
What do you call a fake noodle?

An ImPASTA !!!


Bet you tell at least one person, that joke :P

A friend asked me how many types of noodles there are

I said the pastabilities are endless

What’s a noodle that only costs one cent?


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A list of puns

Here's a list of puns I've been collecting:

How do you throw a space party? You planet.

How was Rome split in two? With a pair of Ceasars.

Nope. Unintended.

The shovel was a ground breaking invention, but everyone was blow away by the leaf blower.

A scarecrow says,...

Did you hear about the new Vietnamese noodle / southern BBQ fusion restaurant?

It's called Pho-Q

What condition does a noodle have when it doesn’t feel like it’s good enough?

Impasta syndrome!

A Macaroni, a Penne and a Spaghetti were drinking wine in a bar one evening. They saw a noodle sitting by himself and discussed inviting him to join them.

They all agreed he looked Cannelloni.

EDIT; Thank you for all the awards, I guess I pasta test!

A brother hits his sister in the eye with a pool noodle.

It was an accident but the girl gets a really nasty black eye. So the next day the girl gets to tell to all her friends about it and blames the brother. The brother doesn’t like the unwarranted attention.

He goes to his father and tells him he doesn’t like his sister telling everyone he hit ...

What do you call a noodle hotel?

The Ram Inn

What’s a cannibal’s favorite kind of noodle?


What do you call a fake noodle?


What’s the WiFi password at a Vietnamese noodle shop?


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I’m going to open a Japanese Noodle restaurant as an Italian man in a Muslim community.

The Ramen Don

What do you call the European king who became a noodle chef?


What do girls and noodles have in common?


They both wiggle when you eat them.

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What did the Japanese chef ask to his boiling noodles?

Udon yet?

Threw out a noodle I found in a packet of spaghetti.

It was the impasta.

Two guys always order the noodle soup at “Kyoto soup restaurant”

Two guys always order the noodle soup at “Kyoto soup restaurant”. Every time they order the soup the same person always serves them.
“Hey ching chong hurry up will you” the first man always says. ...

What do you call a noodle bowl that was accidentally made much smaller than intended?

A pho cup

What do call a fake noodle?

An impasta.

Sorry, just wanted to copypasta.

What did one stoner noodle say to the other?

Pasta blunt homie.

What do you call a scared noodle?

Fettuccine Afraid-o!

I know this terrible joke about noodles...

It’s the pho-king worst.

A semi truck full of Ramen noodle caught fire today and the whole shipment was considered ruined

The total loss came out to be $73

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What do you call a fake noodle

An Impasta!!!
Sorry lol

Edit- getting lots of downvotes. I get it, it's a stupid joke but i'm just trying make people laugh. Maybe even chuckle a little bit:) hope everyone is having a good day and if your day was shitty I hope it gets better:)

What do you call a noodle without any sauce?

A noodist

My dream is to create a bioengineering startup that solves world hunger by developing a self-replicating noodle

Laugh now, but one day you're going to see my Copy Pasta everywhere.

What does a noodle say if they see a noodle being very slow?


A Vietnamese restaurant is offering herbed potato sticks served with a bowl of noodle soup.

Thyme fries when you’re having pho.

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I was in the supermarket the other day and there was a girl in front of me at the checkout, she had one apple, one pear, one toothbrush, one cup o noodle, and one can of soup.

I leaned over and said, "You're single arent you.."

She says, "Yes, but how did you know?"

I said, "Because you're ugly as fuck!"

What's a Jamaicans favorite noodle?


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Pubes & Noodles

A man eating noodles in a restaurant calls the waiter and say "There is a pube in my noodles. I am leaving and not paying for this". The restaurant owner is pissed and asks the waiter to chase the client.

The waiter follows the man who is heading to a brothel. He eventually finds him nose dee...

How do noodles say hello in Germany?

Gluten tag

Where do poor Italian noodle makers live?

In the Spaghetto.

Don't eat royal sausage in Vietnamese noodle soup

Trust me, it's the Pho King Wurst

What’s the heaviest noodle in the world?

Wanton Noodles.

What do noodles call the shady part of town?

The Spaghetto.

Me: I reckon if we got a dog we should call it Noodles.

Wife: That's silly, we eat noodles.

Me: If this recession gets bad enough, yes, we would.

What do German poodles and Chinese noodles haves in common?

They have oodles in common!

Today I learned the history of the word noodles

Back in ancient Asian territory, they created a food product. They chose to trade it with the Western world. When asked what they called this food, they realised they didn't have a name for it yet. It was a great food that always ended with empty bowls, so they decided to take the English words 'nau...

What do you call a thick noodle?

An impasta.

(Don't know if this has already been posted on here so...)

How does an Asian noodle say goodbye

Chow main

What did an impatient pot of water say to the noodles?


Last night i had a dream i was eating noodles

But when i woke up i couldnt find my earphones.

Loving noodles is almost as if you are religious

Can I get a ramen?

How much did those noodles weigh?

Won Ton!

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