streetlanearcadebarfootpathmanhattanalleywaygaragebowling alleystairsseattleskittle alleyback streetsan franciscoparking

A tourist wandering through the back alleys of San Francisco’s Chinatown finds his way into an antique store

A bronze statue of a rat catches his eye, and he asks for its price.

“The rat costs twelve dollars,” the shopkeeper says, “and it will be a thousand dollars more for the story behind it.”

The tourist, being a shrewd American, pays for the rat, telling the old man he can keep hi...
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I told my friend i have got a new job at a bowling alley

She said "Tenpin?" I said, "No, it's a permanent job."
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A prostitute slipped on cum while servicing a man in an alley

She fell down and poked her eye on the man’s hard dick.

A witness told a policeman, “She looked a bit cockeyed.”

Two men are walking down a dark alley

Suddenly, a mugger approaches them with a gun and demands them to give him all of their money.

The two guys look at each other, and begrudgingly take out their wallets. The first guy turns to the second and says "oh yeah, here's the $10 I owe you."
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