Why didn't King Solomon follow through with his decree to cut the baby in half?
Because he didn't like to split heirs.
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Trump followed through with his plan to get rid of illegal immigrants
By making America so bad they'll leave on their own.
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If PG&E goes through with the planned outage...
...then I guess we're powerless to stop them.
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What do you call getting run through with a spiked pole?
A very painful ex-spear-ience.
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I wan’nt originally going to go through with brain surgery...
But then I changed my mind.
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I decided to go through with my Emergency Cardiac Transplant
I had a sudden change of heart
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A high-society debutant is engaged to a low-born Greek guy...
Before the wedding, her mother takes her aside and says, "I've tried to talk you out of marrying this man, but you seem determined to go through with it, so just promise me one thing"
"Greeks have unnatural desires in the bedroom that are perverse, nasty, and disgusting. Just promise me now, ...
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My New Year’s Resolution is to stop making commitments that I can’t follow through with.
I guess I already failed.
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Being cheerful and peppy in the morning is a lot like committing murder.
We are all capable of it, but it takes a deranged individual to actually go through with it.
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Hickory Dickory Dock
Two mice ran up the clock. The clock struck one and the other got through with only minor injuries.
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