
I tell dad jokes all the time even though I’m not actually a dad

I’m a faux pa.
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I found girl lying on railroad tracks. I untied her, took her into bushes and we had great sex. No head, though.

I never found it.

Even though the trans womens club is thriving

Members are dropping off
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I think you'll like this joke, even though it's a little long

An Elderly Irish lady visits her physician
To ask his advice on reviving her husband's libido.
"What about trying Viagra?" asked the doctor.
"Not a chance" she replied. "He won't even take an aspirin".
"Not a problem," said the doctor. "Give him an Irish Viagra.”
"What on Earth is Iri...

I met Matthew McConaughey and asked him to sign a photo for me. I told him to make sure he doesn't write anything in the left side of the picture though.

He said "Alright, I'll write all right."
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My dentist mocked me today, saying that even though he's much older than me, he has healthier teeth.

I said it must be because he has the better dentist.
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I never though that orthopedic shoes would be good for me.....

but, after trying a pair, I stand corrected.
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A friend guilt-tripped me into spending the Saturday helping out with various tasks on his property, even though I'd prefer to relax after a demanding week.

While chopping wood, I got careless with the axe and dented his car.

My friend suspected that since I was clearly annoyed with him, I'd dented the car on purpose.

But in my opinion, it should be obvious to everyone that it was an axy-dent.

My pastor always says "It's Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve". I found a solution though. Eve and Steve just need to take a turn together!

That would make it Eve 'n Steven.
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“Do you really have to lick the knife?” she asked frowning. “Sorry, force of habit!” I chuckled. “Lots of people do it though, don’t they?”

“Yes, but not during surgery, doctor.”
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Hiking though the woods with my wife

We were hiking through the woods for a few hours and ended up at the edge of a cliff.

The only way forward was to walk across an old bridge. I told my wife I'll go first and cautiously walked across.

My wife yelled, is the bridge stable? I yelled back, as stable as our marriage. Ignor...
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My therapist just told me I might be a chronic procrastinator and that it will seriously affect my life. I'm not worried though

I'll figure out what procrastination means later

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Seriously though, why can't you put the punchline in the title?

What do you say to piss off a redditor?

This morning I accidentally put baking soda in my wife’s coffee instead of sugar. She didn’t seem to mind though.

She’s basic.
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Even though I was born visible...

I identify as trans-parent. My pronouns are who/where.
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I was on the way to a meeting when a cart full of horse manure tipped all over me. I didn’t let it stop me though,

I was under turd!

Joke by my 4 year old nephew, please try not to downvote. It made me laugh when he said it though.

Nephew: are you gluten intolerant?

Me(surprised he knew about gluten): yes I am, sweetheart

Nephew: how intolerant of you
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I was in town last night with my girlfriend. We walked past a fancy restaurant and she went MMMMmmmmm that smells delicious. So I though, fuck it, she deserves a treat…

So I turned around and we walked past again.

Even though my girlfriend is addicted to meth, I still love her.

She's so beautiful. Those lips, those eyes, that tooth.
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Grandma's peanuts (prob a re-post, still funny though)

Danny is out with his friends and stops by his grandmother's house
for a visit.
There's a bowl of peanuts on the coffee table.
So Danny and his friends start snacking on them.
When they're ready to leave, his friends say, "Nice to meet you, ma'am,
And thank you for the p...
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I asked my lady friend if she was in the mood for some sex. She was tired, though and said “I don’t think I have it in me.”

I said: "you definitely don't have it in you but we can change that."

Though I enjoy the sport, I could never date a tennis player.

Love means nothing to them.
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I like watching World Cup even though I don’t know anything about football

Sitting on the couch with a cold beer and watch those millionaires and billionaires running on the field, tiring themselves to half death just to entertain me, what a successful life!
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People who continue to eat bread even though they have digestive problems with it.

Are a gluten for punishment.
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I was working a job on a boat transporting people and cars when a magical godmother with gossamer wings surprised me with a really good party for me with rides. Then I found out I still had to pay admission. It was only a couple bucks, though.

A Very Fair Fairy Ferry Faire Fare.
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Two guys were walking though the Sahara

They suddenly see a tiger approaching .

One guy throws sand in the tiger's eyes and he runs away.

The other guy keeps standing still.


"Well I didn't throw the sand at him"
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A young boy approaches his mum and asks why he is black, even though both his parents are white.

The mother replies ‚My dear, it was one hell of an orgy back then. You should be happy that you aren’t barking.‘
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I once had a girlfriend who lost half her foot in a terrible car accident. I had to break up with her though

Because I'm lack toes intolerant.
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Cough, Rough, Though, Through.

Why don't these words rhyme, yet pony and bologna do?
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Have you ever eaten something even though you weren’t hungry?

