
My Brother in law had a chat with a game warden once.

My brother in law was stopped by the game warden recently with two ice chests full of live fish in water; leaving a river well known for its fishing.

The game warden asked the man, “Do you have a license to catch those fish?”

“Naw, my friend, I ain’t got no license. These here are my ...
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Little Johnny goes fishing

Little Johnny goes fishing with his grandfather out on the lake. While they're fishing, grampa pulls out a tin of chewing tobacco and takes a dip.

"Grampa, can I try that?"

Grampa thinks for a minute, then says "Does your dick reach your asshole?"

"No sir...."

"Then you a...

the ambulance and the toe

Last night I was coming home from work in the city, driving country roads to get home.

I looked in my rear view mirror and saw an ambulance with its lights on. I pulled over and as the ambulance passed by, I noticed the back door open up a little. The ambulance hit a small bump and out fell ...
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Grandpa gets served.

Little Tommy sat on the porch with his grandpa while visiting last Summer. Grandpa tells Tommy to fetch him another beer from the ice chest Tommy was sitting on. Tommy hands over the beer and asks "May I have a beer too grandpa?" Grandpa looks Tommy up and down and replies " IDK son, can you dick re...

Oldie but goodie. The russian, mexican and texan, drinking and fishing together

A Russian, Mexican and Texan are all fishing and drinking on a boat on the Rio grande. The Russian cracks open a brand new bottle of vodka, takes one swig, then throws the bottle up in the air and shoots it with his pistol. The Mexican said, "why you do that for homes?" the Russian said, "comrade wh...
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A boy and his grandfather go fishing.

While they're out there, the grandfather pulls out a cigarette and starts smoking it.

The boy asks "hey grandpa, you think I can have one of those?"

"Well can you reach your asshole with the tip of your penis?" The boy responds with no.

"Then you ain't old enough for a cigarette...

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