
Daughter made up a cute knock knock joke:

Knock knock
Who’s there?
Let’s eat…
Let’s eat who?

What are you a cannibal?
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The Italian man says, “Last week, my wife and I had great sex. I rubbed her body all over with olive oil, we made passionate love, and she screamed for five full minutes at the end.”

The Frenchman boasts, “Last week when my wife and I had sex, I rubbed her body all over with butter. We then made passionate love and she screamed for fifteen minutes.”

The old Jewish man says, “Well, last week my wife and I had sex too. I rubbed her body all over with schmaltz, we ma...

If alive, Steve Jobs would've made a better president than Trump..

But that's really comparing Apple to oranges
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Queen Elizabeth II may have made it to 96 before she died...

But Princess Diana made it to 120
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[NSFW] A couple made a deal that whoever died first would come back and inform the other if there was sex after death.

After a long life together , the wife was the first to die and true to her words, she made first contact.

W: "Darling. Darling."

H: "Is that you my love?"

W: "Yes , I've come back like we agreed"

H : "That's wonderful! What is it like in the afterlife? Is there sex?"<...

A couple of counterfeiters made a mistake one time and ended up with a batch of $15 bills

One of them says "We gotta get rid of these things. We'll go to Florida. I know a little town there. They're so dumb they won't know a thing."

So off they go. Soon they arrive at a gas station and buy some gas. The guy at the counter looks a little simpleminded.

"Hey can you break a 1...
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My 9 year old daughter made up this joke. "Why did the bull get fat?"

Because he ate too many cowleries.
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Dude explaining how he made his first $10 million:

1. Get up at 5:00AM every day
2. 90 minutes of cardio
3. Take a cold shower
4. Journal
5. Schedule out your day
6. Dad owns Fortune 500 company
7. Meditate
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A plane carrying Donald Trump made an emergency landing in New Orleans after alleged engine failure over the Gulf of Mexico.

Turns out there was just a loud whine coming from the right wing.
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( This joke was made up by my eight year old son. ) Why did the letters lose the battle against the numbers?

They were outnumbered.
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They finally did it, Reddit has made impossible for blind people to moderate their sub with the api changes. This is their last statement from r/blind

"H dhei osndhsjbw siso is koqp odjd jsoa JD djs sis ikksbs"

(I am sorry for this horrible joke and I really hope things may work out for you)
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What do you call a belt made out of lobsters?

A waist of good seafood

I know it’s bad but I heard it in a dream and had to share
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A blonde got caught in a blizzard… It was snowing heavily and blowing to the point that visibility was almost zero when the little blonde got off work. She made her way to her car and wondered how she was going to make it home.

She sat in her car while it warmed up and thought about her situation. She finally remembered her dad's advice that if she got caught in a blizzard she should wait for a snow plow to come by and follow it. That way she would not get stuck in the snow drift. This made her feel much better and sure en...
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6 yr old son made this up. What do exploding pandas eat?

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Sweet dreams are made of cheese

Who am I to diss-a-Brie? I cheddar the world and the feta cheese, everybody’s looking for Stilton.
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I made a virtual bubble wrap to keep you all busy during quarantine. There might be some irregular bubbles, but that is normal.

>!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!Nev!< >!er !< >!Gon!< >!na !< >!Giv!< >!ve !< >!You!< >!Up,!< >!Nev!< >!er !< >!Gon!< >!na !< >!Let!< >!You!< >...
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My 7 year old nephew showed me with pride the "telephone" he had just made from a string and two tin cans. I pulled out my iPhone and said, "That's nice, but..."

"Look at what kids your age make in China!"
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Several years ago, Andy was sentenced to prison. During his stay, he got along well with the guards and all his fellow inmates. The warden saw that deep down, Andy was a good person and made arrangements for Andy to learn a trade while doing his time.

After three years, Andy was recognized as one of the best carpenters in the local area.

Often he would be given a weekend pass to do odd jobs for the citizens of the community and he always reported back to prison before Sunday night was over.

