postage stampmailpostcardpostlettercourierairmailemailsnail mailwritingtelephonepassportparceldutyposts

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A guy goes into the US Postal Services to apply for a job.

The interviewer asks him, "Are you allergic to anything?"
He replies, "Yes, caffeine. I can't drink coffee."

"OK, have you ever been in the military service?"
"Yes," he says, "I was in Afghanistan for one tour."
The interviewer says, "that will give you 5 extra points toward empl...

It must be hard for women to work in the postal service.

It’s such a MAIL dominated industry.
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Air Postal Service

A man sets down three pieces of luggage at a very famous **International Airlines** (*that shall not be named*) check-in counter and says, "I want the brown bag to go to London, the black one to go to Paris," he said. "And keep the third bag here till my return from Australia next week for pick up."...
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What's the difference between the Secret Service and the Postal Service?

One protects your secrets and one goes through your mail, and you'll *never* guess which is which.
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Postal service jokes don't need much setup

It's all in the delivery
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US Postal Service was considering a new Trump postage stamp...

But in the early focus-group testing, most people were spitting on the wrong side causing the stamp not to stick to the envelopes.
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The Postal Service just released a new postage stamp commemorating Prostitution ...

They only cost 25 cents. But if you want to lick them, they're a dollar.
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I have a joke about the postal service.

It will be delivered tomorrow.
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I got a job with the Postal Service

So I could tell people I'm a mail escort.
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I will tell you joke about czech postal service.

But i dont know if you get it.
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The US Postal Service created a stamp with a picture of President Trump

However, the stamp wasn't sticking to the envelopes. This enraged the President, who demanded a detailed enquiry into the matter

After weeks of testing and $ 1 million in Congressional spending, a special Presidential commission presented the following findings

"The stamp is in perfe...
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My joke about negligence in the postal service isn't bad

but the delivery is messed up
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What kind of tattoo does a Postal Service worker get?

A tramp stamp, and it says, "No postage necessary if nailed in the US."
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[old joke] A navy officer sent a letter to his wife that he would be arriving a week earlier..

When he arrives,he finds his wife in bed with another man.

Disgusted, he goes to the navy base and stays in the lodge contemplating what to do next.

The next day, he receives a call from his mother-in-law who is also a wife of a naval officer.

" Rose told me everything" she sai...
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What do the Dallas Cowboys and the Postal Service have in common?

Both, don't deliver on Sundays.
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The U.S. postal services came out with a new Donald Trump stamp. Although they received many complaints that they were defective!

After polling the public on how the stamp is defective, they figured out nothing was wrong with the stamp at all!

The americans were just not spitting on the right side!
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John Cleese Joke ..

The U.S. Postal service created a series of commemorative stamps commemorating lawyers, but they had to withdraw them within a couple of weeks because people couldn't figure out which side of the stamp to spit on.
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Hey guys did you know FedEx and UPS are merging?

The postal service is gonna be FedUp
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Article on the future of L.A. rapper "Post Malone" was withdrawn from print by local mail service.


Post on post-Post Malone's career and goals was postponed from posting by postal service.
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I’m starting a club that prints out and mails content from r/jokes to people without internet.

It’ll be called the re-postal service.
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Saw someone post this on Facebook. Got a kick out of it.

This morning I was awoken by my alarm clock powered by electricity
generated by the public power monopoly regulated by the U.S. Department of Energy.

I then took a shower in the clean water provided by a municipal water

After that, I turned on the TV to one of the FCC-re...

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The nudest colony. NSFW. Long.

A man retired after over 30 years working for the Postal Service.

He decided that he was going to fulfill his lifelong desire to join a nudist colony.

After some research he found a nude beach that fit all of his criteria. On one beautiful Saturday he decided to go and visit. He arrive...

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