
I wrote a song about tortillas.

Actually, it's more of a wrap.

Why do tortillas get such a bad wrap?

Because they are so corny.

What do tortillas sing at birthday parties?

Fajita jolly good fellow.

What you call a crocodile covered with tortillas?

A tacodile

[long] Another blond guy joke...

Three best friends worked in construction together on the same crew. They were working on the 20th floor of a building when they stopped for their lunch break. They sat on the edge of the building, legs dangling over the edge, enjoying the view as they ate their lunches.
Guido opened his lunch ...

An Asian, a Mexican, and an American all get on a boat...

The captain looks at his passangers and tells them that in order to continue the voyage, each of them must throw over something they have a lot of in their country. The Asian tosses a few bags of rice, the Mexican tosses some tortillas, and the American tosses the Mexican.

A poor family starts saving up for spoons so they can invite their rich neighbor for supper... (Long)

Once they save up, they invite the rich man, and in the midst of their conversation, it is mentioned that they had to save up for a spoon. The rich man laughs and says,

"I have a spoon for every meal." The husband goes quiet at this, but the wife replies,

"We have a friend who uses a ...

Just came off a job filming an advert for Mexican food.

I thought the last shot was of some tortillas, but as we finished, the director shouted, 'That's a wrap.'

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