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The makers of Viagra have started an exclusive internet service.

They make it hard to get in, but they claim you will experience very little downtime.

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The makers of Viagra have announced that they have developed a pill to increase the wetness in women.

They're calling it Niagra.

Slightly peeved that the makers of the shampoo "Head and Shoulders"...

…have not followed up with a bodywash called, "Knees and toes."
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I used to sell office supplies to the mafia, file cabinets and label makers and such

I was involved in very organized crime
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Why are pizza makers always poor?

Because they knead dough to make a living.
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Did you hear the pasta makers in Italy revolted?

It was a ravioli-tion
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What do film makers use and IT people fear?

A blue screen
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The makers of summers eve

The makers of summers eve has release a new product line for men. A spray for men called umpire, for foul balls.
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Did you know that shoe makers are very talkative?

They love to converse
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If athletes get athlete's foot, what do candy makers get?

Tic tac toe
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Where do poor Italian noodle makers live?

In the Spaghetto.
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In China, film makers have to appease the Chinese censors, but people forget in America we have the same thing...

We also have to appease the Chinese censors.
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My office has had three label makers stolen in the past week.

We suspect it's connected to organized crime.
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I met an anarchist ice cream maker

Some men just want to watch the world churn.
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Watch makers are the best people to date.

They make time for you.
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I recently came up with a pirate-themed tabletop RPG, but then the makers of Dungeons and Dragons found out.

They sent me a seas-and-d6 letter.
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Why are hunters good love-makers?

They always go deep in the bush, they can shoot more than once, and eat what they shoot.
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Why are jewish potion makers all male?

He brew
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What do sushi makers have in common with Spanish pirates?

They both seek fortuna.
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Q: Why do movie makers not make a cross-over movie between "A Quiet Place" and "IT"?

A: They already know that it is going to be "ShhhhIT"
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Onomastics is the study of last names, and the connection to their thing. Like how Smith's used to be makers, or Gardners used to care for plants and vegetables, or Yorks come from the town of Yorke....

I don't think I want to know what the backstory is for the Dickensons...

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In business news, the makers of "Utterly Butterly" have been knocked off their top spot as the UK's leading brand of dairy spread.

I can't believe they're not bitter.

An amateur group of Islamic film makers have posted a video on YouTube which mocks Christianity and Jesus Christ.

It is believed to be so offensive that St Mary's church in Dublin have postponed their tea and cake morning until next Wednesday, and Dorothy O'Neill from Dinlge has written a strongly worded letter.

When will the madness end?
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