On another note, I lost my job as a Gynecologist today…
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Just as mom walks though the door, little Johnny comes running over. He says ''Mommy, Mommy. I was playing in daddy's closet and he came in with the lady next door and they started kissing and then they took off each others clothes and laid down on the bed...'" The mother interrupts him.

''Stop right there!! Wait 'till daddy comes home!!'' When the father finally returns from work, mother promptly goes up to him and says ''I'm leaving you.''
The father, bewildered, slowly asks ''Why!?! What did I do??''
The mother turns to Johnny and says, ''Tell daddy exactly what you told me...
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Even though I went bald in my thirties, I still keep my comb.

I just can’t part with it.
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my dog can play the piano, pretty limited repertoire though

focuses only on bach
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I have a boomerang joke I can’t think of it though it might come back to me

All I remember is that it went over people’s heads
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Even though I'm a nerd, I don't really embrace the notion of complete and perfect knowledge of canon, but I'll admit I was pretty embarrassed when I lost all credibility in a discussion on Chewbacca when I inadvertently spelled it with a K.

It was a Wookie mistake.
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O just bought a lettuce from our local store, called "Momma's and Poppa's". I can't eat it though

All the leaves are brown.
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I was 18 years old when i found out bedbugs actually live in beds I always thought it was just a name like ladybug. It does leave me with one question though,

where do cockroaches live?

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My dad has this stupid pet duck I'm sitting, but he won't go outside to poop even though I keep putting him outside.

Great....now he's in a foul mood.

My marriage has lasted 50 years even though my wife and I only have one thing in common

We're both terrible at ending relationships
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What product is actually great even though it sounds like scammy shit?


Doctor - I finally figured out why your pain isn't going away. Even though these medications are called analgesics

They are supposed to be inserted in your mouth.
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I got fired from my last job even though I always gave 100%.

Apparently that's not how you grade exams.
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My parents made a decent living as fisherman even though they could only afford a boat made of balsa wood.

They didn't have real hardship.
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I just shot my protein all over my desk, pants, floor and my sheets nearby even though my hand was covering the tip.

Note to self, don't mix whey protein with sparkling water, it will explode.
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Even though I no longer smoke pot...

I like hanging out with friends who do....

They always have the best snacks.
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The last time I got Indian food I had a slight problem with the bread. I told them not to worry though.

It was a naan issue.
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Saved some money on the gift, though!

I recently received an invitation to a wedding that would have been difficult to attend.

In hindsight, "Maybe next time" probably wasn't the best RSVP.
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Though he passed away decades ago, I really think my grandpa would have supported LGBTQ+ marriage in all of its forms.

His motto was "Fuck everyone.".

Even though we live through a pandemic at the moment, it is literally impossible for me to become bedridden!

I just cant afford one.
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How come vampires are portrayed to be porcelain white even though the original vampire, Vlad Dracula, was quite swarthy?

Must be his nickname.
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A dog gets left in a forest by its owners. A tiger spots it, and thinks to itself: "What is that? It looks delicious." The dog catches wind of it though, and in a bit of quick thinking, it stands in front of a pile of bones, and shouts: "Mmmm, tiger meat is the best! I gotta hunt for more!"

The tiger kills and eats the dog, because it doesn't know dog language.
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Even though we're progressing, we really need to get rid of certain races.

Such as the 800 meter dash.
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Even though it's my cake day and I absolutely love cake...

Never gonna run around and dessert you
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I know a real nerd, and even though he's given up his interest in farm machinery, he still sucks the atmosphere out of the room.

He's an ex-tractor fan.
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I got arrested for illegal fishing, even though there weren't any 'no fishing' signs.

Apparently if it's an aquarium in a hotel lobby, you don't need a sign.
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Got home unannounced from college to find my parents had taken a vacation and not left the keys behind. Not a problem though, all I’ve got to do is talk to the door lock...

... because communication is key
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Ok my 4 year old came up with this one, not sure he really understands how clever it is though... Why did the Dragon Cross the Road?

He wanted to eat some chicken.
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Whenever I tell my friends about something I’ve done I always seem to make myself out to be gay, even though I’m not

I just can’t get my stories straight

Though they couldn’t be more different, explorers and couch potatoes have one thing in common.

They’re both looking for the remote.
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Even though he had cash, why couldn't Superman pay his bar tab?

Because it was Crypto-Night.
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If I'm on a plane that's going to crash, I'm going to grab some blankets and make a crude flying squirrel suit and jump out, even though I know it won't work.

At least the news will say, "His body was found over a mile from the crash site."
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Even though the Titanic was not a marvel of engineering

the pools are. Been up and running without maintenance since the day they were opened.
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It took me a while to get this...funny when I did though

Cats probably wonder why soda cans/bottles yell "FUCK OFF" when they are opened...

