growevolvebuild upacquiretrainchangeprepareexplicatematureformulateproducework upmodernizeexpandimprove

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I'm organizing a convention for a charity that develops and donates devices which provide audible alerts for deaf/mute individuals at their moment of orgasm.

We'll let you know who's coming.

What's the difference between a yogurt and The USA ?

If you leave the yogurt alone for 200 years, it develops a culture

Edit : didn't think i'd have to do this but here we go.

This is a Joke subreddit, this is a joke.

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A professor develops a theory to determine how truthful patients are when asked about their sex life.

According to the theory, the wider the smile is, the more frequent the intercourse.

To put his theory into practice, he invites some of his patients into the practice.

He goes up to the first one, asks him a few questions and, seeing the smile, asks:

\- You're together once a w...

What do you call someone who develops cutlery

A cutting edge technologist *cue groans*

What develops great logistical skills in a man?

Having three mistresses at the same time.

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A guy develops a dark spot on his forehead.

He goes to the doctor. The doctor looks and says:
“I’ve read about this before. In a month you’ll have a full sized penis growing out of your forehead.”
The man’s eyes go wide and he says:
“Well then operate! Get rid of it!”
The doctor shakes his head. “It’s connected to your brain. If I...

What car develops over a long period of time?

A Volvo

A company develops a machine for evaluating IQ.

The scientists developing it asks for the help of the supervisor, manager and president of the firm to test the machine.

When the supervisor places his head on the machine, it responded: 'IQ 160', and he was very impressed.

When the manager places his head on the machine, it re...

What's the difference between America and cheese?

If left for a while, cheese develops culture.

If a crack develops in your backyard...

Is it your fault?

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The first thing that develops in a human embryo is the asshole.

Some people just don't grow out of it.

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In Bilbo Baggins' old age, he develops an addiction to Viagra.

For many years, he tries his hardest to break his bad habit, but he just can't seem to stop. Eventually, he overdoses on Viagra and dies.

The moral of the story: Old hobbits die hard.

The vaccine conspiracy

Linda had a heart attack and was brought to the emergency room while in clinical death. The doctors managed to revive her, but during her coma she saw a bright light and God appeared to her. She asked him:

"Tell me, God, is it true that vaccines could cause autism?"

"No, autism is a co...

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A man is driving down the street one night and sees a nun hitchhiking on the side of the road.

Wanting to do a good deed, he pulls over and offers to pick her up.

Thankful, the nun gladly accepts his ride and tells him where she is heading. This happens to be on the way for him anyway, so even better!

The conversation on the way is a bit stiff at first — you know, not really kno...

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