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Pornhub now has a category for Coronavirus videos

It's for sick fucks.

My 5 year old son found videos meant for adults only...

...but he obviously couldn't understand the advanced calculus lectures from my university, so he stopped watching.

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There's going to be a list published of the top 10 most viewed porn videos.

What is the world coming to?

I started watching exercise videos to get in shape.

So far I've watched several dozen videos, but haven't lost any weight. I'd quit watching them, but I've lost the remote and I'd have to get off the couch to turn off the TV.

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My neighbors started makes sex videos.

They just don't know it yet.

Why was princess Zelda sad after watching a bunch of YouTube videos?

She couldn't find the link in the description.

My wife and I found some S&M videos on my son's computer...

"What should we do?"

"Well, we can't spank him."

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I heard pornhub plant a tree for every 100 videos watched

I guess I’m gonna “single handedly” save the planet then

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What do you call a farmer who does sexual videos?

A cornstar

What does a werewolf YouTuber say at the end of his videos?

Don't forget to lycan subscribe!

In 2019 I will only watch 4K videos

It is my New Year’s resolution.

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Why do grandmas always watch porn videos until the very end?

To see if they get married.

What resolution does a racist shoot his videos in?


My wife is into these pimple popping videos on YouTube.

She's completely abcessed.

After seeing watching videos and tutorials online, I finally tried to tie a knot using my tongue.

But I only ended up getting tongue-tied.

Saw some videos about the fires burning near Athens.

Apparently nobody told the firefighters that you can't use water to put out a Greece fire.

What do you call a potato that makes videos for the internet?


I watched so many programming tutorial videos in college

My inner monologue started developing an Indian accent

Youtube is introducing a new system of recommending youtube videos

The old system seemed to be biased towards videos of old presidential candidates playing beat and tempo games, so they finally decided to retire the al-gore-rhythm

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This morning my daughter asked if she could watch titty videos.

Did you know that sometimes little kids make a t sound when they mean to make a k sound?

Anyway I gotta go I'm in a bunch of trouble.

I'll start watching all my videos at 4k(2160p) from tomorrow.

Its my new year's resolution.

Last night my parents found S&M videos on my laptop.

"What should we do?" My mom asked.

"Well we can't spank him!" My Dad replied.

My friend just emailed me a compressed nsfw video

sigh... *unzips*

I don't understand why Youtube demonetized my videos.

It just makes no cents.

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I watch ghost videos whenever i take a poo

They scare the shit out of me

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Internet videos are like boobs

Who cares if they are fake

What do you call a potato who posts videos online?

A You-*tuber*

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I prefer illegally downloading bangbros videos over watching free sites.

It feels more like I'm the one fucking the porn stars.

Where do sheep go to watch funny videos?


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I can't watch erotic law enforcement videos without snacks.

I need popcorn for my cop porn.

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I found an Onlyfans filled with videos of girls slamming their butts together

It’s kinda weird, but I think they’re just trying to make ends meet

There's a new website that hosts videos of people playing brass instruments.


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What dessert do they serve in porn videos?


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The young couple next door are making sex videos during the lockdown

They just don't know it though...

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What does American economy and pornstar in stepsis videos has in common?

Well, both are getting fucked hard and daddy is fucking clueless.

My friend developed a video streaming app that rejects every choice you make, and plays random Russian videos instead

He calls it *Nyetflix*

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I got blackmailed by a person who claims to have nudes of me

Jokes on him, now I filmed myself, send him daily videos and ask for money to make me stop.

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Some reddit jokes are like porn videos

You click on the title and scroll just to see if it’s really as long as the title says

My wife wants to do adult videos at a high elevation

She'll be camming around the mountain when she comes

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Why are incest videos so popular on PornHub right now?

Because West Virginia finally got internet access.

I always get sad when I watch videos of gorillas using sign language to ask for food.

It's a shame there are so many deaf gorillas.

Facebook keeps suggesting that I watch videos of former American Vice Presidents dancing.

All to do with the Al Gore rhythms, apparently.

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Rooms at the IKEA's showroom are like porn videos.

You will never be able to do the same at home.

At the University, I used to make videos of urine at different resolutions.

I even got a pee HD.

I had a dream (true story) that I was watching YouTube videos on how to turn large animals into cars.


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