
Did you hear about the mass murderer who moonlighted as a model

He had the face of a 20-year-old, then a 35-year-old, then a 16-year-old...

This joke may contain profanity. ๐Ÿค”

How do you know the Japanese mass murderer was a chef?

He spent his day cutting up vegetables

What do you give the mass murderer who cured cancer?

The no-bail prize

What do you call a mass murderer on a bike?

A Cyclepath.

What do you call a serial killer that only kills fat people?

A mass murderer

I used to be a mass murderer...

But then I got a vasectomy.

What's a mass murderer's favorite article of clothing?

Casual T's.

Mass Murder

Man walks into a pub and the bartender says, "Not seen you in ages, where you been?"

"Was in the jail," replies the man.

"Sorry to hear that," says the bartender. "What did you do?"

"What do you mean?," says the man, "I was just visiting. My friend got convicted for a mass murde...

I've been hearing a lot about mass murderers lately....

It must be a scary time to be catholic.

I go to the gym to lose weight

You can say that Iโ€™m a mass murderer

Why did the physicist at the Hadron Collider get thrown in jail?

Because he was a mass murderer

Did you hear about the guy that shot up a church?

Now heโ€™s a mass murderer

After months of detective work, police have uncovered the bodies of a number of missing persons...

These bodies which number in the dozens, were buried in the backyard of a suspected mass murderer. Upon investigation, the police found a series of mass graves. These holes had been dug up by the alleged killer, and contained dismembered body parts, including torsos, extremities, and decapitated hea...

I heard there's a guy that destroyed a group of Higgs Boson particles.

He's a mass murderer.


Are mass murderers

Did you hear about the doctor who killed anyone over 15 stone?

He was a mass murderer.

Did you know that if you take all the people in the world and split them in half

you'd be a mass murderer

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