profitstockfinancial gainvaluepropertyincreasegainsadvantagebondrevenuecapitalizegainsideupbankovercapitalize

What do you call weight lifting on Wall Street?

Capital gains

An Investment Banker Was Getting Married.

During Wedding, The Wife Vomits.
Husband: "What Happened?"
Wife: "Capital Gains Arising Out Of Previous Investment."
Husband: "U cheated me.."
Wife: "U should know, mutual fund investments are subject to market risks!"

This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

Why IRS hasn't taxed the only thing it left out - penis!


The only thing IRS has not yet taxed is the penis.

This is due to the fact that 70% of the time it is hanging around
unemployed, 13% of the time it is pissed off, 12% of the time it
is hard up, and 5% of the time it's in the hole.

It has two dependents, but th...

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