dumplingwonton soupwon tonsoupdumplingsfajitaveggiescallionstandard chineselasagnapotpienoodlesjiaozifrittatavermicelli

I ordered wonton soup at a local Chinese restaurant, but they misunderstood my order.

In unrelated news, I'm opening a soup kitchen.

How much do Chinese dumplings weigh?


Did you hear about the dyslexic guy who tried to order wonton soup?

He never got served. He kept saying "notnow"

My Chinese wife is very overweight.

She weighs wonton.

My family and I got takeout and we got wonton soup but we needed one more

so now we have twoton soup.

A contest in South Korea awarded a small amount of money for a large item of food...

A one ton wonton won ten won.

Is it ok to ignore dumplings in my Chinese takeout?

Or will I be charged with wonton neglect?

A chef at a Chinese restaurant flicked his cigarette into a pool of grease on his way out the door at the end of his shift. The restaurant burned down.

The next day the police arrested the chef and booked him on charges of wonton endangerment.

Factory arson

A factory producing frozen Chinese dumplings is reported to have suffered the worst case of arson in recent history, presumed to be the work of a disgruntled worker.

The police chief said he had never seen a case of such wonton destruction.

Why do they hate food fights in Chinese restaurants?

Because it's wonton violence.

Why shouldn't you start a war with China?

Because they'll show a Wonton disregard for human life.

Last night my friend trashed a Chinese restaurant...

Told him I was horrified by his wonton destruction

Did you hear about the Asian cuisine chef that dropped a dumpling on the floor?

He was charged with wonton endangerment.

Whats the difference between going to war with China and eating at a Chinese restaurant?

Wanton destruction vs Wonton consumption

What do you call 2000 pounds in Chinese?


I was chopping up some leftover dumplings from my soup at a Chinese restaurant when suddenly it hit me...

I was engaging in acts of wonton destruction.

What do you call it when Chinese soup almost falls off a table?

Wonton endangerment.

“You like soup?”

“Yea, especially thick heavy soups. ”
“oh what’s your favorite heavy soup?”
“wonton soup”

Edit. Thanks to the 6 people that found this terrible joke upvote worthy.

What’s the heaviest food in the world?

Wonton soup

Did you hear about the officer who shot his pistol into the Chinese restaurant?

He was charged with wonton endangerment.

Today a large shipment of Chinese dumplings was thrown to the ground and smashed into crumbs by vandals who are unhappy with a change in the savory treat's recipe.

Local officials are said to be appalled by the wonton destruction.

A group of thugs barged into a chinese restaurant recently and smashed up all the dumplings...

Such pointless wonton destruction.

Why was the dim sum restaurant condemned?

They had a wonton disregard for safety.

I just tore a dumpling in half

It was wonton destruction

Why was the Chinese dumpling behaving in a deliberate and unprovoked way?

It was wonton.

What do you call a high security U.S. prison in China?

Wonton-amo Bay

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