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One day, Canada will become a superpower and take over the whole world

Then you'll all be sorry
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I've been asked to take over as Chief Clown...

I've got some big shoes to fill.
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One exotic bird can’t take over the word on its own

But toucan
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What do you call it when stock traders take over your home?

An investation
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What do you call it when worms take over the world?

Global Worming.
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how did the chicken take over the hen house?

in a coop d’etat
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AI won't take over the world

Because artificial intelligence will never beat human stupidity.
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What has happened when the weeds take over your lawn?

A coup de grass.

Hear about the Cheese Secret Society trying to take over the world?

Hallouminati confirmed.
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Pornhub has managed to take over the adult video industry...

And they've done it single-handedly!

What do you call a milk monster that wants to take over the universe?

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What's it called when you take over one half of the capital of Hungary?

Pest control
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What do you call it when white supremacists take over the government?

Coup klux klan
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Who will take over after Kim Jong-un?

His next of Kim
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How did the Germans take over Poland so quickly?

They marched in backwards, so the Poles thought they were leaving.
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What do you call it when the floor staff at a chicken processing facility take over the business without the owner's permission?

A coup de coop.
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Don't let corona virus dominate you, don't let it take over your lives, I know there is a risk, I know there is a danger

but that's okay, now *I'm* better

*quick note: that's not a joke that's literally what he just said*
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Disney is attempting to take over and brainwash our country by bringing back '80s Mickey Mouse merchandise

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What happens when a plant tries to take over its own forest?

It comits *tree*son.
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The Chinese take over the world, and start re-organizing the social structure...

They decide that the best way to do things is to separate everyone by race, and keep all white people in Europe and North America, all Asian people in Asia, all black people in Africa, etc.

Now, of course, the issue is that race isn't such a cut-and-dry thing, so after sorting through the obv...

What do you call it when a group of dogs take over control of a ship?

A muttiny
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What do you call an herbivorous dinosaur with a plan to take over the world?

A stegalomaniac.
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Why didn't willy wonka choose violet to take over the factory?

Because that would require a woman to break the glass ceiling.

AI will silently take over a lot of industries until it gets to carpentry...

then suddenly everyone will start coming out of the wood work
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How many mutants do you need to take over a Ship?

5 MutantA MutantB MutantC MutantD and Mutiny
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Little Billy comes home early from school, only to find his Dad masturbating in the living room...

As Billy is quite young, he is shocked and confused at what he is seeing. His Dad tries to explain:
"Don't be scared, Billy. I'm not hurting myself, I'm doing something completely normal. In fact, you are going to start doing it pretty soon as well."
"Why is that, Dad?", young Billy asks.

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A penis has a wonderful life.....for the optimists!

His two closest friends hang around and constantly update him on the weather.

His best friend is a pussy.

He never has to comb his hair.

He can quadruple in size and stand up if he really wants to see something.

He can take over all his hosts functions and thoughts whenev...

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