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Twenty years ago, my friend made a website where you compare getting high from different drugs.

It was the original trip advisor.

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I found a website with guaranteed real virgins [NSFW]


I made a website for orphans.

Unfortunately it doesn't have a home page.

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I was furious when I found my wife's profile on an on-line dating website.

That lying bitch isn't, "Fun to be around."

Misleading website.

Just like to warn my homies about a site that I stumbled across. I wasted thousands of $ and hundreds of hours of my time viewing page after page and I couldn't find one single air circulation device for sale, which is strange because according to the title of the website it should have had literall...

What does my Grandma and a Modern website have in common?

Making me Accept the Cookies on every visit.

I was just on a diabetes information website...

It asked if I would accept cookies. Is that a trick question?

Thinking about starting a cooking website for chefs of all cuisines and ethnic tastes to show their skills.

Going to call it OnlyPans.

Reddit is the most eco-friendly website

Everything here gets reused a million times

Russia started a new website that tracks down and deletes pirated movies.


My job is hosting a dating website for insects…….

Don’t judge me. I’m just trying to make ants meet

Since Facebook claims ownership of everything you post on their website

I think I should start uploading my bills.

What is Eminem’s favorite website?


I’ve made a website for depressed tennis players…

The servers are currently down...

A new dating website has been taking Alabama by storm...

It's pretty uncommon in other places, so you may have heard of it. It's called OnlyFams.

I found a really good website for bipolar disorder.

Unfortunately it keeps going down randomly

I went to a website about causes of obesity.

A window popped up that said ‘accept all cookies’. It all made sense.

I built a website for the homeless

They finally have something they can call a home (page)

What's the most NSFW website on the internet?


What website has the information on all DJs?

The wiki wiki

I went online to order Oreos and the website errored

My VPN was rejecting cookies.

I built a website for kinky guitarists

It’s called FretLife

Kanye West has decided to creat his own social media website

It will be called “Hear Ye, hear Ye”

All websites use cookies.

Except English websites. They use biscuits.

I made a website for Kids' jokes.

But for some reason people seem hesitant to go to kidslaughter.com

Website....We use cookies to improve performance.


Just been banned from a Christian dating website.

Apparently "Hung_Like_Jesus" isn't an appropriate user name!

What do you call a doctor who fixes websites?

A URL-ologist.

A dad bod is like a poorly designed website.

The best part is below the fold.

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Why does my porn website have a share to google+ button?

...I dont want people to know I use google+

OnlyFans launched a new step sibling content adult website...

They call it OnlyFams!

If your mom was a website, what would she be

Public domain, cuz everyone uses her

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Just got a job working on PornHub's website

Now I'm always working hard

I went to the website for Oreos today

I hit "Accept All Cookies" and got nothing.

I found a website that steals jokes from Reddit.

I know they are doing it because I kept seeing variations of the same joke repeated over and over again.

Grandmothers are like websites

They keep asking you to accept their cookies.

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I realized that Tinder is the exact opposite of most websites in porn website ads.

There’s tons of hot single ladies in my area, but none of them want to fuck me.

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[NSFW] A porn website reviewer finally found a website he can give a 10/10 rating

Since then, he's been gushing with enthusiasm.

What is Josh Duggar's second favorite dating website after Ashley-Madison?


Tried to sign up to a website the other day...

I put my password as "beef stew"

It said password not stroganoff.

What is the best website find information about a DJ?


A website walks into a gun store

A website walks into a gun store and gets loaded.

I found a website where non-binary people sell used items

It’s called eThey

I found a good website for conjunctivitis.

It's a site for sore eyes.

I wrote a bot script to get past website security

So far its managed to evade captcha

I'm starting a social media website for religious people with a lisp


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I just tried to set up an account on the Weight Watchers website.

Asked me "will you accept cookies?", the piss-taking bastards.

What game character takes you to a website?


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Watching movies on illegal websites are probably the hottest thing you can do.

I mean, why else would all these horny singles in my area be ready to chat.

Never trust a website with purple terms and conditions.

They clearly violet your privacy.

What do you call a dating website for QAnon believers?










BTW it's about Cupid not stupid, just in case anyone gets offended lmao

Whats Super Mario's Favorite Website?


I’m at war with this website

And you just reddit here first

Want to know why this website is called reddit?

because, every time you read a post, you have already read it.

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I made a website full of sexy images of Archduke Ferdinand. It's called...


99.99% of the people on this website are not smart

Glad I'm the 1%

My friend and his wife found each other on a dating website,

Three years after marriage. That was awkward.

