eventfestivalshowaffairoccasionsocial occasiongalapicniccompetitionbirthdayanniversarypromparty hatfunctionparty

Why do ducks hate going to social events with other animals?

They always end up getting stuck with the bill.

Why can’t you take electricity to social events?

Because it doesn’t know how to conduct itself.

Why was the filmmaker hated at social events?

He was super imposing.

Two redditors go outside to a social event

Oh wait, redditors don't go outside.

Last night, I met some university students having a social event for the Frisbee society

But there wasn't much to discuss.

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Take a cab if you're drinking

With the holidays upon us I would like to share a personal experience with you all about drinking and driving after a "social event" with friends.

This past Friday, I was out on a post-Thanksgiving evening with several friends. I had a
few cocktails, followed by several glasses of wine. De...

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