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One spelling mistake can completely ruin your marriage

I accidentally texted my wife “I’m having a wonderful time. I wish you were her.”
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Monastery Spelling Mistake

A new monk arrives at the monastery. He is assigned to help the other monks in copying the old texts by hand. He notices, however, that they are copying copies, and not the original books.

So, the new monk goes to the head monk to ask him about this. He points out that if there was an error i...

Why is 'dark' spelled with a k and not c?

Because you can't see in the dark.

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People often say "icy" is the easiest word to spell.

Looking at it now, i see why.
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How do you spell sand with only 3 letters?

S, A, and D.
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Spelling bee judge: "Your word is 'seaward'."

Contestant: "C-U-N..."

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I asked my wife, “How do you spell invulnerable?”

She said, “I-N-V-U..”

I said, “Everyone does, because I’m awesome!”
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How do you spell candy with two letters?

C and Y
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"How do you spell "S" in Morse code?"


"Fine then, keep your secrets."
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Don't spell part backwards

It's a trap
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What do you get when you spell “man” backwards?

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You can't spell advertisements without

semen between the tits

If the Ku Klux Klan leaders are wizards, why don't they cast a spell to kill all those that oppose them?

Because they don't have access to black magic.
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So what if I can’t spell Armmagedon?

It’s not the end of the world.
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Trump was out walking on a beautiful snowy day, when he saw that somebody had urinated on the White House lawn to spell out "The President Sucks."

Infuriated, Trump called on the secret service to figure out who had done it. In a few hours, they came to him and told him that there was some bad news and some worse news.

"The bad news is that the urine is from Putin."

"Vlad? How could he do this to me? What could be worse than this...
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I asked someone because I wasn't sure whether the correct spelling was humor or humour.

"Sounds like a *you* problem," I was told.
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Is buttcheeks spelled as one word?

Or do you have to spread them apart?

What do you get when you spell "man" backwards?

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If you take the first two letters of the title of each the 7 Harry Potter books, it spells out a secret message

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A dumb kid walks into an ice cream shop...

Kid: “I’ll have a scoop of vanilla and a scoop of chocolate please.”

Clerk: “Sorry kid, we're out of chocolate.”

Kid: “OK. Make it a scoop of strawberry and a scoop of chocolate.”

Clerk: “No, no, you don't understand, it’s *chocolate* we're out of,”

Kid: “Ah, OK. Then gim...

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I got drunk and to impress a girl, I swallowed a bunch of scrabble tiles.

My next trip to the bathroom could spell disaster.

**EDIT: WOW, thanks for all the love on this post. It’s my first post in JOKES where I didn’t get ripped a new butthole for allegedly stealing/reposting. Thanks Reddit!**

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A dyslexic boy is on his way home from training with his mam...."Can we stop at McDonald's mam? I'm starving" the boy asks. "If you can spell McDonald's we will stop on the way home ofcourse son" The boy pauses, composes himself and begins "M" "C" He begins to struggle....

"Ah fuck it mam let's have a KCF"

I bought a bunch of oranges and spelled "hi" with them.

I was then told that was *not* how you say "HI" in Mandarin....
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A man asks a woman how to spell “yacht”

Woman: “Y-A-H-T”

Man: “where’s the C”

Woman: “under the fucking yacht”

How has the Russian government started spelling Ukraine?

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Why cant stevie wonder spell?

Because hes dyslexic.
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a teacher is doing attendance. she comes across the name “hijkm” she says “i’m sorry, i’m not sure how to pronounce this name,” then spells it out. a girl raises her hand and says this:

“that’s me, and it’s pronounced noelle”
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Why do Americans spell it as 'color' and not 'colour'?

Because fuck u that's why.

It must be hard for people learning to spell in English. For example, there is one silent K in "knight", four silent K's in "knickknack"

And three silent K's in "Republican".
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How does a Canadian spell Canada?

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"Tony, can you spell your name backwards?"

Tony: sure... y not
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A Mexican man who spoke no English went into a department store to buy socks.

He found his way to the menswear department where a young lady offered to help him.

"Quiero calcetines," said the man.

"I don't speak Spanish, but we have some very nice suits over here," said the salesgirl.

"No, no quiero trajes. Quiero calcetines," said the man.

"Well, ...
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I got zero out of ten on my last spelling quiz

But my teacher gave me an 'A' for Affort
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Why do they spell it "honour" and "favour" in the United Kingdom?

Because Rick Astley is British.
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I hate making spelling mistakes.

You mix up two letters and your whole post is urined.
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What is a spell that you can learn with a frying pan?

Cast Iron.
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Why is dark spelled with a k, and not a c?

Because you can’t see in the dark.

Courtesy of my 14 year old this evening.
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A teacher asks her students,"Can anybody spell before?"

Carey stands up and says, "Before. B -e- f -o- r.Before."

"No that is wrong.Sit down."say⁴s the teacher."

"Frankie, can you spell before?"

Frankie stands up and says, "Before.B - e- e- f -o-r.Before!"

"No, that's not right either.Tyrone, can you spell before?"

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Election and Erection are almost spelled the same. They both mean the same thing too.