I like to sleep with the bedside lamp on, even though the wife thinks it's weird....

I don't see why, I think it makes a great hat!
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I asked my girlfriend if we could have sex even though she was on her period.

She responded "Yeah, I guess I could pull some strings."

My teacher asked me if π was a rational number even though she hadn't thought us the concept of rational numbers...

I mean that's just not rational.
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I used to be an angsty teenager. Fortunately it was just a phase though.

Now I’m an angsty adult.
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Lately I’ve been dating a blind girl, and I find that it is incredibly rewarding. I do find some things quite difficult though

I still struggle to get her husbands voice right
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I thought all the trees had broken when they lost their leaves last year. They're coming back now though.

What a re-leaf.
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Why do some people use Ball jars, even though they aren't the best brand?

Because they don't Kerr
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even though coffee is more acidic, all Starbucks coffee products have a pH of 14

Extremely basic
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I formed a rock group called the elastics, things aren't going so well so far though,

We have one song and it's band.
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My friend told me to stop singing I’m a believer because she thought it was annoying and I laughed because I though she was kidding

But then I saw her face
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I just opened my own kosher hot dog stand in my neighborhood but business is suffering even though I've been told it's to die for.

So please support your local businesses and come on down to Anne's Franks. You won't regret it!
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My family is all worried about my addiction to dot to dot puzzles. It's OK though...

I know where to draw the line...
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My girlfriend and I had sex in my car last night. Was pretty uncomfortable though...

... Maybe we should have dropped her parents off first.

I once knew a guy arrested on drug charges, and though he thought he'd get off light, they ended up slapping a bunch of other bogus charges on him, which, added to the fact that his lawyer was one of the worst in the state, eventually led him to being handed a 40 year stint in a max security prison.

That sentence was way too long.
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I had both my legs amputated even though only one had gangrene.

I had to sell the other one to pay for the surgery.
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I never get tired of jokes about dyslexia even though I have it.

I wish I could read all of them.
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Saw this joke on YouTube and originally disliked it, but I eventually came around to it. (I'll change it up a bit, though.)

There's this single dad with three kids. One day, the circus comes to town. The guy says, "Come on, kids. Let's go to the circus."

So they get there, and they sit in the front row. The elephants come out, the jugglers come out, and the clowns come out. One clown says in a funny voice, "Uh, ca...

Someone threw part of a brick through my front window. The police couldn’t do anything though

They said there wasn’t enough concrete evidence
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It's pretty sad that even though women have had the right to vote for 100 years now...

we still spend more time talking about mail ballots.
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When my undies are on the floor, my dog likes to stand on them. He quickly takes off, though...

after brief-paws.
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I'm 45 and I can't get school shooting jokes even though I have lived in America my entire life

I asked my friend and he said it's probably because they are aimed at a younger audience
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I once knew this strange guy who was obsessed with his old girlfriend even though she had already moved on

He was really ex-centric
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My son's kindergarten teacher is such a hardass, she failed him on his alphabet test even though he got 25/26.

He still doesn't know y.
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Did you hear about the heavy metal band that started a huge protest but without shouting or talking? They ended up destroying a bunch of property, though...

It was a quiet riot
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Even though I have an Engineering degree and I’ve re-wired my house to add updated lighting...

People are typically shocked when they find out I’m not a good electrician.
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Even though Sea World is shut down, the animals still need to be taken care of

Obama answers the call for volunteers. On his first day, they assign him to feed the baby dolphins.

As he is doing so, another volunteer accosts him "Our country is in crisis. Don't you have anything better to do?"

He replied "I think I'm serving a youthful porpoise."
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Catholics and Christians have waited generations for Jesus' return. Little did they know that though he's been here all along.

Because he's brown
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I'm a very big Oasis fan, specifically Wonderwall. I sing it all the time. My girlfriend hates it though, so she asked me to stop singing it.

I said maybe.
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I used to work at a restaurant, but I wasn’t a good cook. I could make some good toast though.

It was my bread and butter.

I asked my Republican friend if he though Amazon should pay taxes

He said "Of course, they're not a church"
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So you know how sometimes you can't help but eat what's in front of you even though you know its bad?

Anyway I lost my job at the gynecologists today
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Why does Caitlyn Jenner feel like her kids see though her?

I guess she is trans parent now
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Even Though it's been 20 years since my Grandfather choked to death on a piece of sushi

It's still pretty raw
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Many vegetables live above ground. Not onions though.

Onions have lairs.
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My anti-vax sister wouldn’t let me take my niece trick-or-treating, even though she had the perfect Halloween costume.

Stupid cemetery rules.
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Went to a seafood disco last weekend. But ended up going home early though...

..pulled a mussel.
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Quarantine has been hard. I've run out of toilet paper, and have to use lettuce leaves. It's only going to get worse, though...

