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Where do insects shop at?

The Flea Market!

A woman ran screaming into the pro shop at the golf course...

"I just got stung by a bee between the first and second hole!"

The guy at the counter said "Your stance is too wide".

Why doesnโ€™t Robert Plant shop at Aldi?

No quarter

Why does the chicken shop at the dollar store?

Because everything is a buck, buck, buccccck

What's President Trump's favorite store to shop at?


Why did Michael Jackson shop at Walmart?

Young boys pants were always half off.

Why do hippies shop at Ikea?

Because no trees were harmed in the making of their furniture.

Why does Jesus shop at the discount store?

Because Jesus saves

Why don't terrorists shop at Walmart?

They prefer a Target.

Why does Michael Jackson shop at k-mart.

Because little boys pants are half-off.

Sorry I know this joke is too old to be one of his victims

and I know it is bad taste to make fun of the dead.

RIP K-Mart you will be missed.

This joke may contain profanity. ๐Ÿค”

Why doesn't Justin Bieber shop at Sport's Authority?

Because he likes Dicks.

Hey baby do you shop at Aldi?

Cause you'll love Aldi's nuts.

Why doesn't Elin Nordegren ever shop at the fish market?

Because Tiger is always bringing home crabs!

What do you call a shoe shop at the bottom of the sea?

Davy Jones's foot locker.

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