pointareanookboxedificebuildingcountrynicherecessrecessionquointreeturning pointincurvationstreet corner

Why do hockey rinks have curved corners?

Because if they were 90 degrees, the ice would melt.
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God said a good woman would be found in one of the four corners of the Earth

Then God made the world round.
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My Neighbor Is Trying To Argue That Spheres Have Corners

I don't listen to his ramblings because they're pointless.
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If your cold, go stand in a corner…

Because corners are always 90 degrees.
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What happens when you don't cut corners in your business?

You end up with squares
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I masturbate in corners a lot.

I guess you could say I’m a bit of an anglephile.

Corners of Love

I believe the right girl for me is out there, in some corner of the earth...

But unfortunately, the earth is round.
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In the seedy corners of the pokeverse,

In the seedy corners of the pokeverse, dirty establishments hide more 'greasy' businesses. a customer walks into one such place and resquests their finest lady.

A large breasts woman with a beautiful face takes them into a private room, and after they are done 'copulating' he lays back, a sat...

Going around corners too fast...

...that's how I roll
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What has 3 sides, 4 corners, and 4 faces?

A USB drive
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Why don't Buddhists vacuum in the corners of the monastery?

Because they have no attachments.
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You know why homeless people are always screaming on the corners?

They don't have inside voices
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A woman was racing home; running stop signs and drifting around corners...

She came hauling ass into the driveway; car screeching to a hault. She ran straight into the house. Slammed the door and shouted excitedly:

"Honey, pack your bags; I just won the lottery!"

Husband came out of his office, and ran up to the banister.

"Oh my god! What should I pack...

The corners of my yard are all overgrown

I was always told not to cut them.
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A man goes on safari with his wife and mother-in-law. Whilst stretching their legs outside the jeep a lion jumps out of the bushes and corners the mother-in-law

The man's wife screams at her husband 'Please! can't you do anything to help!'

The man replies 'The lion got itself into this mess, it can get itself out'
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God Has a Sense of Humor

God told men they would find faithful and obedient wives in all the corners of the Earth. Then men discovered that the Earth is round, and God laughed and laughed.
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A Dublin thug corners an Irishman in a dark alley... [Religion] [Irish]

The thug raises a club and says "Got ya! I'm gonna split yer skull, ya Protty bastard!"

"No, wait!" says the man "You've got it wrong. I'm not a Protestant."

"Ah-ha!" Shouts the thug, "I tricked ya! I knew ya were a damn Croppy all along! Now die, ya papist!"

"No, you don't unde...

And God said to man, "I will put obediant women on all corners of the world,"

then laughed as he made the world a ball.
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A robber corners a well-dressed man in an alleyway...

“Take out your wallet and give me all your money!” The robber says, holding a gun to the man’s chest.

“You can’t do this!” says the well-dressed man. “I’m a senator in the U.S. Congress!”

The robber doesn’t lower his gun and replies:

“Well in that case, take out your wallet and ...
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Went to the corner store...

Bought four corners
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I've been cutting corners my whole life...

But now I am a well-rounded person, so it worked out pretty well.
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Whenever I do crown molding I can never get the corners to match up quite right

I guess I have coping issues.
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