This is just the tip of the iceberg.
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New nurse at an elderly care centre: "Hey, I was checking though Bills medication list and got curious, why would a 90 year old man need viagra while staying here alone?"

Nurse 2: "It stops him rolling out of bed."

I don't understand why people make fun of short people. Honestly though, you've really gotta hand it to short people

Because they probably can't reach it anyways.
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I have a Russian friend who always asks me to try vodka even though I don't like it.

Well I guess if he insists so much, Soviet.
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What do you call someone who keeps trying to catch your interest even though you already said you're not interested several times?

Windows 10.
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There was once an island kingdom whose people were all fabulously wealthy. Even though they could have afforded to live anywhere they wanted, tradition dictated they stay on their tiny island home. Eventually, their king became frustrated and called a meeting of the tribe's elders...

He said he wanted them to figure out a way he could enjoy his wealth and stay within traditional guidelines.

After much consideration, the elders suggested he build a magnificent throne.

When he objected there was not enough room in his hut for a throne, the elders suggested he call ...
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There's a new men's birth control pill that's about the size of a marble. Don't get discouraged though, you don't have to swallow it or anything, you just put it into your shoe…

And it makes you limp…
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Two bored male casino dealers are waiting at the craps table. A very attractive blond woman arrives and bets $20,000 on a single roll of the dice

She says, “I hope you don’t mind, but I feel much luckier when I’m completely nude.” With that, she strips down, rolls the dice, and yells, “Come on, baby, Mama needs new clothes!” As the dice come to a stop she jumps up and down and squeals, “YES! YES! I WON, I WON!”

She hugs each of the de...

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I got called into human resources today because of a couple of incidents and was asked if I knew the difference between left and right wing. Outraged, I told them to fuck off as my politics was my business! They still fired me though...

...turns out aircraft are really expensive to fix.

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Work has had me on my knees lately, leaving me sore and speechless. Even though I would come home after gagging I still found it fulfilling. That's when I knew...

I wanted to turn this blowjob into a blow career.

There was once a robot whose job it was to organize all the shelves of a massive library that had thousands of books. Every day he did his job without missing a beat. One day though, he didn’t show up to work. The librarians were all perplexed that a robot would do something like that...

Turns out he had become shelf aware.
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Even though I've got sick every time I go to my local shawarma place, I still went back yesterday.

Now I falafel.
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Why was the door jammed even though it was wide open?

Because it was a jar.
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I think it’s getting more and more dangerous to drive even though cars are getting smarter.

Seems like every time I look up from my phone someone is trying to run into me.
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A confused young man was in a difficult situation. He couldn't decide whether to marry Kathryn or Edith. Even though he tried as hard as he could, he was unable to make up his mind. Not willing to give up either, he strung them along for far too long.

This indecision continued until both young women got tired of the situation and left him for good.

Moral of the story: You can't have your Kate and Edith too.
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Even though we didn't get the glorious wall the president promised...

We did get a massive cave.
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My girlfriend wants to open a yoga studio, even though she currently cannot afford it.

I told her it's a bit of a stretch.
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It’s freezing in Florida, which means iguanas might start falling from trees. All the old people aren’t too worried about this though.

They’re used to a reptile dysfunction
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Even though Steve Irwin died

He died with animals in his heart
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You ever notice that all Dillards are basically the same and only exist in malls? You know what they say though...

...when you've seen one Dillards, you've seen a mall.
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I've always liked this old David Lettermen quip; during the time of the 1994–95 baseball strike. "I know we all feel bad for those ball players though"

"They'll have to stay home and have sex with their own wives for a change."

"Doctor, I feel as though nobody understands me."

"What do you mean by that?"
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I won a doorbell competition even though mine was missing.

They gave me the Nobel prize.
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I don’t understand how in the movie Frozen, Anna didn’t know that Elsa had magical powers, even though she was locked in her room for years and refused to come out

After all, she was clearly giving Anna the cold shoulder
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Somebody today was explaining to me how the cryptocurrency market was changing, even though I already knew

It was a bit coin descending
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A man was pulled over for driving too fast, even though he thought he was driving just fine.

Officer: You were speeding.
Man: No, I wasn't.
Officer: Yes, you were. I'm giving you a ticket.
Man: But I wasn't speeding.
Officer: Tell that to the judge! (The officer gives man the ticket.)
Man: Would I get another ticket if I called you a jerk?
Officer: Yes, you wou...

I went to a party last weekend at MC Hammer's house, but it wasn't very enjoyable though...

...he kept getting really paranoid about people touching things...
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I bought a scarecrow and even though it didn’t scare any crows , I still had to give it a great review on Amazon

Because it was just out standing
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I think my back hurts. I'm okay though.

It's spine
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