sweet couple.
He's her sugar daddy, and she's his arm candy.
What do you blow to make a wish?
A sugar daddy!
If ice cream were to come from a sugar cow, where would money come from?
A sugar daddy.
My daughter asked me what a sugar daddy was.
I gave her £2000 to never ask me that again.
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What does Charlie Bucket call Willy Wonka?
His Sugar Daddy.
**SPLENDA DADDY** - Noun :
A man who would like to be a sugar daddy.... But doesn't quite have the means to pull it off.
I brought cake and candy to my son's birthday celebration.
And that, officer, is why I told the hostess at Chuck E. Cheese's that I was the sugar daddy looking for my party boy.
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