“We’re rotating on the earths axis at 750 mph and revolving around the Sun at 67,000 mph, moreover we’re moving, in relation to other galaxies, at 490,000 mph...”
“So my question is Your Honour, in the strictest meaning of the word ‘speeding’, are we not all in a sense ‘guilty’ ? “.
An English businessman is composing a letter to his competitor:
*Regrettably, I cannot dictate to my secretary what I think of You, since she, after all, is a lady. Moreover, I don't even have a right to think of You like that, since I, after all, am a Gentleman. However, I am certain that You will understand me correctly, since You, after all, are neither.*
Is this a very old joke?
A Greek lands on a beautiful uninhabited island and writes a poem about it.
A Roman finds another beautiful island devoid of people and he builds a statue to himself there.
A Celt finds yet a third island with no people and starts a fight.
**I just thought of a variant:**
The Truth About My Jokes
It has recently been brought to my attention that many of the jokes I tell my friends, family and peers can be classified as 'Dad jokes.' Moreover, it turns out that most of the people I share these with don't actually enjoy them, they've just given up on me stopping at this point.
Two ...
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Bicycles are bad for national economy
Oh Yes Mr. Reader, Bicycles are bad for national economy, even if its sounds ridiculous but it is always true that: -
Cycling is a danger to the country
Now reasons:
• He doesn't buy cars
• He doesn't take loans
• He does not insure the car
• He doesn't b...
The ultimate gift
Three sons left home and everyone went their own way ...
When they returned home together, they boasted about the gifts they gave to their aging mother.
The first said: "I built a big luxury house for my mother." The second said: "I sent my mom the latest Mercedes with the driver."<...
This joke may contain profanity. 🤔
If General Motors Built Cars like Microsoft...
This is an old joke and sadly some of this has come to pass.
If General Motors Built Cars like Microsoft...
At a recent computer expo (COMDEX), Bill Gates reportedly compared the computer industry with the auto industry and stated: "If GM had kept up with technology li...
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