
I hate how politically correct the world is these days, you can't even say black paint

You have to say

Leroy, please paint that wall

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Not for the easily offended - my favourite politically incorrect joke...

Man is walking through park. He sees a girl in a wheelchair crying.
"What's wrong?" man asks.
"Never been kissed before" girl says.
Man kisses her and she goes home happy.

Next day man walking through same park. Sees girl in wheelchair again crying.
"What's wrong?...

How do you begin a politically incorrect joke?

President Ben Franklin walks into a bar...

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Politically Correct joke

It's no longer politically correct to direct a joke at any racial or ethnic minority so:

An Englishman, a Scotsman, an Irishman, a Welshman, a Gurkha, a Latvian, a Turk, an Aussie, a German, a Dutch, a Yank, an Egyptian, a Chinese, a Jap, a Pakistani, a Mexican, a Spaniard, a Portugese, a Rus...

Fast & Furious : The politically correct edition

Fast 10 - The seatbelts

Why is the Z the only politically-correct letter?

Because all the other letters are not-Z's.

Politically charged joke. Knock Knock

Who's there?


Putin who?

Putin a doorbell I'm tired of knocking.

Politically correct

I identify as as a comedian
My pronouns are HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE


I had the joy of meeting a couple of hipsters today, and they yelled at me for making fun of them. Apparently the politically correct term is "conjoined twins".

It may not be "politically correct" to say this...

...but there are over one million U.S Senators.

Someone called me racist for saying "black paint"

Apparently the politically correct term is "Tyrone, please paint the fence"

I won the first place in the Politically correct quiz contest

To be fair, so did the rest of them

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TIL that it's not politically correct to say someone is gay...

The preferred term is "Navy enlisted personnel."

My friend tries hard to be politically correct

Talk about the pot calling the kettle African American

PSA: the term “Hipsters” is politically incorrect and is considered an offensive slur in many circles

Please use the medically-recommended term “conjoined twins” instead.

Is this the right place for politically incorrect jokes?

I have this great one about President Benjamin Franklin.

I don't care if it's not "politically correct"...

But I think the president of Europe is a really nice guy

Politically correct people are great comedians

Even when they say something's not funny people keep laughing

A politically incorrect joke about language

Investors want to make a holiday resort on an uninhabited island. They hire 3 experts to get life going there.

To the Frenchman they say, "you are in charge of cuisine".

To the German they say, "you are in charge of accommodation".

To the Finn they say, "you are in charge of su...

What do you call politically correct chocolate?

Her/she kisses

TIL: Historically, eunuchs have been really wealthy and politically powerful.

It’s part of their compensation package.

People think that I'm stupid because I ask them for money in exchange of politically incorrect opinions.

Well, I beg to differ.

There are so many politically correct terms for disabled people nowadays...

Things like "special needs," "special ed," and "special Olympics," that's why it worries me so much when I hear of the "special forces" going to war.

I was attacked by a politically correct zombie.......

I screamed “oh no a zombie!”
And he replied “ummm actually the term is living impaired”

Politically correct chat up line

20th century man in a bar - "hey gorgeous can I buy you a drink?"

21st century man in a bar - "I consider you aesthetically pleasing and on that basis request permission to purchase for you a beverage. If this is acceptable to you, please read this contract and in the boxes provided list you...

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What do you call exotic dancers in a politically unstable region in the Middle East?

Gaza Strippers

It is no longer politically correct to call tweakers, tweakers.

They are Methican Americans!

I just came back from a trip to Thailand and I was quickly surprised by the many Caucasians. I was then reminded that this is not the politically correct name for them.

They would not like to be called Caucasians but Ladyboys instead

What do you call a politically correct large expensive house?

A Persion.

What do you call an politically active Ewok ?

An Ewoke

What did Google say to the politically incorrect employee?

I can help you search for a new job.

What do PC Master Race people identify as politically?

The Alt-Tab.

Whats the most politically divided animal?

The polar bear..

I'll see myself out...

I hate how politically correct things are these days. You can't even say the word stupid without people getting offended.

I started to tell a Polish joke to a group of guys and one of them said "Hey, I'm Polish and that joke offends me!" Fair enough I thought, no one likes to be stereotyped. So I swapped out the word "Polish" for "stupid" and started the joke over. Same guy got offended.

Who is the most politically neutral person in the world?

A pedestrian crossing the road.
He looks left, right and walks straight.


I tried to be politically correct for the holidays this year

but "Caucasian Christmas" proved considerably harder to sing than I expected...

What do you call it when Ant-Man makes a politically incorrect joke?

A microaggression.

A friend of mine is so politically correct....

At the deli he is afraid to ask for " white American " cheese.

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