
What's the opposite of an empath?

A W-path.

*edit* Thanks for the upvotes. My ten year old stepson made this one up, and he's very proud that his joke got so many upvotes.

This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

What’s worse than your daughter doing porn?

When your stepson joins her.

I asked my stepson "what would you like to call me"

"Pop" goes the weasel.

Wendy’s has the Baconator and a smaller Baconator called Son of Baconator

There is also a secret menu item called Stepson of Baconator where Wendy’s finds a burger and ignores it for 10 years while banging its mom.

Hey stepdad, can you tell me how an elevator is different from an escalator?

No stepson

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