the hobbitbilbo bagginsgondormithrilgaladrielhobbitkoalashirerivendellgandalfelrondone ringaragornmount doomperegrin took

Gandalf decided to go to the Shire, and to his surprise found Frodo and Sam making meth.

Gandalf decided to go to the Shire, and to his surprise found Frodo and Sam making meth.

"Why would you ever do such a thing!" He exclaimed.

"Well you see Mr Gandalf, after our adventure we haven't been able to feel the euphoria of being a hero until we tried this wonderful magic crys...

Where did Frodo find evidence that the elves were Scientologists?

In Elrond’s Cupboard

Our company recently did a password audit, it was found that an employee was using the following password:


When asked why he had such a long password, he rolled his eyes and said: *Hello! It has to be at least 8 characters and include at least one capital."*

What's Frodo short for?

He's a hobbit.

I thought i heard Bilbo speak to Frodo

Turns out they were just Tolkien

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Why did Bilbo have a boner at his own funeral?

Because old Hobbits die hard.

What do you call Frodo Baggins with one leg?


Frodo and Sam were sitting outside, observing an insect.

Neither of them were quite sure what kind of insect it was. "Is it a mosquito?", said Frodo, to which Sam replied "No Mister Frodo, I think it's some kind of bee?". They then saw Gandalf walking by, and they asked him whether he possibly knew what kind of insect it was. He looked at the insect for o...

What did Frodo go to rehab for?

He was a hobbitual smoker

What is Frodo Baggins’ least favorite thing about weddings?

Being asked to be the ring bearer

I don’t think Edward Norton play a good Frodo Baggins.

But Elijah Wood

*disclaimer* I tried to put this on r/dumbjokes but they’re unreasonably fickle.

Frodo is a great nickname for a friend...

...who disappears after he puts a ring on.

Why did Gandalf opt to send Frodo, of all beings, on the most perilous mission Middle-Earth had ever known?

Force of hobbit.

The hobbits Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin, sat in Fangorn Forest to hear the first annual post-Sauron "Ent Comedy Jam" .... (An original LOTR-themed meta-joke for you.)

The hobbits Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin, sat in Fangorn Forest to hear the first annual post-Sauron "Ent Comedy Jam."

With them was Gandalf, returned from over Sea with Frodo in tow just for the occasion. No one in living memory – at least now that the elves were all in the Undying Lands to...

What did Frodo forget to do after taking out the trash?

Put a Baggin

Frodo was chosen as the Ringbearer because...

it's hard to break a hobbit

Why didn't Frodo hide the ring up his ass?

Because Sam would disappear.

Why didn't Spock do a mind meld with Frodo?

Because he figured that would be a bad hobbit to get in to.

Galadriel: this is Nenya, the Ring of Adamant, and I am its keeper

Frodo: what does it do?
Galadriel: Nenya business

I can't stop making figurines of Frodo

It's hobbit forming.

Samwise is preparing for his wedding...

He gathers his fellow hobbits around and then turns to Pippin.
"Pippin, I want you to be my best man."
Pippin is overjoyed, but before he can celebrate, there's a sound of someone crying, he turns and sees Frodo standing there with teary eyes.
"But Sam, what about me?" Frodo so...

Why couldn't Frodo drop the Ring into Mt. Doom?

Force of Hobbit.

What do you get when you mix Frodo, Bilbo and a cyborg police officer?

Frobo Cop.

"Aw man, who's going to agree to play Frodo in the Lord of the Rings movies?"

"Elijah Would."

I recently read that initially Daniel Radcliffe was the first choice to play Frodo Baggins, but he decided he didn't want to

I bet the producers were glad that Elijah Wood!

Frodo collected the keys to Macy's, JCPenney, McDonald's, etc. and put them on a single key ring

It was one ring to rule the mall.

Yo mama so dumb...

...she argues endlessly that Frodo could have just ridden a giant eagle into Mordor and dropped the Ring into Mount Doom from the air, even though all the characters in the book say over and over again that Sauron can SEE EVERYWHERE and that stealth was their only hope of getting anywhere with the R...

I bought myself a 6 ft boomerang with Lord of the Rings characters on it.

It’s really hard to Frodo

I came up with a joke on Tinder. It was wasted on her.

Frodo, Sam, Pippen and Merry went to Kay's Jewellers. Frodo said to the jeweler: "We are all getting married this weekend, and we shall need 4 wedding bands!". The jeweler responded, "I'm sorry, we are almost completely sold out. The best I can offer is one ring to woo them all."

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I think my friend might be gay

I went over to his house to watch Lord of the Rings, anyway do you remember how it begins with Bilbo celebrating his 111th birthday in the shire, reuniting with his old friend, Gandalf, Bilbo reveals that he intends to leave the Shire for one last adventure, and he leaves his inheritance, including ...

Fellowship of the ring

As the fellowship of the ring was being formed Bilbo had been eavisdropping outside of the meeting, not being able to help his curiosity.
He had heard young Frodo take upon himself the burden of the ring, Sam, Merry and Pippin joining him on the foolish quest. Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas and Boromir ...

What do you call a hobbit that looks good in pictures?


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Reddit, what is your best cheesy joke?

I'm talking the jokes that you find insanely hilarious, and everyone else just either groans or stares blankly when you tell it. I'll start.

'Been teaching hobbits how to play cricket. Bilbo's good at catching, but he can't really Frodo.'

Every. Fucking. Time.

- To conclude your job interview, what are your favorite hobbies?

- Bilbo, Frodo and Samsagaz.

Nerd joke of the week

If Frodo is a Hobbit, are 8 Frodos a Hobbyte?

When Arwen and Aragorn got married...

was Frodo designated to be the Ring bearer?

*edit Thanks Kikifoun_Unui...
not my main language T_T

How do hobbit flowers grow?

Through Frodo-synthesis.

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