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Shoplifters are the most introspective criminals.

They are always taking stock.

I got the award for Shoplifter of the Year, '22!

I didn't win it.....

My Dad used to be a shoplifter…

But one day the shop fell on him.

In America, "five finger discount" means you're shoplifting

In Saudi Arabia, "five finger discount" means you got caught shoplifting.

I almost got busted for shoplifting candy today...

But I got out of it. I've got a couple of twix up my sleeve.

Senior Shoplifter

A cranky older woman "in her senior years" was arrested for shoplifting at a grocery store. She gave everyone a hard time, from the store manager to the security guard to the arresting officer who took her away. She complained and criticized everything and everyone throughout the process.


A miser tried to shoplift for a few smaller items

She was arrested for a salt and battery

How do you treat a shoplifter with a belly ache?


My dad caught me shoplifting and said, "you're taking a big risk…

we need the travel version."

I never thought I'd be shoplifting from a kitchen supply store

But that's a whisk I'm willing to take


This 80 year old woman was arrested for shoplifting in a supermarket.
When she went before the judge he asked her, 'What did you steal?'
She replied, 'A can of peaches.'
The judge then asked her why she had stolen the can of peaches, and she replied that she was hungry.
The judge asked h...

I got the 'Best Shoplifter Award' the other day!

I didn't win it though.

There's a gang going through town, systematically shoplifting clothes in order of size.

Police say they are still at large.

I once tried shoplifting a James Bond dvd...

...but a security guard scared the living daylights out of me.

Judge: "Lady, you shoplifted a can of tomatoes, so I sentence you to four weeks in prison, one for each tomato."

Lady's husband: "Your honour, don't forget she also stole a can of peas."

Gorgeous women have trouble successfully shoplifting

Because everyone in the store is trying to check them out.

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A teenage boy is caught shoplifting

The shop owner knows the boy's family so he just chews him out and calls his Dad who takes him home and grounds him. The boy's grandfather sees him crying and asks what's wrong. Through sobs the boy tells his grandfather what happened.

The grandfather says "You need to grow some balls son. S...


An old lady gets caught shoplifting.
On court day the lady and her husband who goes with her stands before the judge and he says to her, "Why did you shoplift?" And she says "I was hungry." The judge says "What did you take?" She replys, "A can of peaches." So the judge trying to figure out how ...

I saw a woman busted for shoplifting at the DIY store today.

She had a ladder in her stocking.

I gotta say I'm impressed with shoplifters

Those are heavy

A man walked into a store and shoplifts items from the electronics ilse and the condements ilse.

A few weeks later the police catch the man and bring him to court. Befor the judge he please that he diddent steal any items. Stunned the judge looked at him and said sir your in court for claims of "asalt and battery."

I’m being accused of shoplifting.

I take it they’re not happy.

What did the Iranians do after shoplifting?


What happened to the man who shoplifted a calendar on new years eve?

He got 12 months!

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What do old people and shoplifters have in common?

They both leave stores with more shit in their pants than they came in with.

A woman gets called to court for shoplifting...

The judge asks, "So, you stole something from the grocery store?"

"Yes," the woman says.

"And what did you steal?"

"A can of peaches, Your Honor," the woman replies.

"And how many peaches were in the can?" the judge asks.

"Six," the woman replies.


I always go shoplifting for chocolate bars using slight of hand.

I certainly have a few Twix up my sleeve.

Grover the Grocer and the Shoplifter

Grover the grocer ran a comfortable business, with one recurring malady--a persistent shoplifter named Gwen. Grover knew she was robbing him blind, but couldn't seem to catch her in the act.

This continued for quite a number of years until, as fortune would have it, one day he caught her redh...

It's hard to explain puns to shoplifters.

They always take things literally.

I shoplifted 23 cans of Pepsi from the store and got arrested, but the judge dropped the charge

He knew i stole 23 cans of Pepsi, but he said that doesn't make a case.

A women is in court for shoplifting a tin of peaches

The Judge says, you are a persistent offender, I've decided I'm going to make an example of you, I'm going to open a tin of peaches and for every peach I count, you will get a month in jail.

He counts 7 peaches, sentences her to 7 months inside and asks for her to be taken down.

As sh...

Despite not being a shoplifter, I know what goes through their heads.

"I'm not buying it."

Yesterday i went to the store for oversized boardgames

I kind of wanted to shoplift something, but the risk was to big.

I can count the number of times I've been caught shoplifting on one hand.

Which is just as well, as I live in Saudi Arabia.

Several shoplifters detained today, including a woman who stole a vibrator

Why do they do it - is it just for the buzz....

Why was the bodybuilder banned from Walmart?