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The government has decided to ban all alcohol adverts on pornography websites

When asked, an official commented:

'We made this decision for the wellbeing of the kids who watch it'

A crafting website for people who have seizures


Reddit's website was down yesterday.

And nobody had any idea what to do. There were no profits to be made while Reddit was down. Most of the workers had either gone home or were sitting at their desks doing nothing. The executives started losing it. They had already lost several thousand dollars of ad revenue from a lack of clicks. The...

All these websites asking me to accept these cookies...

But I still haven’t gotten even one of them!

Why did support group website for jealous husband use http?

Because they were insecure

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I'm gonna make an adult website for gardeners

it's gonna be called hydropornic

CDC website: new free online COVID-19 test available

How it works is like this: you visit the site with your phone, you spit on the camera lens and then send them that picture--and just from that photo, they can tell if you're an idiot.

What does a website for orphans look like?

Pretty empty, there’s not even a homepage.

I created a website for unfinished t's, i's, and j's.


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What do you call a website that steals all of Reddit's Hitler jokes?

Nein Gag.

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Woman posts on dating website...

... what's she's looking for perfect husband who wouldn't run away from her, wouldn't beat her, and would be amazing in bed.

Week later, she hears someone's ringing the door, and as she opens it, she sees young man in wheelchair, but he has no arms or legs.

Confused, woman asks *"What ...

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So a girl browses for guys to date on a website

She demands three things: that he must never hurt her, that he will never run away, and that he must be very good in bed.

A while later, her doorbell rings and she answers the door. To her surprise, it was a man with no arms, no legs, just like Nick Vujicic.

He introduces himself: "Hi,...

What do you call a website without net neutrality?

<Please upgrade to Reddit Gold Package™ to read this post>

TIL Reddit has one of the most effective carbon offset programs of any website

Which is unsurprising considering /r/jokes consistently achieves a 100% recycle rate.

How do you call website, where you can watch online horror movies?

Screaming service

Did you hear about the new website most popular with Alabama THOTs?

Only Fam

A man with a speech impediment goes on a dating website..

This dating website has you make a short video for your profile to introduce yourself, so the man makes his video and says "Hi my name's Daniel and im Deaf"

The man successfully scores a date with a woman who happens to know sign language

That night he shows up to the date and to his d...

I went to an adult website and searched for good Christian content.

Turns out it was all missionaries.

I just realized why adult websites have a bunch of incest recently.

Everyone is clicking on 'Show more related videos'.

You can buy, sell, or swap just about anything on the Gumtree website. I recently got a motorbike for my wife

Good trade, would recommend, 10/10

My friend found a brilliant sausage website

I’ve asked him to send me a link

What is a heroin addict's favorite website?


I made a website for orphans as well.

But you need your parents’ permission before going online.

What do you call a website where you pay to look at pictures of Spanish desserts?


What do Amazon Prime and a fanfiction website have in common?

Free shipping!

I just finished designing a website for an orphanage

You need your parents permission to access the site...

A bee, a fly, and a mosquito signed up for a website that sometimes stings, usually stinks, and mostly sucks. What website is this?


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I made a username called "My Dick" on a website.

The website said that it wasn't long enough.

What's the most popular website in Illinois?


I found a website for broken guns.

It's not loading!

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I joined a Dating website the other day,

they asked me what i was interested in,so i wrote,

'Page 3 girls, I think they're really sexy'.

I wondered why i hadn't had any responses until i realised the letter 'P' on my keyboard wasn't working

People that don't know the difference between two, to, and too should be banned from this website.

Their so freaking stupid!

Which is the smallest video sharing website?


I registered to a website for constipation sufferers.

It won't let me logout.

TIL there's a website that recycles 98% of its pages.


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I'm thinking about starting a donation website for men who can't afford Viagra

I was going to call it "Dick starter"

It's a bit ironic a website filled with people that don't read the articles

is called "Reddit"

On the website ETSY, I bought a wallet made out of a FleshLight.

Obviously, I've recently come into some money.

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What's the most important website for every computer geek for all his problems?


I got rich by creating an anonymous imageboard website.

I made a 4chan.

I am going to start a website to review Vietnamese restaurants.

It's going to be called Friend or Pho.

I've just signed up to the slimming world website.

Once I've logged in, it asked me to accept cookies.

I think it's a test.

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I ordered an extra large T-shirt from an online Roman website.

They sent me fucking forty regular.

What do you get when you combine an image board website and a popular puzzle game show?

Wheel of 4chan!

What do you call a French website hosting multiple chat rooms?

A *chat*eau.

Why is Facebook Trump's favourite website?

Because it has a wall.

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