numbercensusmiscountdukeblood countsperm counttallyenumerationweighnumerationearlcountdownrecountcalculatenumerate

What do you call a hen that counts her own eggs?

A Mathmachicken.

My kid told me that and it made me chuckle.
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In a democracy, it's your vote that counts...

...and in feudalism, it's your Count that votes.
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R Kelly found guilty of 11 counts of sexual assault

Or 18, if you ask him to do the maths

I hit a clown car once. I faced 10 counts of manslaughter.

Damn autocorrect. I meant man's laughter. Everyone was fine.
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I own a chicken that counts her own eggs.

She's a mathamachicken.
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It’s not the women in my life that counts,

it’s the life in my women.
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How do you know if you have a high sperm count

She has to chew before she can swallow
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Yo mama so ugly...

Her blowjob counts as anal.

Spelling counts

Waiting on a Zoom call to start, but were having technical issues. Client texted and said, "please bare with me." Thought it was an odd request, but she's the client. Eventually we got the video to work, but now I'm fired.
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There was a very wealthy Count named Carl

He always threw extravagant parties and almost everyone loved him, but almost no one knew where he got his massive wealth from.

One day, some law enforcement got suspicious of Count Carl’s wealth and went to him demanded to know where it was coming from. Count Carl refused to tell them, howev...
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A man goes for a prostate exam.

The doctor is checking him out when he finds a roll of $100 bills stuffed up his ass. He pulls out the money and counts it.

“You’re not gonna believe this, but I just found $1900 shoved up your ass!”

The man says, “Well that makes sense. That’s why I haven’t been feeling too grand.”

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A man goes to ask the great guru, "Which is better, large breasts or small breasts?"

The great guru asks him "How much money do you have in bills in your wallet?"

The man quickly counts the money. "Thirty dollars."

"And if you had thirty dollars in coins," said the guru, "which would have the greater mass- the coins or the bills?"

"The coins of course."


Einstein, Newton and Pascal decide to play hide and seek.

Einstein is it, closes his eyes, counts to 10 then opens them.

Pascal is no where to be seen. Newton is sitting right in front of Einstein, with a piece of chalk in his hand. He’s sitting in a square drawn on the ground, a meter to a side.

Einstein says “Newton, you’re terrible, I’ve f...
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A couple want to have children but the wife can't get pregnant.

A couple want to have children but the wife can't get pregnant
...so they go to see a priest for advice. The priest tells them they came at the right time, since his superior just sent him to Rome for 10 years, and he's leaving tomorrow.
'As soon as I'll get there, I'll immediately light a can...
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Quoting old vines counts as a personality, right?

I sure hope it does
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-It’s not the look that counts, but what is inside.

-OK, but to convince me, you need to provide an example.


-You got me.
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It doesn't matter if you're black, white, old, young, tall, short or even if you're from another country. It's what's INSIDE that counts!

I love you refrigerator!
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