A man was in a court after being caught shoplifting a can of peaches.

The judge asked him, "How many peaches were in the can you stole?"

The man replied, "Five".

The judge gave him his sentence, "You will have five weeks in prison, one for each peach in the can".

The wife of the man, who was present in the court room, raised her hand and said, " Y...

A judge was trying a man on the charge of shoplifting shirts and pants by wearing them out of the store.

The judge saw the evidence and declared, "Guilty! Case Clothed!"

An elderly woman gets picked up up for shoplifting...

...a can of peaches at the local grocery store. When she arrives at the courthouse for her hearing, the judge asks her "Why did you steal the can of peaches?" to which she replies "Because I was craving peaches very badly and had no money, sir. I am very sorry." The judge sits and thinks for a minut...


"Great news, Mr. Oscarson," the psychiatrist reported. "After eighteen months of therapy, I can pronounce you finally and completely cured of your kleptomania. You'll never be trapped by the desire to steal again. "Gee, that's great, Doc," the patient replied."And just to prove it, I want you to sto...

A local store recently had an incident where a dwarf was spotted standing on the shoulders of two vampires and hiding merchandise beneath their cloaks.

He's being charged with shoplifting on 2 counts.

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In my day, we never had Pirate Bay and Limewire

We had to walk two miles to the record store and shoplift that shit.

Apologies for bad English this is a regional joke from my language

Bill was announcing in the middle that he could shoplift anything from the store cross the street.
A man heard it and asked him to get 5 kg rice bag from the store.
Bill went in the store and came back with a 5 kg rice bag.
The man who challenged him said :You would be happy to know tha...

Binghamton University's Athletic Director compared the mens basketball team to a zoo. The Binghamton Zoo responded with the following letter:

I am tired of hearing that blight on Binghamton University, the men's basketball team, being referred to as a "zoo." The Binghamton Zoo at Ross Park has just received re-accreditation by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums, the industry's governing authority. We achieved this status by being in th...

My favorite wisk broke

I saw the same one at the store but I didnt have any money for it so I decided to steal it. I knew the repercussions of shoplifting, but it was just a wisk I was willing to take.

Don't believe everything you hear.

I went to the goose store the other day and asked if they had any deals. He said he wasn't sure but to feel free to take a gander. And now here I am, in jail, with my "shoplifted goose".

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I took some viagra and now my erection won't go away.

I think I have a shoplifting fetish.

A ghost was arrested

And placed in a holding cell with others as they await processing. The ghost turns to the man and asks "what did you get arrested for?"
"Shoplifting" he says, "how about you?"

The ghost smiles and says "possession".

I just took a DNA test, turns out, I'm 100%

going to jail for shoplifting.

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If you have sex with a hooker without paying

Is it shoplifting?

Breaking News

Local police are seeking a shoplifter who attacked a store this lunch time but was tackled by a have-a-go shopkeep with his labelling gun.

Officers say they're seeking a man with a price on his head.

- RIP Ronnie Corbett.

Why did the bodybuilder go to jail?

He was caught shoplifting

The priceless moments of my LIFE.

\~a shoplifter

I just got a ladder in my tights.

I truly am a talented shoplifter

Did you hear about the tornado who got arrested?

They got him for shoplifting.

What do you call it when you go to the store just to use their dumbbells and then leave?


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You're at the mall when a security guard comes up to you.

He (falsely) suspects you of attempted shoplifting.

You try to explain to him that you're not, but he thinks you're getting aggressive and trying to resist arrest.

He pulls out his taser.

What happens next may shock you...

Old lady thief....

An 80 year old women was caught shoplifting a can of peaches.

During her court appearance the judge asked the lady "So tell me why did you steal the peaches?" to which the old lady replied, "Your honor I was very hungry because my husband and I have no money to eat".

The judge then ask...

On the first day of Juvenal court, the judge was sitting down to start reviewing the day's cases.

"Bring out the first defendant," He said to the new bailiff. He left, and came back a moment later with young boy who was accused of shoplifting. He was covered in black soot, wore tattered overalls, and over-sized work boots and gloves.

The judged asked the boy why he came to court ...

John was a police officer known for being brutal and unjust.

He was a malicious man, injuring people for shoplifting and killing robbers. His partner, a blonde officer, never called him out for it, always blinded by her own ignorance. After work one day, he and she heard something in the closet. John moved in to investigate, when a man in a pig mask jumped ou...

My buddy Sam is a thief.

My friend Sam wasn't always this way. You see, we grew up in the poor part of town, although his dad worked hard and provided, where mine was not around much and when he was my mom always yelled at him to find a permanent job. As a child I remember showing up to his house every day before school and...

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