gesturesign languagebehaviourlanguagegrammarkinesicsambiguitysameformparticularasisanimalsimilarexample

President Donald Trump is great at reading female body language

Too bad he reads it in braille.

People say you can tell a lot about a woman by her body language

But this large woman was talking to me.

And i swear she was speaking gibberish.

On my jog today, I saw this little old lady talking to her cat. From her hand gestures and body language it was clear she thought the cat understood her. I hope I never get that lonely and senile.

Anyway...I went home and told my dog about her. We laughed and laughed..

What language is anatomy in?

Body language.

We were learning about energy in 3rd grade...

I raised my hand curiously and the teacher called on me and I asked “What energy do lights use?” She looked at me hesitantly, as if I asked about a forbidden knowledge, questioning what she should respond with and said “I would tell you but the answer is very shocking.” Frustrated with the answer, ...

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A bar is testing out an innovative new exchange system.

The bar owner has noticed a relatively major problem in her area-
people come in to drink, and when they are ready to head out, they feel obligated to finish the drink they paid for. This little bit is enough to push many patrons past their limit and the bar owner wants to do something to encour...

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