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There were two sisters...

Once upon a time, in the wild, wild West there were two sisters, Jill and Susie. A relative of theirs dies and leaves the two sisters a ranch. The ranch was run down and they had little else to their name besides the ranch so they thought they'd invest what they had left into a stud bull to mate ...
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These two sisters, one blonde and one brunette...

...own a ranch and have a bunch of cows but they don't have a bull. They see an ad in a local paper that a farmer a few towns over is selling a bull. The brunette decides that she'll go check it out and tells the blonde, "I'll send word to you to bring the trailer to pick up the bull if the farmer s...
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God wrote an email....( kinda long )

So apparently god decided recently to check up on the earth and see how things were going. God summoned one of his angels. God told the angel to go down to earth and evaluate how humanity was doing. After several months the angel returns and reports that about 95% of humanity isn’t really following ...
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