
C'mon guys don't make fun of Amber Heard's lawyer

He probably gets enough abuse from her as it is
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You shouldn't make fun of fat people.

They've got enough on their plates already.
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Good thing Chris rock didn’t make fun of hilaria baldwin.

Too soon?
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Make fun of Kim Kardashians baby name choice for 'North West' if you want...

But that child is going straight to the top...

And slightly to the left...
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My friends always make fun of me for having an imaginary girlfriend.

Joke's on them, they're imaginary too.
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Hey guys please don’t make fun of braille.

It’s a very *touchy* subject
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Never make fun of an Italian baker

Or he'll kick the focaccia.
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As a general rule, I never make fun of short people.

They have it hard enough putting food on the table.
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Firefighters are the easiest people to make fun of:

They’re used to getting roasted.
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I hate when people make fun of my weight

They're just making a joke at my expanse
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When a group gather to make fun of the Walker Texas Ranger...

...It's a Chuck Roast
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It’s not OK to make fun of someone with a prosthetic arm.

It’s not humerus.
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Don't make fun of obesity

It's too big of a matter to be taken lightly.
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Why is it in poor taste to make fun of grandpa's balls?

It is low hanging fruit.
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I have no respect for those in wheel chairs who remain silent when people make fun of their disability

Stand up for yourself!
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If you’re going to make fun of Crytpo Bros today make sure to use cheap shots.

That’s all they can afford.
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I don't normally make fun of somebody's race, but someone has to say it.

FUCK the 100 meter dash. It's just a weaker version of every other race.

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Everyone likes to make fun of people who take Ivermectin

But I looked up some of the symptoms of Covid and apparently it can make you a little hoarse.


Why does the Earth make fun of the moon?

Because it has no life
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Why can't you make fun of Steve Jobs' death?

... Because it's not PC
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British people like to make fun of Americans for not using the metric system.

But I’ve never heard of a single British person walking into a pub and ordering a half liter…
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Customizable joke to make fun of any town

A little guy walks into a bar in <insert town> and says to the bartender, "You want to hear a <insert town> joke?

The bartender says, "Before you start, buddy, I want you to know that I am 6'2", 210 pounds and I am a native of <insert town>. See that guy coming out of the b...
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People make fun of my nose sometimes,

But if God gave me my choice of all the noses on earth, I would pick my nose before I picked anyone else’s.
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How DARE you all make fun of 50 Cent’s weight from last night?!

It took a lot of courage for those two guys to hang upside down on national television!
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As a doctor I never make fun of unvaccinated kids.

I don’t like to joke about dead people.
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You shouldn’t make fun of short people

Because it’s a little person too... I mean a little too personal
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Americans, Before You Make Fun of Kids This Christmas for Believeing in Santa,

Remember, Almost 70 Millions of You Believed in Trump.
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I was told not to make fun of my girlfriend for waving smoke around the house for good luck.

It was some sage advice.
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If you make fun of a comedian

there's a high chance of you getting 'pun'ished.
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(Multiple Punchlines) One Should Never Make Fun of Someone Else's Bow.

1. They might not think it's friendly ribbon.
2. You should have the presents of mind to be polite
3. If they have an arrow, they might shoot you with it.
4. They might get angry and resort to violins.
5. In that situation, it's best to be curt, see?
6. Just say the bow wowed you.
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Before you make fun of someone walk a mile in their shoes...

That way you are a mile away, and you have their shoes.
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Why shouldn’t you make fun of burn victims?

Because they have already been roasted one to many times.
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People always make fun of my dad because his name is Chip and he is a Dorito farmer

You might think that is cheesy but actually we got to grow up on a really cool ranch
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You shouldn’t make fun of pets with artificial limbs.

It’s a faux paw
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What do you call it when computer science majors make fun of each other?

Cyber boolean
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It's not okay to make fun of menstruation

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Don't make fun of Kim Jong Un just because of his condition.

It's not his fault he suffers from projectile dysfunction.
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Never make fun of a person who stammers...

Because they'll get their revenge... eventually.
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It's pointless to make fun of people with constipation

They don't give a shit.

We shouldn't make fun of Americans for how they are handling the pandemic

In these hard times, they are trying their best to bring some positivity to the world
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Teachers from other countries make fun of the US education system

Sure, we don’t teach evolution everywhere, but I don’t see your countries volunteering to demonstrate natural selection in schools across the country.
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Why does everyone make fun of the cripple kid?

Because he can't stand up for himself.
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Some people make fun of me because I have a baby face.

What can I say? I was born with it.
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It's easy to make fun of short people.

The jokes always go over their head.
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Oh wow you’re gonna make fun of me for never eating pussy?

Rub it in my face why don’t ya?

My friends make fun of me for only being able to play one Metallica song on guitar

It's Sad But True
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The next time you make fun of a ginger, put yourself in their shoes.

You'll know how bad it hurts to not have a sole.
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Hey, before you make fun of China, you should actually visit the country...

They won’t let you back in after.
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Don’t make fun of the short guy hanging his still-life pictures

That’s just low hanging fruit
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Why is it difficult to make fun of the Large Hadron Collider?

Because it's hard to discern.
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Why is it okay to make fun of David Copperfield?

Because Copper is refined by Roasting.
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A man was seated next to a kid in an airplane

The man felt bored so he decided to talk to the kid. So he turned to him and asked “How about we talk for a bit?”

Then the kid replied “ok so what do we talk about”

The man (clearly wanting to make fun of the kid) replies “How about nuclear power?”

The kid then catches on to the...

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I hate people who make fun of Uranus by calling it names like your anus. I always tell these people:

You're heinous.

People often make fun of me for swallowing helium

But I rise above it.
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My son used to make fun of my “dad jokes”.

He’s dead now. The police didn’t even investigate.

They said the cause was apparent.
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People make fun of anti-vaxx people but you gotta admit

They do reduce carbon emissions
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Bullies at school make fun of me and call me a terrorist because my name is Victor...

Tomorrow, I'll bring big brother Vector! He will teach them...
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As a foreigner, why do people make fun of the way I curse?

This one guy at work in particular. He's a scumbag, a real piece of fuck.

It is mean to make fun of Trump for using both hands to drink coz of his injury

He touched The Bible a few weeks ago and the injury hasn't healed yet.
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