
It's way too soon for Kobe jokes.

They never land well.

Too soon for COVID jokes?

COVID is like fashion…

We started hearing about it in Italy…

Became popular in LA and NYC…

Florida ignored it…

And it was all made in China in the end.

George Bush started cracking a 9/11 joke, but one of his advisors whispered, “Too soon.”

It was September 10th.

Too soon?

Why do muslims extremists drink instant coffee?

Because they hate the french press

Too soon

What is making a joke about Alex Tribek's cancer diagnosis?

No joke will ever be too soon for Joan Rivers thread.

Joan Rivers died doing what she loved to do best. Surgery.

Guys biggest fear.... Too soon.

Girls biggest fear.... Late.

What’s an old joke told too soon?

We really are going to be talking about the hindsight of 2020 for the rest of our lives.

It’s too soon for coronavirus jokes.

They’re tasteless. And smell-less.

I know it's way too soon, but... How many times did Tiger's SUV roll?


I'm going to Hell.

Why do Americans rarely tell jokes about mass shootings?

Because it’s always too soon.

^(i feel bad)

Is this too soon

Every Christmas Santa seems to skip Indonesia, he just gives them a big wave

People say Steve Jobs died too soon.

But I think its a fitting metaphor for his company's attitude to battery life.

Ferguson joke. Too soon?

Black guy walks into a bar in Ferguson. Says to the bartender, "Give me a Michael Brown." Bartender says "Ok. Put up your hands." the gave him six shots.

Good thing Chris rock didn’t make fun of hilaria baldwin.

Too soon?

Why did Steve Jobs die too soon?

Because an apple a day keeps the doctor away.

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William Shakespeare once said "Better Three Hours Too Soon Than a Minute Too Late"

My wife disagrees.

It's really put a strain on our sex life.

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How did Kanye find out that Kim was bound, gagged, and held at gunpoint?

She released the video on pornhub.

(Too soon?)

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Is it too soon for a Robin Williams Joke?

It's been a few weeks, so I think the waters are safe for this joke I told my cousin:

David Carradine and Robin Williams are in heaven, Carradine looks at Williams and says, "what do you mean you weren't jerking off?"

Probably too soon to update this, but here goes anyway. . .

Twenty years ago we had Steve Jobs, Bob Hope, Johnny Cash, and Aretha Franklin. Now we have no jobs, no hope, no cash, and no soul.

Is it too soon to joke about the mars rover?

There is way too many good puns for it to be a missed opportunity.

My mom said it's too soon to make coronavirus jokes

But if we wait any longer, it'll be a disaster!

Is it too soon for Bill Cosby jokes?

Yeah, best to avoid Cosby punch lines.

How many Texas cops does it take to save children from an active shooter?

Still under investigation.

Edit: For those who assume I think any part of this situation is funny... [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black\_comedy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_comedy). Also who gave me a Wholesome award? That's seriously messed up.

Edit ...

Rob Ford..too soon?

*Some* people though it would be nice if Rob Ford could be mayor for tumor years.

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How does a guy tell his girl he ejaculated too soon?

Quick cummunication.

Is it too soon to say a Hurricane Harvey joke

Or should I just wait for everything to blow over?

I peaked too soon in high school.

I'm still sending her child support.

It's probably too soon for Ebola jokes on here...

...but when the time comes, I bet they're gonna be killer.

This might be ‘too soon,’ but guess what’s not ‘on fire,’ ‘lit’ or funny.


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Four prisoners are killed in a prison bus accident

A drug dealer, a car thief, a bank robber and a rapist all die and are sent immediately to hell. Once there Satan begins checking his documents and says he isn’t ready for them. He says “you died a little too soon. So we don’t have anywhere to put you. I will be clearing out a few places for you but...

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