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The world's leading expert on European wasps walks into a record shop.

He asks the assistant “Do you have ‘European Vespidae Acoustics Volume 2? I believe it was released this week.”

“Certainly,” replies the assistant. “Would you like to listen before you buy it?”

"That would be wonderful," says the expert, and puts on a pair of headphones.

He li...
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I called Apple Records in England because I wanted to talk to Ringo.

The recording told me to press the “star key.”
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A friend of mine works in a recording studio and he was telling me which are the best speakers to buy.

It was sound advice.
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i went to the liquor store on my bike.

i went to the liquor store on my bike and bought a bottle vodka and put it in the basket on the front...then it occoured to me that if i fall or something happens then the bottle might break. so i drank it all right there and its a good thing i did cause i fell 7 times on the way home

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What do you call a recording of a female to male sex reassignment surgery?

an unboxing video

What did the Mexican say when he left the recording studio?

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My wife was giving a speech at her parents’ wedding anniversary, and my phone battery ran out in the middle of recording it.

Now I’ll never hear the end of it.
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I got the strangest recording when I called the phone company the other day.

It said, "You have been connected to the correct department on the first try. This is against company policy. Please hang up and redial."
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Sasquatch bigfoot audio recordings

....scientists said its unreal.
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Did you know Google now has a platform for recording your bowel movements?

It's called Google Sheets.
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I like recording myself drinking tea whilst having kinky sex with a woman...

...I call the video "50 shades of Earl Grey"

The Beatles were recording in a studio. John says, "Look! Yoko's here"

Paul, George and Ringo say: O no
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British people are always recording their finances

because the camera adds ten pounds.
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Recording on an Australian tax help line....

Repeat That, Mate?

If you understand English, press 1. If you do not understand English, press 2.
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An amateur band was recording a new album in the studio...

...and decided to record a cover of another less known artist, a judge who mostly played small private events like weddings.

The album became a huge hit, and sales went through the roof. However, the judge also happened to come across the album after its release. The judge contacted their man...

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