The warden was thinking of remodeling his ...
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For my cake day, a joke I made up as a kid: Why is Aquaman such a dedicated super hero?

Because he was born with a sense of porpoise.
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My 7 yr old just made this one up: What do you say when a dinosaur farts?

That was a blast from the past!
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I just made love to my girlfriend.

She asked, “If I get pregnant, what should we name the baby?”

I took off my condom, tied a knot, and flushed it down the toilet.

“Well” I said, “If he can get out of that, we’ll call him Houdini”.
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Still my favorite joke I ever made up. :)

A monocle walks into a bar. After a few drinks he starts to feel pretty good (and a little uncoordinated). He reaches for a cigarette, but the bartender stops him. "Sorry, buddy, but due to city ordinances we don't allow smoking in here. You'll have to step outside to smoke."

So the monocle h...
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I was passing by my son's bedroom and was astonished to see the bed was nicely made and everything was picked up. Then, I saw an envelope, propped up prominently on the pillow. It was addressed, 'Dad'. With the worst premonition, I opened the envelope and read the letter, with trembling hands...

Dear Dad.

It is with great regret and sorrow that I'm writing you.

I had to elope with my new girlfriend, because I wanted to avoid a scene with mom and you.

I've been finding real passion with Stacy.

She is so nice, but I knew you would not approve of her because of all ...
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My penis made it into the Guinness Book of World Records!

Librarian told me to take it out though

Soooo my 4 year old nephew just told me this. He's a little nerd but it made me chuckle. Knock knock...

Who's there?

Cows go.

Cows go who?

No idiot... Cows go moo!
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A woman asked a General in the army the last time he made love to a woman...

The general stood tall and said "1956 ma'am." The woman, taken back by this answer said "1956?! That long?! Let me make your night better..." and the two sauntered away to a private room. The woman began to strip and the two made passionate love for an hour. The woman cuddled up to the army general ...
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My girlfriend has made so much money since she's been on OnlyFans that I've got a new car and a set of custom golf clubs

I do worry that someone will recognize her in public and tell her she's on it though.
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I made this up on the spot and I'm really proud of it.

This isn't the best joke, but I'm really proud of how it came out. My sister and I are both in town visiting our parents for the first time in years. I keep dropping bad puns and my sister keeps yelling at me.

Tonight, we were telling stories from our youth, and I told her this one. She was r...
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A joke nobody has heard before because I made it up!

There was a man who made himself an outfit completely out of knives. Everywhere he went, any man who saw his outfit said he looked good but any woman who saw him went completely insane! Why?

It's because every girl goes crazy for a sharp-dressed man.
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My daughter just told me this and it made me laugh more than it should have...

Teacher: What was that noise?

Student: Sorry, my jacket fell on the floor.

Teacher: Why was it so loud?

Student: Because I was wearing it when it fell.
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We thought it was our ability to love that made us human,

but it turns out it was actually our ability to SELECT EACH IMAGE CONTAINING A TRUCK.
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I made a sex playlist for me and my girlfriend

Her complaint was that it was only 30 seconds long.

Twenty years ago, my friend made a website where you compare getting high from different drugs.

It was the original trip advisor.
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My 10 year old son made this one up. Why doesn't a snowman wear snow pants?

Because his snow balls are too big.

What do you call a Christmas wreath made out of $100 bills?

Aretha Franklins
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Brett Kavanaugh has stated that he will not be pressured into withdrawing his Supreme Court bid by the allegations made against him.

He sounds like the kind of guy who just won't take 'no' for an answer.
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Imagine the uproar if Blazing Saddles was made today.

People would say "this is plagiarism, make your own movie".
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Does anyone remember the joke I made about the Chiropractor?

It was about a weak back.
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Joke I made up: Caveman and a bear walk into a bar. Bartender says "what's your story?" Caveman says...

Bear with me...
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The young couple next door to me recently made a sex tape

I mean they do not know it yet.

