
What do rich people and poor people have in common?

They both love to talk about money

Why are poor people so confused?

Because they don’t have any cents.

I just read in the news that tons of Americans are sending their old clothes to poor people in Africa.

Seems like a waste of time in my opinion. I've never seen an African with a 52 inch waist.

Wife: donate my clothes to poor people who are starving.

Husband: honey, if they fit in your clothes they surely aren't starving.

Wife: "I have a lot of my own clothes I'd like to donate."

Husband: "Why bother? It's easier to throw the clothes in the garbage can."

Wife: "Don't be selfish! There are so many poor people who have no clothes and are starving."

Husband: " Honey, anyone who fits into your clothing is not starving..."

Why do poor people have ADD?

Because they cant pay attention

Why do poor people eat insects?

Because they're locust!

If some poor people are just temporarily embarrassed millionaires...

Does that mean some rich people are temporarily flattered homeless bums?

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What has 6 balls and fucks poor people?

The Mega Millions.

Poor people break into your house to steal.

Rich people break into your house to gloat.

Did you know air pods are for poor people.

They can't afford the wires

I hope that if I ever get rich I won't be mean to poor people

Like I am now

(Dark, I know, but one of my favorite deep thoughts)

Rich people and poor people

One day, a financially successful enough father decides to take his son to the countryside to show him how poor some people may happen to be in contrast to them, who live in a nice house in the suburbs of a big city. Like this, his son could understand the value of things, and how lucky he is.

What do you call the American healthcare plan for poor people?


My door to door fruit delivery business failed badly because of my poor people skills.

I was driving people bananas.

Where do poor people live in Italy?

In the spaghetto

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What did the proctologist do to those poor people's butts?

He rectum.

TIL Bill Gates once released a swarm of mosquitoes at a TED talk about malaria, saying that it shouldn’t be an experience only for poor people...

I can't wait to go see his new talk about gun violence.

A six-year-old girl runs into her backyard and sees her neighbor raking leaves...

She runs to him and says proudly “My mommy taught me all about politics today!”

“That’s great! So are you a Republican or a Democrat?” he asks.

“A demmycrat!”

“Why’s that?”

“Well, demmycrats believe in helping the poor. So they take some money from everyone and give it ...

I’m gonna start a religion about that Jewish guy who went around trying to help poor people but was killed because he was betrayed by one of his former close allies

I’m calling it Trotskyism

Rich people have...

Rich people have colon cleanses
Poor people have taco bell

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Submitted Dating ad:

I am man, 33, looking for a long term relationship.
Profession: Member of parliament for 11 years.
Traits: Strenuous, hard-working, righteous, honest, incorrupt, truthful, fighting for the rights of poor people.

I am 30.
Profession: Working 15 years as a prostitute.

Rich people used to always have cars

And poor people used to have horses now poor people have cars and rich people have horses. The stables have turned.

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A man walks into a bar and sees Hitler sitting there talking to the bartender...

Hitler what are you doing here, I thought you were dead! says the man

Hitler replies oh no no no that was all staged. I'm alive and well and with a new master plan. I'm killing all poor people AND a giraffe!

Puzzeled the man asked Ooookay, but what's with the giraffe?

Hitler tu...

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in an art competition they asked the competitors to draw a picture representing famine around the world

the 3rd place award went to a picture of a child next to a piece of bread but can't reach it for he is too weak to even move, symbolising their suffering and their weakness.

2nd place went to a picture of a child so thin and so weak lying on the ground and a crow a couple of meters away waiti...

Rich people start their meals by saying "Bless us oh Lord for these thine gifts..."

Poor people say "Ramen."

Q: What do capitalism and communism have in common

A: Starving poor people

A poor man & a man in a big black SUV arrive at the pearly gates...

Saint Peter immediately opens the gates for the man in the SUV and throws him a Big Party. A couple hours later he remembers the poor man still waiting. The poor man asked why he didn't get a celebration. St. Peter said we get poor people hear every day. But it's not very often we get a politician ...

Robert Mugabe, an unpopular dictator from an African nation, visited Israel with his top government officials.

Unfortunately, he died during the visit. The Israelis offered to bury him in Israel for free, explaining that it will save money that can be used to help the poor people of his country. His entourage discussed the proposition and declined the offer saying that they'd rather bring back the remains of...

Communists must love Tsunamis.

They take the homes of the wealthy and give poor people access to the beachfront.

A joke my Polish friend loved.

[Full of errors I'm sure. On to the brilliant joke.]

A polish farmeris tilling his field. It's another beautiful spring day when suddenly his plough hits something. Upon inspection he sees that it's some sort of golden lamp. He dusts it off and a genie comes out of it and says to the humble p...

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A rich Blonde & rich Brunette...

A rich Blonde & rich Brunette get off a flight & are waiting in the airport terminal for ride.
The brunette asks the blonde where are you heading?

The Blonde replies: 'I'm heading to The Marriott in the city'

The Brunette says: 'So am I, why don't we share a li...

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Three men walk into a tattoo parlor...

The first man asks for a tattoo of a four leaf clover on his dick because he loves to fuck Irish girls.

The second man asks for a tattoo of a cross on his dick because he loves to fuck Christian girls.

The third man asks to tattoo the entire GOP Tax Bill on his dick because he loves fu...

A man in his 80’s went to a doctor with his beautiful, breathtaking 25 year old lady.

Doctor helped the frail old man in his clinic: What can I do for you today, sir?

Old man said to the Dr: I married this beautiful angel 2 months ago, and she is pregnant with my baby. At this age, I forgot how to care for the mother, I want to seek your advice.

Doctor a little taken ...

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In light of people getting slapped by the pope.

There was this poor old guy named Donald who hears that the pope is going on tour and will be parading through his town. Donald was very excited that he might get a chance to meet the pope and shake his hand. So he decided to make a plan. He thought that the pope would want to meet the richest man i...

Honest Mistake.

One night the heating in a hospital ward was accidentally turned off and as a result a few patients suffered hypothermia and ended up in intensive care. The next day..........

Head Nurse: Why did no one realise that the patients were freezing?, the people in the ward were old and infirm, they...

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