takeadopttake inabsorbtake overstarthaveturnborrowassumeresumeoccupyreceivesnap upget

I’ve been bored recently so I have decided to take up fencing.

The neighbors said they will call the police unless I put it back.
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Prince Charles decided to take up walking and everyday, at the same street corner, he would pass a hooker .

**He learned to brace himself as he approached her for what was almost certain to follow.**
**“One hundred and fifty pounds!” she’d shout. “No! Five pounds!” he said from the side of his mouth, just to shut her up.**
**This ritual between him and the hooker became a daily occurrence. She’d...

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My therapist recommended I take up meditation

She said at least its' better than sitting doing nothing.

A man's wife decides to take up meditation, among other things

The man asked his wife why she was doing meditation. And she answered that she was feeling lost and trying to find herself.

So the man went and printed out a map of their local area, then made a pen mark where their house was on the map with a caption that said "You are here". Then presented ...
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A man decided to take up golf

so he signed up for lessons with the local pro. The pro showed him the proper stance and grip and swing and then said, “Now just hit the ball toward the flag on the first green.” The novice teed up and smacked a beauty, straight down the fairway, onto the green, stopping inches from the hole. “Now w...
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A guy from the city decides to move to the country and take up farming

He goes to his first livestock auction and wins a bid on a male and female chicken. The seller says "You just moved from the city, right? If you want to fit in around here, you can't call these 'chickens'. This one is a cock, and this one is a pullet. By the way, if you want, I can sell you an ass -...

A monk decides to take up the art of swordplay.

Taking some time off from the Buddhist monastery, he trains with his fencing teacher, learning all the positions, attacks and defenses, and generally becomes fairly proficient at the sport. His teacher encourages him to take up the competition circuit, as there is little left she can teach the monk....
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I tried to take up Motorsport, but had to prove my car could run on meat juices

It was for a Stock Car race.
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Terminator decided to stop killing and take up an honest job.

Now he's an exterminator
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I think I want to take up acting...

Does anyone know of a local soccer league I could join?
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Why did it take up until last year for Volkswagen to finally manufacture electric cars in the United States?

Because it took them awhile to get the bugs worked out
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Why did the proctologist Covid-denier take up ventriloquism?

He got tired of talking out of his own ass.

My doctor told me to take up an activity that gets me out of the pub

So I've started smoking
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I decided to take up plumbing

I didnt know it could be so faucinating
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I decided to take up a new art form called long exposures

the best part is, you don't even need a camera.
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A limbless man takes up swimming

A man with no arms or legs decided to take up swimming in an attempt to make the Paralympics. He was called Bob
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Taking up Three Seats

An usher at a movie theatre notices a customer laying across three seats near the back of the theatre.

He tells the customer that he can only take up one seat.

The customer justs moans and rolls his eyes.

The usher goes to get his supervisor who also tells the customer he must ...
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Donald Trump should take up skateboarding.

He flips some sick 180s.
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My Wife decided to take up running to lose weight:

She said to me I am going to run 7 miles every day to lose weight.

I thought, great, in two weeks she will be 98 miles away:
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A man is diagnosed with cancer, so he decides to take up skydiving

A man is diagnosed with cancer, so he decides to take up skydiving to make the most of his time left. He goes up in a plane, jumps out, pulls the rip cord, and nothing happens. He pulls the rip cord on the backup parachute, and nothing happens. He says, "Good thing the doctor told me I had six month...
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My dad asked me why I chose to take up window cleaning as a profession.

I told him it was the only job I could really see myself doing.
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I suggested to a friend that we take up bird watching

He remained unconvinced until I showed him a photo of a nice pair of tits.

What type of pies take up the most time?

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My friend decided to take up wood working and he heard this joke at his new work place

A joiner makes sure that what he makes fits with the rest down to the tenth of a millimeter.

A carpenter makes sure it fits down to a millimeter.

A mason makes sure it fits down to the centimeter.

If the painter makes it to the right address, it's a good thing.
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My friend decided to take up magic during COVID and he performs some pretty amazing disappearing tricks. He says it’s been hard but really…

I think he’s just going through a stage.
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I wanted to take up yoga.

I contacted a yoga instructor and told him I wanted to be able to do the splits. He said "what's your flexibility like?" I said "I can't do Tuesdays".
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I should probably take up growing fruit trees

Because people keep telling me I should grow a pear.
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One day a man decided that he was going to take up shooting...

So he signed up for a concealed carry license class and got his own weapon. When he was done with the classroom portion, they took the class out to the shooting range to shoot some targets. The instructor told them only to shoot the 3 targets across the range. The man hit all 3 directly in the middl...

If you take up drawing as a mid-life hobby, but you just can't get past tracing...

You might have an exit-stencil crisis.
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LPT: How to pick up girls

Try this:

1. Acquire several dozen limes.
1. Go up to them and then drop all the limes.
1. Start picking them up, but keep dropping them. The clumsier you look the better.
1. Keep doing this until you have their attention (this could take up to thirty minutes).
1. Finally gather ...
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What did the Terminator say when he decided to take up piano?

I'll be bach.
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I prefer to buy rental properties that take up an entire city block or more.

I'm in it for the long hall.
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What did Sean Connery say to a couple of lobsters he saw take up an extra parking space?

"You're two shellfish."
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A nun was losing sleep over whether or not to take up sewing

She heard it could be habit-forming
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