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I made pot brownies with laxatives…

You know, for shits and giggles.

A woman got breast implants made of wood yesterday.

This joke would be funny if it had a punchline

Wooden tit
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I saw a sign that made me shit myself

It said "Bathroom closed"

I give to you a joke I made up when I was seven: Why did the computer crash?

Because it had a bad driver!

*drops mic*
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What sounds like a sneeze and is made out of leather?

A shoe
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I made a graph showing my past relationships

It has an ex-axis and a why-axis
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My wife came home and said “I’ve been selling my body for money today and I’ve made £300 and 50p”, I said who the hell gave you 50p.

She said “all of them”.
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If Dodge made an electric car...

Would it be called a Dodge Chargeable
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People are 63% more likely to believe a made up stat if you say it confidently

This increases to 78.47 if you add a decimal
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Congratulations to me! I just made my last mortgage payment!

I still owe like $262,000, but I'm just not going pay them any more.
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I've been trying to find an alarm clock made out of a potato...

...ever since I had a meeting with my boss about arriving late for work and he told me "Get a potato clock".
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The husband leans over and asks his wife, "Do you remember the first time we had sex together over fifty years ago? We went behind the village tavern where you leaned against the back fence and I made love to you."

Yes, she says, "I remember it well."

OK, he says, "How about taking a stroll around there again and we can do it for old time's sake?"

"Oh Jim, you old devil, that sounds like a crazy, but good idea!"

A police officer sitting in the next booth heard their conversation and, havin...

As an American, it makes me so sad to see that nothing is made in the USA anymore.

I just bought this new TV and it says “Built-in Antenna.” I don’t even know where that is.
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I just realized my countertop is made of marble..

I have been taking it for granite all these years.
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I made a mistake at the grocery store.

I went to get 6 Sprites. Accidentally picked 7up
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What made Adam and Eve's marriage perfect?

He didn't have to hear about all the men she could have married, and she didn't have to hear about his Mom's cooking.
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My little sister made a face at my mom and said "Guess who I am?"

My mom answered "Who?"

"Your daughter"

courtesy of my 4 year old sister about 20 minutes ago
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A joke my 8-year old made up: What do you call a chicken that's afraid of the dark?

A chicken
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My dad always told me he never made the same mistake twice

Must be why I'm an only child
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I used to have a rare psychological disorder that made me think I was various bodies of water.

I'm well now.
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85% of all Fords made are still on the road today...

The other 15% made it home.
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Imagine if your roommate made you watch a movie and left 10 mins into it. Dick move, right?

My point is old people shouldn't get to vote

I made a website for orphans.

Unfortunately it doesn't have a home page.
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What do you call a tire made out of 365 recycled condoms?

A Goodyear
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what kind of fish is made up of 2 atoms only?

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This past week I made a couple bucks selling fake eclipse glasses

I'm not to worried though, those suckers will never see me again.
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When I noticed "HI" in the alphabet I thought I had made a new friend

But then I saw the next two letters.
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Don’t you hate it when you can’t sleep because you are reminded of a mistake you made 2 years ago?

I hate it when my kid cries in the middle of the night
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If I had a penny for every Trump joke being made right now

I would have a small loan of a million dollars
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Whoever coined the term ‘delivery’ for childbirth made a big mistake.

It should have been called takeout instead.
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My girlfriend's dog just died, so I got her an identical one to cheer her up. It just made her more upset.

She screamed at me, "What am I supposed to do with two dead dogs?"
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My girlfriend used to smoke after we made love

so we started using lubricant
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Which cheese is made backwards?

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My 11 yo just made this up....

If grasshoppers eat grass, what do cockroaches eat?

Today I made my first money as a Programmer.

I sold my laptop.
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Officer: The victims were sacrificed to on a shrine made of antlers.

Detective: Dear god !
Officer: Most likely yes.
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My wife was surprised to hear that I actually enjoyed her punishment of making me sleeping on the sofa. I said that it made me feel manly, like I was camping.

