hobbitfantasythe hobbitelfogredwarfracemiddle-earthnovelgamehumanfictiongamesbilbo bagginshumans

This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

Why do elderly halflings avoid taking viagra?

Because old Hobbits die hard.

What do you call the shack where all the halfling nuns wearing too small shoes live?

The hobbled habited hobbit habitat.

This one's for the D&D players. A human, an elf and a dragonborn walk into a bar.

The gnome and halfling walk underneath perfectly fine.

Yo mama so dumb...

...she argues endlessly that Frodo could have just ridden a giant eagle into Mordor and dropped the Ring into Mount Doom from the air, even though all the characters in the book say over and over again that Sauron can SEE EVERYWHERE and that stealth was their only hope of getting anywhere with the R...

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