natural numberdecimalintegercomplex numbercountimaginary numbertotalnumeraltelephone numbercardinal numberrational numberamountreal numbernumber theorynegative number

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A pervert watched a bunch of numbers have an orgy through a window

Some were 69ing, 7 ate 9's ass, you get the picture.

After a while they started to cum in descending order (20, 19, 18, etc.) until 2 came and saw the perv in the window. He got scared and ran away, never looking back.

He never saw that one coming.

Her: Let's exchange numbers

Me: Won't that confuse people who are trying to call us?

What do prime numbers and stoners have in common?

The higher they are, the more spaced out they get

A teacher asks little Johnny if he knows his numbers

“Yes,” he says. “My dad taught me.”

“Can you tell me what comes after three?”


“What comes after six?”


“Very good,” says the teacher. “Your father did a very fine job.

What comes after ten?”

“A jack,” answers Little Johnn...

Did you hear about the mathematician who's afraid of negative numbers?

He'll stop at nothing to avoid them.

( This joke was made up by my eight year old son. ) Why did the letters lose the battle against the numbers?

They were outnumbered.

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I started my new job as a bingo caller last night and halfway through calling the numbers I farted loudly. My boss immediately came over and whispered in my ear, "Don't do that again."

"Sorry," I said, "It must be the nerves."

"Fair enough," he replied, "But there was no need to hold the microphone directly on your asshole."

I love numbers

But I couldn’t eat a whole one.

Did you know condoms have serial numbers?

Oh, I guess you've never rolled one down far enough.

I can't remember how to write 1, 1000, 51, 6 and 500 in Roman numbers


Dating women is like squaring numbers

If they're under 15, just do them in your head.

Why do white girls always travel in odd numbers?

Because they literally can’t even.

A man spending his first night in prison hears other inmates calling out numbers, followed by laughter.

The next day he starts talking to one of the inmates and asks about it.

The inmate explains that after a few years there was no new jokes so they decided to just number all the good ones, that way they could save time in telling the joke.

That night the inmates are calling out numbers...

"I'm really good with numbers"

"How many times have you been told that?"

"Less times than I can count!"

What do you call someone who makes numbers disappear?

A mathmagician

Do numbers exist? A proof by contradiction.

Step 1) Assume numbers don't exist


Fun with numbers

So I was helping my son clean his room when I found 3 spent invisalign wrappers. I asked my son why there were 3, because 3 is such an odd number.

I’m in an army of even numbers

It’s a battle against the odds

The numbers game

A man is strolling past a lunatic asylum when he hears a loud chanting. ‘Thirteen! Thirteen! Thirteen!’ goes the noise from within the mental hospital’s wards.

The man’s curiosity gets the better of him and he searches for a hole in the security fence. It’s not long before he finds a small cr...

The number 29 was murdered. The cops arrested all the numbers from 24 to 34.

But 31 was the prime suspect.

Have you ever seen serial numbers on a condom?

That’s probably because you’ve never had to roll it back far enough.

I asked a German girl if Germans are afraid of numbers

She said 9

What did the computer say to the group of numbers?

I'll Calc You Later

I somehow managed to make it through high school math while only being able to remember even numbers.

What are the odds?

Americas covid numbers are only because the population is so dense

There are also a lot of people in certain locations

Meme numbers: 69, 420 and...

The OG number: 5318008 ;)

A new twist on an old joke.

Scientists recently did a study on the effects the right side and left side of a brain had on counting.
They first took out the left half of a man's brain and asked him to count to 10.

He says, "2, 4, 6, 8, 10".

They put the left half back in and removed the right half, asking him ...

I have tried all my life multiplying really large numbers by zero.

That amounted to nothing.

My exceptional memory allows me to memorize a sequence of more than a million numbers

1, 2, 3, 4, 5...

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A fifteen-year-old Amish boy and his father were in a mall.

They were amazed by almost everything they saw, but especially by two shiny, silver walls that could move apart and then slide back together again.

The boy asked, "What is this Father?"

The father (never having seen an elevator) responded, "Son, I have never seen anything like this in ...

Which mathematical phenomenon only uses imaginary numbers?

The Fib-Bonacci Sequence.

The year is 2028 and /r/Jokes is still going strong.

A new user gets on to /r/jokes and sees the most upvoted joke just says "28"

The second most upvoted joke says "3915"

The third most upvoted joke says "756"

He can't see why they're getting so many upvotes, so he comments "These aren't jokes, they're numbers"

The mod repl...

The numbers 19 and 20 got into a fight.


When I was in college I met a girl at a bar and we exchanged phone numbers...

But then every time the phone rang it was for her. It was very confusing and annoying

A guy is jailed for the first time...

A guy is imprisoned for his first time

On his first night, a few minutes after lights-out, his cellmate moves closer to the cell-bars.

A while later, someone from another cell shouts "Number 13!". His cellmate and the entire block bursts into laughter. The new prisoner finds this s...

All credit card PIN numbers in the World have bee leaked

**0000 0001 0002 0003 0004** …

Scientists removed the right half of a man's brain...

...and then, they asked him to count to ten. The man counted, "two, four, six, eight, ten."

Then they put the right half back and removed the left half, and again asked the man to count to ten. The man counted, "one, three, five, seven, nine."

The scientists then removed both halves of...

A lot of people complain about reposts, but I ran the numbers and only about 0.2% of people actually repost jokes here

Earth has ~7 and a half billion people; this sub only has ~14 million

Where should you avoid crunching the numbers for pi?

Over the carpet

A guy is spending his first night in prison

He hears someone in another cell shout out "37!" and the whole cell block bursts out laughing.

Another guy shouts out "74!" Same thing.

"46!" and everyone loses their minds.

He asks his cellmate "What's going on? Why are the numbers so funny?"

"Well we've all been here so...

A woman walks into her bathroom to see her husband sucking in his stomach. "You know that won't help you lose weight," she says.

"I know that," says the husband. "But it will help me see the numbers."

Counting Numbers at School

Teacher: Billy said our last number was 69, Sally what comes after 69.........
Sally: Mouthwash

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