generation xbaby boomsomeonesomebodyunited statesbarbievietnam warthe beatlesgeneration jonesboomerdemographyworldwidecohortgenerationrhetoric

How many baby boomers does it take to change a light bulb?

None. They just hire someone to do it and complain how back then a bulb used to cost a nickel

What's the difference between a baby boomer and an avocado

One is a soft, wrinkly vegetable

The other one is an avocado

GenXer's, Millennials, Baby Boomers


I have convinced my grandma that the baby boomers are as dependent on technology as us.

When she said " you millenials are so addicted to technology" I quickly glanced at her life support. That was the last time she said it.

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I'm so disappointed in baby boomers...

My cum sock developed a better culture than them.

What do you tell your wife when a baby boomer calls?

A boomerang

Did you here about the old guy who gave toddlers dynamite?

He was a Baby Boomer!

If I had a dollar every time a baby boomer insulted me...

I could afford a house in the economy they ruined

Baby boomers are always talking about the things they miss that millenials are taking away from them.

You know what we'll miss when we're old? Trees.

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So there are the baby boomers, generation x, and millenials. What do we call the next generation?


What's a baby boomers favorite Pirates of the Caribbean quote?

Take what you can, give nothing back!

How many millennials does it take to change a light bulb?

Don't know, the baby boomer that has the job now can't retire because they never saved anything and millennials all have LED lights that last longer.

What do you call a 2 year old in ISIS?

A baby boomer.

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Why does old people porn always seem believable?

Because baby boomers are actually delivering pizzas in retirement.

How many baby boomers does it take to screw in a light bulb?

None. They'll leave it how it is, expect millennials to clean up after them, and call them selfish and entitled when they get called on it.

Mohammad bin Salman is 33 making him, technically, a Millennial...

...so now Baby Boomers can add "Journalists" to their list of "things Millennials are killing".

I was born in 1988, so you might think I'm a millennial

But please don't assume my generation. I actually identify as a baby boomer.

[Request] Jokes about retirement

I've been using the same joke to open for retirement seminars that I teach and it's been difficult to find good clean jokes about retirement that I can deliver in front of a room of baby boomers. If you have a joke I can share, I'd love to hear it. Here's what I use now: A man prays to God to ask fo...

The Baby Boomers decided to leave us with one last present.

This Presidential election.

I hate when a generation refuses to work and still expect to receive government checks

Those baby boomers in Congress sure are entitled snowflakes

I know the shutdown is done, but I think this joke is funny and I made it up myself.

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