
Roses are red, nuts are brown

Skirts go up, pants go down.

Body to body, skin to skin.

When it’s stiff, just stick it in.

It goes in dry and comes out wet and the longer it’s in, the stronger it gets.

It comes out dripping and It starts to sag.

Nothing to enjoy more on Sundays than a Lipto...

What's the difference between a tea bag and the German football team?

A tea bag stays in the cup for longer...

Bit of British humour right there ;)

EDIT: happy to see this joke made people laugh, yes it's a classic joke but England have mainly been on the receiving end of it so nice to turn it around on someone else for a change (sorry Germany)


If a male video game character squats on a downed opponent it's called "Tea Bagging" when a female character does it it's called...

"Clam Dipping"

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I got some viagra tea bags for Xmas. They don't improve your sex life.

But they stop your biscuits going soft.

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What is the difference between a tampon and a tea bag?

If you don't know the difference I'm definitely NOT going to drink tea at your place!

What’s the difference between a tea bag and the French National Team?

A tea bag stays in the cup longer

Lemonade and iced tea make an Arnold Palmer. What do you get when you Mix Lemonade with a tea bag?

Benedict Arnold Palmer

What's a vampire's favorite brand of tea bags?


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Japanese, Brit and Indian

A Japanese, a brit and an Indian were traveling by a private jet with their personal belongings. Due to low fuel they were asked to throw off some of their belongings mid air to reduce the weight. They all agreed to discard items which were in abundance in their country.

The Japanese threw h...

I like my girls how I like my coffee

Just kidding, I don’t like coffee, I’d rather have tea bags

Blonde Inventions

The water-proof towel

Glow in the dark sunglasses

Solar powered flashlight

Submarine screen door

A book on how to read

Inflatable dart board

A dictionary index

Powdered water

Pedal powered wheel chair

Water proof tea bags

Zero pro...

What goes in stiff and dry and comes out wet and floppy.

A tea bag.

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A Brit, a Mexican, and an American are on a cruise ship.

The Brit pulls out a box of tea bags, places one in his mug, and tosses the rest overboard. “In my country, tea is so plentiful I never have to conserve it.”

The Mexican pulls out a bottle of tequila, takes one shot, and throws the rest overboard. “In my country, tequila is so plentiful I nev...

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3 Vampires walk into a bar.

3 Vampires walk into a bar.
The first Vampire orders a pint of blood.
The second Vampire also orders a pint of Blood.
The third Vampire orders a pint of Water.

The 2 Vampires turn and look at the third and says "why have you ordered a pint of Water? You're a Vampire for Christ sake"<...

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Three Vampires in a bar

Three vampires walk into a bar.

The first one signals the bartender and says, " I'll take one pint of blood."

The bartender says ok and served him the pint of blood.

The second vampire signals the bartender and says, " I'll take two pints of blood."

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Dont drink the water...

An Amish Man is tilling his farm in Wisconsin, As he passes the local pond he sees a man with a tea bag hanging from his hat standing next to the water trying to reach in for a drink. The Amish man yells "Trinken Sie nicht, dass Scheiße die Kühe und Tiere, dass" Which means "Dont drink that its were...

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