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A sniper rifle and an assault rifle meet eachother at a dance party

They get along quite nicely and go out for a drink. The assault rifle falls in love with the sniper rifle, and decides to ask if the sniper rifle wants to be her boyfriend. However, the sniper rifle declines. Distraught, the assault rifle asks why he said no, to which the sniper rifle replies:
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A man just assaulted me with milk, cream and butter.

How dairy.

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Comedian Jeff Dunham has been accused of sexual assault

After allegations from his coworkers saying that he's been fisting them for decades.

Just look up his Youtube channel if you want to see evidence of this abuse. Millions have just sat by and watched while these poor souls suffered through tremendous pain right in-front of them.

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A man goes into his doctors after being assaulted by an elephant in the jungle.

As the man explains what happened in the jungle the doctor is confused.
"Well, I can't see any injuries on you, so what happened?"

The man responds
"Well you see Doc, the elephant knocked me down and.... Had his way with me.. I know it's bad but can you have a look for me?"

The d...

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We really shouldn't joke about sexual assault here.

It's a touchy subject.

I was assaulted by a group of mimes.

They did unspeakable things to me.
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Just found out that my old 3rd grade teacher is now doing time in prison for sexually assaulting a student.

I gotta say, he always rubbed me the wrong way.

I threw a seasoning at someone they said it was assault

But it was pepper

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I punched a white man in the face and was arrested for assault..

The next day when I got out, I punched a black man in the face and was arrested for impersonating a police officer.

I was assaulted by 6 dwarves last night.

Not Happy.
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R Kelly found guilty of 11 counts of sexual assault

Or 18, if you ask him to do the maths

Did you hear about the man who assaulted someone with a woodwind instrument?

He's a registered Sax offender
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Roy Moore says he’ll bring “Alabama values” to Washington, but I’m not so sure. I mean, he sexually assaulted teenage girls...

But he wasn’t related to any of ‘em!

Putins army is on an assault in Ukrainian.

And a platoon is making their way through a Wooded area when someone heard a twig snap over the hill in front of them.
The commander sends a scout out in front to find out what was in front of them. Some minutes go by and their scout calls out “an Ukrainian man is spotted about 200….. pzzz” and t...
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A Wolf and a Hare are being drafted into the army.

The Hare goes in first to be tested. An officer shows him a pistol:

O: What's that?

H: I don't know.

O (showing him an assault rifle): What's that?

H: I don't know.

O (showing him a grenade): What's that?

H: I don't know.

O (showing him a brick): What...
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The police are saying I "assaulted" some guy with a sheet of sandpaper.

But I only roughed him up a bit.
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Did you hear about the robot who assaulted someone?

Turns out he was charged with battery
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French assault rifle for sale

Never fired, dropped only once.
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I went to buy an assault rifle today

Astonished by the price, I asked the clerk:

"Do I get a student discount?"
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A guy enters in a bar, angry af, with an assault rifle.

The whole place goes silent as he slams the door.

Angry guy : Who in here slept with my wife?!?

Some random guy at the back of the bar starts to laugh.

Angry guy : What's so funny?!?

Random guy : No chance you have enough bullets in that gun !
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New 911 audio recordings of Chris Browns assault on Rihanna has been released to the public for the first time.

It’s called Chris Browns greatest hits.
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Donald Trump said, "I declare April as Sexual Assault Awareness month."

His aide said, "So what do think are some good ways to prevent it?"

Trump replied, "Prevent it?"

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I hate sexual assault jokes-

Really, no one asked for them.

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Ron Jeremy was arrested for sexual assault

Because Ron Jeremy is 67 years old, Prosecutors are worried the evidence won't stand up in court.
Further, Ron Jeremy is entitled to a jury of his peers. Prosecutors are afraid it will be a hung jury.