…with a really angry bear somewhere close by.
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My girlfriend hasn’t made a single joke in the 10 years we’ve been together…

We're in a very serious relationship...
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A mom visits her son for dinner who lives with a girl as a roommate. During his meal, his mother couldn't help but notice how pretty his roommate was. She had long been suspicious of a relationship between the two and this had only made her more curious.

Over the course of the evening while watching the two interact, she started to wonder if there's more between him and his roommate.

Reading his mom's thought, his son volunteered, "I know what you must be thinking, but I assure you, we are just roommates."

About a week later, his roo...
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I told my sister to come work for me at my porn company and that last year I made $1 million. She said that’s gross.

I said “no, that’s net.”

So I made a graph of all my past relationships...

It has an ex axis and a why axis.
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Made love to my wife for an hour and four minutes tonight

Thanks, Daylight Savings Time!
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I made this joke up when I was eight. I'm very proud of it.

What's in the wardrobe?

Narnia business.
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Given that pico de gallo is made with regular tomatoes...

...we'd need really big tomatoes to make nano de gallo
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Two bowling teams, one made up of all blondes and one of all brunettes,

charter a double-decker bus for a weekend tournament in Atlantic City.

The brunette team rides in the bottom of the bus, and the blonde team rides on the top level.

The brunette team down below is whooping it up and having a great time when one of them realizes she doesn't hear anyth...
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Not to brag, but made six figures this year

They named me the worst employee at the toy factory
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I finally, after 35 years, have made my own two line joke

What’s a gooses’s favorite vegetable?

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At a bar, my friend made a remarkable shot in pool, and I asked how he did it.

He said, "When I am about to take a shot, it's like magic, I can just see the line where I need to shoot."

Then he threw a dart and got a bullseye on the first throw and I asked how he could aim the dart so well.

He said, "When I am about to throw a dart, it's like magic, I can just se...
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A young man robbed a bank wearing a suit made of many mirrors

But he turned himself in after taking some time to reflect.

Luckily the judge was lenient as he saw a lot of himself in the young man.
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Dolphin joke...made it up myself today. :)

An aquarium guide brought a group of visitors around to see the dolphins, which were split up into two tanks. In the first tank the dolphins were all having fun, playing around with a beach ball. In the second tank the dolphins were training, working hard on a new trick. One of the visitors asked...
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My wife is so fat that when she booked a flight they made her have 2 seats.

She was pissed off until I mentioned that she would get 2 meals

One Christmas Eve, many decades ago, Santa Claus announced to his elves, "I'm supposed to begin my annual flight in one hour. But there are still some toys that need to be made and put into my sack. I need all seven of my elite toymakers to finish the toys on time."

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Kringle," said the elf in charge of the workshop. "One of the elite toymakers is on vacation, and two are sick. I'm afraid we only have four elites tonight."

"So be it," said Santa.

It took two hours for the elves to finish making the toys. By the time they were done...
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What's the longest-lasting thing made in China?

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I've just made up a word...

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When I was a kid, I made a really big sandcastle with my grandma

Unfortunately, I didn't impress anyone at the cremation...
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One of my buddies made a trans girl cry yesterday. So I angrily asked, "How could you..."

"... propose to her without telling me first?"
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Make sure your viagra says "Made in the USA"...

We don't want Russia meddling in our erections.

Did you guys know that the Soviet Union made the best bread in history?

People would wait days in line for a single piece!
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A comment made in retort to my wife this morning made her laugh through the day

Not really a joke, but see if you people think its funny.

We got a young puppy atm and myself an wife usually get up at same time early each morning to sort her out. As she hasn't seen us for a few hours as she sleeps downstairs with cats, she gets excited and clingy first thing, so one of u...
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Where is happiness made?

At the satisfactory.
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The D.J. at a wedding reception yelled, "Would all the married men please stand next to the one person who has made your life worth living."

The bartender was almost crushed to death.
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Why were the Star Wars movies made in the order 4,5,6,1,2,3?

