resolveanswerunderstandfigure outwork outsolutionriddleworklickreasonproblemguesspuzzle outquestionarise

Americans are the best at solving Rubik’s Cube

They have a long history of sorting and separating colours

Need help solving a joke with no punchline

In April 1998, Roger Ebert published his review of Paulie, a movie about a talking bird on a road trip. He wrapped up the essay with a joke he claims to have made up.

"On the other hand, just to be fair, I should mention that parrots make great subjects for jokes. I know about a dozen, includ...

Being married is solving problems together.

Problems I wouldn't have, if I was single.

Sherlock Holmes was always reluctant to take credit for solving a mystery

Oh it was nothing, he would say. The police would have solved it in time.

Everyone knew he was just being modest. Be he ever so humble, there's no Police like Holmes.

Why are racists so good at solving rubik's cubes?

Cuz they looooove seperating colors.

Engineers solving a problem

A guy goes on a trip with 3 Friends; an electrical engineer, a physics engineer and an IT specialist. Few hours into the trip the car breaks down. The electrical engineer says: "Well i know this issue, there must be some problems with the electronics of this car". The physics engineer says "Of cours...

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I'm with the government when it comes to solving our countries problems.

I haven't got a fucking clue either.

Solving a crime in Alabama must be so hard

Everyone has the same damn DNA

Crossword solving husband

Husband doing crossword with his wife

Husband: Emphatic no, five letters.

Wife: Never

H: Pistol, 3 letters.

W: Gun

H: Disgust, 3 letters.

W: Ugh

H: Charity, 4 letters.

W: Give

H: Female sheep, 3 letters

W: Ewe

H: Pixar movi...

Why are chemists good at solving problems?

They have all the solutions.

Sherlock Holmes and his assistant Watson are solving a mystery

Sherlock: all the bodies were outside he school gates

Watson: how do you know that? I don’t see them.

Sherlock: Elementary my dear Watson, I can see blood that must have congregated around the bodies forming these shapes *points at the ground*

Watson: well what else do you know?...

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Solving a problem

A Kansas farm wife called the local phone company to report her telephone failed to ring when her friends called - and that on the few occasions, when it did ring, her dog always moaned right before the phone rang. The telephone repairman proceeded to the scene, curious to see this psychic dog or se...

Did you hear about Quasimodo solving the murder case ?

apparently he had a hunch.

What did the geometry teacher say when the class had trouble solving a problem?

Let’s try a different angle

How come in math we are always solving for x?

Because with my ex, I'm always trying to solve for why.

Why do zombies have no interest in solving easy puzzles?

Because they are no-brainers.

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Two blondes solving a crossword

Two blondes are spending some time together, the one is watching TV while the other struggles with one particular crossword question for some time now...
After a while she decides to ask her friend for help..
- Do you know the answer to the clue "Female sex organ"?

Having a crush on someone is like solving a math problem.

If you know you can't get it, all you can do is just stare at it.

New deep learning system achieves state of the art in solving calculus problems

Hopefully it can show me how to integrate my natural log into someone else's vector space

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Suspended from school, was watching porn while solving for cos÷sin

I got cot.

I was trying to come up with a name for my group of mystery-solving chickens

Apparently the Clue Clucks Clan was already taken.

I’ve been solving derivatives everyday, for a week and I haven’t been able to do more than 20 a day.

I guess that’s my limit.

Sergeant: ‘Are we any closer to solving the case of the missing dog-walker?’

Detective: ‘Well I’ve got a lead but nothing else has turned up’

Police are asking for help in solving a recent string of burglaries. The perpetrator, apparently suffering from IBS, does #2 on the kitchen floor before escaping.

So far they have no firm leads.

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Why is Hitler like solving the equation (x/10^6)=-6 for X?

The final solution leaves you with - 6,000,000

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