*assault rifle tips fedora*

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Screamed the guy who put Sodium Chloride on soap.
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Bill Cosby was charged with sexual assault

I guess the proof was in the pudding

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Cosbys sexual assault case


The Australian Armed Forces recently declassified documents detailing their rationale for choosing the Steyr AUG as the Army’s assault rifle.

“Buy local.”
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My dad got incarcerated for assault during a parent teacher meeting.

He stood on principal.

What is it called when you get assaulted by a fish?

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Two peanuts were walking down the street, then one was assaulted

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I lost my job at the hospital today for sexual assault....

It's not my fault that they put up a sign that said, 'stroke patients downstairs'.

They lifted there blades, in one last final assault...

The battle was long, perilous, and gruesome. The twins made it through nearly three quarters of the enemy battalion before reaching the final lines of the fray. Wielding naught but rags and broken tools after their endless nightmare, they saw the end stretching over the thin horizon.

One last...
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The soldier who got assaulted by pepper spray and mustard gas in WW2...

... Is now a seasoned veteran.
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A Witness is Testifying in an Assault Case involving a broom

DA: Can you tell us what happened next?

Witness: Ya this guy tried to shove a broom up the other guy's ass!

Judge: Watch your language in my courtroom!

DA: Rectum?

Witness: Rectum!? Damn near killed him!

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There may be some validity to the sexual assault claims against Donald Trump.

After this election, it is clear he doesn't take no for an answer.

I once abused someone with a dictionary...

The judge didn't know whether to charge me with verbal or physical assault
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Just been assaulted in a health food shop! Someone threw a massive bottle of cod liver oil tablets at me.

Fortunately I only suffered super fish oil injuries.
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what do you call a robot that is sexually assaulted?

R2 me2

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Finally decided to get some counseling on sexual assault.

Turns out, it’s only for the victims.

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A 95 year old man was founded not guilty of sexual assault...

He was however arraigned with charges of assault with a dead weapon

Did you hear about the power source that was arrested for assault?

It was charged with battery.
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A slug was assaulted by a snail...

...and the snail was arrested and brought to trial.

At the trial the judge said, "OK, slug, tell the court what happened."

The slug said, "I don't know, your honor...everything happened so fast."
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How do you call an assault made by twins?

Attack of the clones
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A detective was interviewing the victim of an assault.

The victim described the assailant as a leather box with a handle on it. The culprit was arrested 30 minutes later.

It was a brief case.
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What do you call an assault by a Pacific Islander?

Hawaiian Punch
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Did you hear about the guy who assaulted a reposter on a prescription drug sub?

He was a pharma karma farmer harmer.
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With all the recent allegations of sexual assault...

I want to come out that I sexually assaulted a lamp. I know it isn't illegal, but it does shed light on my past

what does alex trebeck say before committing assault?

oooh im sorry, the correct answer was yes
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I was sexually assaulted by a ghost.

Didn't see it cuming.

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Captain Hook is claiming that he was sexually assaulted by his first mate some years ago.

It's a classic case of he said, Smee said.

Why did the English teacher assault his dumb student?

He was hoping for a sentence.
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I was arrested for assault with a chicken.

The cops suspected foul play.
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Did you hear about the number of sexual assault allegations against Bill Clinton involving coercive oral sex?

It's jaw dropping.

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During a military assault by Hun, Mulan’s company suffered a bombardment and she was knocked out.

When she wakes up, the doctor tells her: “I have bad news for you, buddy.”

Fears that her true identity has been found out, she nervously asked the doctor what is it.

“I just checked your injuries and, well your dick is gone.”

I used to make bets with a cop that he’d never get away with assault.

He beat me every time.
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Did you hear about the guy that escaped from a loony bin, went to the laundromat and assaulted some patrons, then ran away?

The headline in the paper read,

> Nut Screws Washers and Bolts.
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Michael J Fox is the next hollywood star accused of sexual assault.

His victim said "his hands were everywhere"

Police Officer: Ma'am, can you describe the person who assaulted you?

