corn chipguacamolelos angelescheesemexican cuisinemasanachosaltwaterchipscornprocessorsnack foodtotopoappetizer

Why does the tortilla chip always beat the potato chip in a debate?

The tortilla chip has a point.

What kind kind of triangle is a tortilla chip?

An i-salsa-les triangle

What do You Call Tortilla Chips With Guns?

Loaded Nachos

Tortilla chips

So, a guy walks into a mexican restaurant and takes a seat. Before he gets to order a his food, the bowl of tortilla chips in front of him says "Hey, you're a handsome fellow."

The man tries to ignore the chips and orders a soda. The chips says "Ooooh that drink is delicious. Great c...

What's a cannibals favorite thing to eat with tortilla chips?

People de gallo.

If you love tortilla chips and cheese,

I'm nacho man

How do you get a baby in a bowl?

A blender.

How do you get it out?

Tortilla chips.

So I attended a salsa class today

The instructor says to everyone: "Alright folks, who's ready to learn how to dance??"

I realized that there was a misunderstanding, and ran off with my bag of tortilla chips

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4 jokes you shouldn't laugh at but you still do ..... NSFW I guess

Reddit give me your worst most racist/sexist/dirtiest joke that you know you shouldn't laugh at but you still do. I'll start off with a few of my favorites:

Q: what do you call 5 black men hanging in a tree?
A: Mississippi wind chime

Q: why do women wear white on their wedding day?<...

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