In charge of production, Yoda was.
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Made some Indian food for dinner the other night. While telling my wife what was in it, I said I'd used butter in one part, but wished I'd had some ghee instead. She looked at me quizzically, and I continued "Because it's more traditionally Indian."

"Ah," she replied. "Thanks for clarifying."


Note: this actually happened! She's a gem and I'm keeping her.

I dreamed I drowned in an ocean made of orange soda.

When I woke I realized it was just a Fanta sea.
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What do you call a shoe that is made from bananas?

A slipper
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My three year old daughter made this up...what did the potty training robot say?

Pee poop pee poop.

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Probably old, but I got it in email and it made me chuckle.

An Irish daughter had not been home for over 5 years. Upon her
return, her father cursed her heavily. "Where have ye been all this
time, child? Why did ye not write to us, not even a line? Why
didn't ye call? Can ye not understand what ye put yer old Mother

The gir...

I just watched an Australian cooking show and the audience cheered when the chef made meringue.

I was surprised...usually Australians boo meringue.
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A girl I dated made fun of me for being colorblind

That's a huge grey flag for me!
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Today, I'm going to open up the time capsule I made when I was a kid...

I can't wait to see how big my puppy is now!!!!
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Not sure if this is a repost or not but it made it into my FB feed

I was walking down the street when I was accosted by a particularly dirty and shabby-looking homeless man who asked me for a couple of dollars for dinner.

I took out my wallet, extracted ten dollars and asked,"If I give you this money, will you buy some beer with it instead of dinner?"
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A Halloween joke I made up when I was 12: What did Dracula name his boat?

The Blood Vessel
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Joke my kid made up when he was like 4.... What do you call an angry shopper using bad words?

A cussomer.
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Jack was very fat and his wife was worried about him, so she made him see the doctor...

The doctor weighed him and said, "You must lose 30 kg. Eat only fruits and vegetables and jog 5 km a day for the next 100 days. Then give me a call and tell me how much you weigh."
Jack went home and did what the doctor told him. 100 days later, Jack called the doctor.
"Jack here. Y...
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They made a Hindenburg-scented perfume

It's called Eau De Humanitie
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My brother and I made a bet— whoever lost our Scrabble game would have to eat a tray full of the tiles.

My next poop could spell disaster.

A man noted for telling puns was locked into a dark closet, and told he would not be released until he made up a pun about the situation. He immediately shouted,

"Oh, pun the door"
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I work in retail, a married man made me laugh

Me: Hi sir, can I help you?
Him: Nah I'm just looking for my wife
Me: Oh sorry, we don't sell wives here
Him: Good! Else you'd get a lot of returns!
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My 6 year old made this up while taking his bath...

Knock knock

Who's there?


Dwayne who?

Dwayne the tub before I dwown.
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I’ve made a website for depressed tennis players…

The servers are currently down...
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I made a New Year resolution to lose 20 pounds !

Only 24 pounds to go !
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My wife made a Freudian slip while we were making love.

She said, "Yes! Oh yes! Oh my God Sigmund!!"
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The last joke my brother made up, before he passed away this week.

Him: "If my name was Ella, and I married Darth Vader. My name would be Elevator". Stupid and corny, but it's exactly the kind of lame jokes he would make.
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I made a model of Mount Everest.

Not to scale, just to look at.
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I made a joke about Kim Jong-Un

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l made $48m today and I’m STILL having Burger King for dinner.

Just another day working at the Federal Reserve.
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Ferris wheels are predominantly made of steel...

If it was aluminium, they'd be non-ferris wheels.
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Daddy, what are clouds made of?

Linux servers, mostly.
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This morning I made my coffee using Red Bull instead of water...

...After 15 minutes on the highway I realized I left my car at home...
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No joke, Dubai spent billions on a bunch of man-made islands and they are now sinking.

I guess all the money in the world can't help erect-isle dysfunction
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Joke my 8 year old made up: " How do you make two C's out of one C?"

