
What do you get if you cross the king of Wakanda with a traditional Jewish baked good?

T’challah bread

Have you heard about the new trend? People are putting baked goods on their ear studs

Its pie-on-earring fashion

I don't understand what's so hard about describing a single portion of a soft and sweet baked good.

Honestly, it's a piece of cake.

What do you call a funny baked good?

a pun

I just found out that the mascot for a famous brand of baked goods overdosed on opiates.

Pills bury doughboy.

A French internet cafe had to cancel a CS:GO tournament it was supposed to host, after someone stole all the baked goods.

The gamers said the baguette loss was intolerable.

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Why do women hate my baked goods?

I keep offering them cream pies, but they always respond with slapping me in the face!

I recently started working for a charity that convinces local supermarkets to give us their expiring baked goods to donate to refugees and the local homeless. We're working in conjunction with local churches to help distribute donations. All of us are there voluntarily, after all..

It's a naan-prophet organization.

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What do you call a baked good that screwed up the internet?

A Shit Pie

The International League of Bakers is inviting countries which mainly export baked goods to join.

They're accepting dough nations.

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3 mothers are talking: a hen, a cow, and a bitch

They’re bragging about how important they are to humanity.

The hen says “I give people eggs, the most popular breakfast ever, and when I die I can feed a family for a night.”

The cow says “that’s nothing, my milk gets drank at any meal, humans make it into yogurt and all sorts of bak...

What's a stoners favorite dessert?

Baked goods

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Robert Plant, Paul McCartney, and Mick Jagger convene once a year to discuss all the great foods they've found travelling the globe on tour.

Robert is the first to excited reveal his 'big find'. He takes out a little pie tray from a brown paper bag and places it on the table.

"It's a pastry of some kind from Tanzania. It's akin to what we call a quiche, but uses yak cheese and quail eggs instead!"

"Fascinating" says Paul, w...

Ginger the baker

Once upon a time, in a very, very small town, there was a baker who was named Ginger. She was a very modest person, and not only was she humble, but also very soft spoken and kind. She was famous in the town for her baked goods, especially her cakes.

One day she was experimenting and created...

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