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Someone keyed the music teacher’s car

Fortunately, the damage seems to B minor
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A music teacher

A music teacher is being questioned by the police about his connection to a series of murders in the area. Eventually, they decide that he is the murderer they’ve been looking for. They ask the man, while handcuffing him, if there is anything he would like to say. He gestures with his head to a post...
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My music teacher taught me how to steal sheet music...

He told me to take notes.
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After hearing me sing, my music teacher said that I should be tenor.

Ten or twelve feet away from all musical instruments at all times.
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A music teacher walks into a bar

As he is very upset he sees only one person sitting at the bar, who is actually a student of his.

He asks angry: "Are you the little shit who keyed music notes on my car?!"

The student says: "Yes, but why are you so mad? The damage appears to B minor."

My music teacher at school told me never to hit a drum again or I could get in serious trouble.

I did, and he was right. There was serious re-percussions
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My music teacher constructed a piece for heterosexual killer whales.

That's something I wouldn't know how to orca straight.

Where did the music teacher leave her keys?

In the piano!
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My music teacher was arrested

because he was caught fingering a minor
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Why couldn't Beethoven find his music teacher?

He was Haydn
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A music teacher is facing the judge in court

After a few minutes, the judge recognises the man and asks him a question. "Hey, wasn't it you who taught my son to play the drums?"

"Uhh... yeah?" he replied.

"Life in prison for you!"
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What do you call an Indian music teacher?

Ms. Singh
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Why was Roy Moore a bad music teacher?

All he knew how to do was finger a minor.
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I got a phone call from my son's school today

Hello, is that Mr Jenkins?

Yes, how can I help you?

Hi, This is little Billy’s music teacher calling

Oh, hi

Yeah, hi. I just wanted to let you know it looks like you have a little Elvis Presley on your hands!

Really? Wow! That’s..

Yeah, we just found him dea...
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I got fired from my job as a music teacher today

Called a student's house and told his parents, "you know, your son John is pretty good in my class. He reminds me of a young Elvis."

"Oh really? Is he really that gifted in music?"

"No," I replied. "I just found him dead on the toilet."

Why was the high school music teacher controversial?

Because he had his students read band books.
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What did the math teacher tree say to the music teacher tree?

Nice log rhythms
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I got a call from my son’s music teacher today.

He said, “You have a little Curt Cobain on your hands.”

I said, “You mean he’s a great singer?”

He said, “No I mean he just shot himself in the head with a gun.”
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Did any of you hear about that pedo music teacher?

The one who broke a G string while fingering A minor.
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My music teacher got electrocuted yesterday

Unfortunately he was a great conductor.
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I told my music teacher I wanted to play the drums.

He said "Beat it!"
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A horse is sitting at home, watching MTV...

He's watching a heavy metal music video, and the guitarist plays an amazing solo. The horse says "that looks amazing, I want to do that!"

The horse goes to the phone book, looks up a music teacher and calls him. "Hi, I'd like to learn to play guitar." Says the horse.

"Sure," says the m...
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One day a horse is watching a music video [Long]

One day a horse is watching a music video and decides that he himself, wants to make a music video.

In preparation, he goes to the phone book and looks up a local music teacher. He calls him up and says

"Hey, I saw that you teach musical instruments, and I really want to ...
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My music teacher called me that my son is like Elvis Presley I was so proud

Then the teacher said: Yeah we found him dead on the toilets
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Barnyard Blues

There’s this horse in a barn and he’s watching TV and he sees a rock band playing music so he calls up a music teacher “Hey, I wanna learn to play guitar, there’s only 1 problem I’m a horse” music teacher says “no problem I can teach anyone anything” 2 months go by and horse is shredding it on the g...

Fortunately her pa is rich

"So you think your daughter has exceptional talent?"

"There's no doubt of it," replied the fond mother, "although we can't exactly locate it. The music teacher says it's for painting and the art teacher says it's for music."
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The music teacher at the school my niece goes to was out sick 2 days last week. The school had a dog fill in for her.

He was a sub woofer.
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I just yelled"F,YOU GUYS!" at my students

God, I love being a music teacher
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A young Freddie Mercury walks into a music class

Music Teacher: "What instrument do you play?"

Freddie: "The crowd."

Music Teacher: "What do you mean?"


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A Mans walking in a cemetery and he hears this noise...

It sounded like someone was using a eraser. He walks towards a grave and it gets louder. So he digs up the casket and sees Mozart Erasing all of his music,and the man says "Mozart what are you doing!" Then Mozart says "I'm decomposing"
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John was starting to worry about his 12 year old son Jack.

Jack was a D student, and only because John helped complete all of Jack's homework. Jack wasn't good at sports. He didn't have many friends. And it seemed like once a week he was getting called into the principal's office for some sort of misbehavior. So John told Jack, in a last ditch effort to get...

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Boy comes up to his father and says: “Dad, math teacher wants to see you”

"What happened?", father asks.

"Well, she asked how much would be 7*9, I said '63'. Then she asked, "And 9*7?" I said, "What the fuck difference does it make?"

"Really, what the fuck difference does it make." father said. “I'll talk to her."

The next day, the boy comes home fro...

So a man was walking through a graveyard...

When he began hearing music coming from one of the graves. So he followed the sound and ended up at Beethoven's grave. Then he recognized the music, it was Beethoven's 9th but it was playing backwards! So the man called up his friend to come check it out and when the friend arrived Beethoven's 7th w...
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My grandad sent me this

Enjoy the fun & the pun.

Q: Can February March?

A: No. But April May!

Q: Did you hear about the painter who was hospitalised?

A: Reports say it was due to too many strokes!

Q: Have you heard the joke about the butter?

A: I better ...

A prolific composer dies and is buried in him hometown.

Weeks after the funeral, one of the townspeople gets drunk and tries to find his way home. In his drunken stupor, he finds himself lost in the graveyard. When he comes across the composer's grave, he begins to hear a strange, haunting melody. This terrifies him, and he runs out of the graveyard scre...
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Three musicians and their wives are all killed in a terrible accident on their way to a music conference.

They are music teachers -- a band director, orchestra director, and choir director. They arrive at the pearly gates and, after a bit of a wait, St. Peter appears and asks them what they want. The one steps forward and says, "I'm a band director, and my wife and I just died and would like to get into...

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