You have to use a C-Saw!
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What fabric are Mario’s overalls made of?

Denim denim denim
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As a boy, I was made to believe that earwigs lived in ears

Henceforth, I was terrified of cockroaches

A joke my brother made up when he was 13...

Two men were marooned on an island with no food.

After a week, they are both starving. To solve the issue of hunger, one of the men suggests that they cut off each other's legs and eat them to survive.
The other man agrees.

The first man, after a bloody and gruesome struggle, saws...
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A blonde walked into a shoe shop and saw a pair of shoes made from alligator skin...

A blonde walked into a shoe shop and saw a pair of shoes made from alligator skin that she liked.

“How much for these shoes?” – she asked the store manager.

“$300” – he replied.

“That’s too expensive! Can’t you bring the price down?” – the blonde.

The store manager said h...
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I made this awesome new material that is immune to chicken attacks.

It’s impeckable.
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My friends made fun of me because they found out that my girlfriend is imaginary...

Jokes on them, they're imaginary too.
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My wife asked me for peace and quiet while she made dinner.

So I took the batteries out of the smoke detector.
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In 1940 Goebbels made a speech...

Proclaiming that the Swastika was an example of the Golden Ratio.

Turns out it was a fibbin' Nazi...

Archeaologists in Egypt have found a mummy in a tomb in the pyramids made of chocolates and hazelnuts

His name: Pharaoh rocher
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Yesterday my manager said, "I'm off tomorrow, but if I come back and find that you've made one more mistake then you'll be fired."

So today, to save myself, I've made plenty of mistakes.
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Someone made a post offending handicapped people, but I didn’t reply.

The comments were disabled.
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What's the difference between explaining to your kids how babies are made and explaining to your kids that you're getting a divorce?

One story starts with "Sometimes, when two people love each other *very much*..."

and the other story starts with "sometimes, when two people don't love each other very much..."
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The Govenment made a recent announcement.....

.......that it is changing the national flag to a CONDOM, because it more accurately reflects the government's political stance.

A condom allows for inflation, halts production, destroys the next generation, protects a bunch of pricks, and gives you a sense of security whilst you're actually...

In Afghanistan, they've made it illegal to count the votes cast in any election.

It's the Tally Ban.
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a kid asks "mommy how are babies made?"

The mom replies:so kiddo,your dad and i loved eachoter so much that daddy planted a seed! i took care of it everyday until it sprouted,and we smoked it and got so high that we fucked without a condom

My wife made me buy something for her...

She said she'll pay me back but end up blowing me off.
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What did 50 Cent say to his Grandmother when she made him a sweater?

Gee, you knit?
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I told my friend I made $600 a month selling dog shit

He said: "That's gross!"

I said: "No, that's net."

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If this doesn't bring a tear to your eyes you must have a heart made of stone.

In 1986, Peter Davies was on holiday in Kenya after graduating from Louisiana State University. On a hike through the bush, he came across a young bull elephant standing with one leg raised in the air. The elephant seemed distressed, so Peter approached it very carefully. He got down on one knee, in...

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The other night I made myself a cocktail with whiskey, vermouth, bitters, and Adderall.

I call it an Upper Manhattan.

A young man was in love with two women and could not decide which of them to marry. Finally he went to a marriage counselor. When asked to describe his two loves, he noted that one was a great poet and the other made delicious pancakes...

"Oh." said the counselor. "I see what the problem is. You can't decide whether to marry for batter or verse."
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Why shouldn't you wear a bra that was made in Chernobyl?

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I made a little sandcastle with my grandpa.

Now I'm banned from the crematorium.
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Did you hear about the rapper who made a killing in the stock market?

Lil' Nas Daq
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Here's a joke I made up in high school, around 1981, or thereabouts

What do you call a cattle-rancher that's lost all his land?

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(Joke made-up by my 9 yrs old) If ordinary underwear are called under-pants and a storms underwear are called thunder-pants, what do you call a super heroes underwear?

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