souppeaceleryonionpease puddingsalt porkpea-souperaristophanespottagefogpotatotomatocucumbercabbagepotatoes

Difference between roast beef and pea soup?

Anyone can roast beef

Fog as thick as pea soup.

There was a dense summer fog and the officer on the bridge was becoming more and more exasperated.

As he leaned over the side of the bridge trying to pierce the gloom, he sees a hazy figure leaning on a rail a few yards from his ship.

He almost choked.

"What do you think you're ...

What's the difference between mincemeat and pea soup?

You can mince meat.

Three guys enter a restaurant

They heard that in this particular restaurant, the waiter would sing their customer a little song every time they give out their order.

Hearing this, the guys each make their order. Then, after waiting a while, the waiter arrives with one of the firest guy's food and a little song to accompan...

What did you have for breakfast? Pea Soup

Q: What did you have for lunch?
A: Pea Soup
Q: What did you have for dinner?
A: Pea Soup
Q: What did you do all night?
A: Pee soup…

What's the difference between mashed potatoes and pea soup?

You can mash potatoes,
but you can't pee soup.

(sorry sorry. Really. I've loved this joke since I was... oh.. six...)

How to Order Soup

A man sits down at a restaurant and looks at the menu. He tells the waiter, "I think I will have the turtle soup."
The waiter leaves, but the man changes his mind to pea soup. He yells to the waiter, "Hold the turtle, make it pea!"

A blind guy walks in a diner...

He sits down at a table and the owner comes up to him.
"Hello sir, goodevening would you like to see a menu or do you know what you want?"
To which the man replies," I'm sorry I'm blind but I'll tell you what, bring me a dirty fork from for recommended plate."
Confused, but interested th...

This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

A mother serves a creamy yellow soup to her son and his girlfriend at the dinner tablr

Everyone begins consuming it immediately. The girlfriend, an aspiring theater actress, says to her boyfriend’s mother, “This soup is absolutely delicious! What’s the secret ingredient?”

“Piss,” replied his mother.

Everyone promptly spits out their soup.

“Excuse me?” asks his ...

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