Woman: Oh yes, officer. I'm certain it was that man on the TV who hijacked that truck full of electric razors.

Police Officer: Ma'am, I'm afraid you been hit by, you've been struck by, a smooth criminal.
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I got charged with sexual assault for slapping a geodude on the ass...

I think my life is over now that I've hit rock bottom.

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Captain Morgan now facing sexual assault accusations. Local authorities asking victims one question.

Have you had a little Captain in you?

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Chumlee was arrested for sexual assault, drugs, and guns.

Do you think Rick will go to the court and haggle down his sentence?

Did you know that when you shoot different guns the smoke smells different?

For example a pistol won’t have a strong smell since it’s tiny.
An Assault rifle would smell like a lot of gun powder for how fast the bullets come out.
And apparently shotguns smell like teen spirit
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Police hunting a man for indecent assault.

Applications close next week.
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With all these workplace sexual assault cases it makes me wonder.

How has Ron Jeremy gotten away with it all these years?

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I'm proud of myself, I stopped two sexual assaults last night.

I stayed in.

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Why do male victims in Hollywood forget their sexual assault incidents?

They were feeling Spacey.

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Why was the Water's sexual assault case against the Oil thrown out of court?

All of the physical evidence was immiscible.

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Why didn't the saxophone get fired from his teaching job after multiple accusations of sexual assault?

he was a tenure sax

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A friend of mine was sexually assaulted by a gang of mime artists last night...

They did unspeakable things to him.

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Why is a fencing sword more likely to commit sexual assault

because its a bit rapier.

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David Blaine has reportedly been accused of two sexual assaults.

Apparently he touched two women and they disappeared.

The #Metoo movement is getting out of hand! Now there are assault allegations against Slenderman!

But don't worry, they're all faceless accusations.
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I got kicked out of Comic-Con for assaulting a guy who didnt know who Keanu Reeves played in The Matrix

That was the second time I've been called a neo-nazi.

I thought it impossible to get assaulted over duck puns...

...But my target finally quacked.
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I stopped hanging out with one of my friends when he was charged with sexual assault;;

I'm worried he might rub off on me.

A pastor was charge for assault after claiming he was a pacifist.

He also stated that if anybody disrespects the Bible they will catch these pastor fist.
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I was at a party...

I was walking around when I realized I had left my watch on the bed in the master bedroom. I worked my way through the crowd of people and opened the bedroom door. There on the bed was a guy who was sexually assaulting a drunk girl. I walked right up to him and punched him square in the face. No...

What do you call an assault which is both positive and negative?

A battery.
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Polyphemus the cyclops learns his assaulter's name and yells to Poseidon to strike him down Poseidon asks why?

"He's O-dissing-us"
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A biker is passing the zoo when he sees a little girl leaning into the lion’s cage.

Suddenly, the lion grabs her by the cuff of her jacket and tries to pull her inside to slaughter her under the eyes of her screaming parents.

The biker jumps off his bike, runs to the cage and hits the lion square on the nose with a powerful punch. Whimpering from the pain the lion jumps back...
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Oxygen and potassium went on a date...

...it went ok.

Oxygen and magnesium went on a date.

The other chemicals were like 'omg'!

Two noble gases went on a date.

There was no reaction.

Two protons went on a date.

There was no attraction.

Hydrogen and chlorine went on a date.

They felt...
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How to differentiate between the branches of the US armed forces:

If you give the command "SECURE THE BUILDING", here is what the different services would do:

The NAVY would turn out the lights and lock the doors.

The ARMY would surround the building with defensive fortifications, tanks and concertina wire.

The MARINE CORPS would assault the b...
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Did you hear about the man that sexually assaulted a Wal-Mart cashier?

He is a register 6 offender.

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Last night, a man assaulted me with milk, butter and cheese.

Not much to say really, I got whipped and he got charged with assault and buttery.

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