A dick rising to power

How do you spell Canada, eh?

C, eh?

N, eh?

D, eh?
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While doing a crossword, the cyclops asked his wife, "How do you spell Hawaii?"

She replied, "You need two i’s."

Cyclops growled, "My life is just a big joke to you, isn’t it?"
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What word is spelled wrong on every dictionary.

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Why is it spelled camouflage?

And not
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How does a pirate spell "thick"?

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My friend tried to convince me "whey" is spelled "whfey"

There's no f in whey
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Why couldn't the ocean mage cast a spell?

He forgot to drink his manatee.
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A woman decides to pick up a dozen bagels for her co-workers...

...so she stops by a local bakery on the way to work and there is a huge line. She waits a while, gets up to the front, and tells the man behind the counter "I'd like a dozen bagels please".

"I'm sorry, but we're out of bagels."

The woman says never mind then and proceeds to leave the...

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I hate words that are spelled differently but sound the same!

I guess I'm homophonic!

You can't spell pacifist without...

Long live 3PA. Long live Apollo!
P.S. Steve Huffman is a clown.
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Guy: "How do you spell nihilism?" Nihilist: "It doesn't matter."
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Because of a spelling error, beer will no longer be served in Hell.

When they redid the sign over the gates they made it say "Abandon all hops, ye who enter here."
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A class comes in from recess and is given a spelling test.

"Jimmy, what did you do during recess" asks the teacher. "I played in the sandbox with Sally" says Jimmy. "That's great! If you can spell 'sand' on the board, you get a cookie!" Jimmy does and gets his reward.

"Sally, what did you do during recess?" "I played in the sand box with Jimmy!" "Wo...
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The teacher announced that to practice spelling, each member of the class would say what their fathers did for a living and then spell the occupation.

Mary went first. "My Dad is a baker, b-a-k-e-r, and if he were here, he would give everyone a cookie."

Next came Tommy. "My d...
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You hear about the kid who lost the spelling bee on the word "dairy"?

...I told him there's no use crying over misspelled milk.
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A blonde is in a spelling competition.

Judge: Spell 'orange'.

Blonde: The fruit or the color?
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Are you good at magic spells?

Witch: "Yeah, M-A-G-I-C"

Me: "Wow"
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I accidentally swallowed a handful of Scrabble tiles...

My next bowel movement could spell disaster.
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I found my son hanging from a rope in his bedroom.

On the floor was a note saying, "I can't stand the critism anymore."

I quickly cut him down, gave him CPR and he started to breathe.

As he lay in my arms I saw his eyes slowly open and I said, "That's not how you spell criticism."
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You can't spell lassie without ass...

and if you think you can, that's a lie.

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A woman walks into the produce section of the supermarket

And asks the man stocking oranges, "Excuse me sir, where can I find the broccoli?"

The man replies, "I'm sorry ma'am, we're fresh out of broccoli but we'll have some tomorrow."

The woman walks away. Comes back a few minutes later, taps the man on the shoulder and says, "Where's the bro...

So was at a bar last night and saw this fat chick wearing a shirt that said, "Caution, I'm a maneater". I walked up to the girl and timidly said, "Excuse me, Miss...about your shirt."

She interrupted me before I could continue and furiously shouted, "Oh let me guess, you're here to make a comment about how I'm so fat and how I actually eat men. I can't help my weight you know. I have feelings too and your comments can really hurt."

I looked at her, confused and said,"That'...
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You can't spell Quarantine

without U R A Q T
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TIL why Americans removed the letter U from the British spelling of words like humour and colour.

Because Fuck U, that's why.

It bothers me that Double Stuf Oreos is spelled with one 'F'...

Why they don't give two 'Fs' is beyond me.
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I asked my friend how to spell water.


Me: umm ok, that doesnt sound right.

Friend: yeah bruh...H to O.
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Why did Elon Musk rename Twitter to X?

So the remaining users could spell it.
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Look down your shirt and spell ‘attic’ out loud

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Spelling matters!

I was waiting on a Zoom call to start, but client was having technical issues. The client texted and said, "please bare with me." Thought it was an odd request, but he's the client.

Eventually we got the video to work, but now I'm fired.
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I can never spell the word Armagedden.

But whatever, it's not the end of the world.
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A dyslexic son asked his mum if he can have some McDonald’s for dinner.

He’s mum said ok, but only if he can spell out McDonald’s.
The son replied: Fuck it, I’ll just have some KCF!

A Prince Under A Spell

A prince was put under a spell so that he could speak only one word each year. If he didn’t speak for two years, the following year he could speak two words and so on.

One day, he fell in love with a beautiful lady. He refrained from speaking for two whole years so he could call her “...
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Sorry for the spelling/grammer mistakes

My first language is English.
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My wife said to me "You're shagging that girl from Llanfairpwllgwyngyllwyrndrobwyllllantisiliogogogoch, aren't you?"

I said "How could you say such a thing?"

(To whoever reposts this: the correct spelling is actually *Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch*)

Italian spelling

Bus stops and 2 Italian men get on.
They sit down and engage in an animated conversation.
An old lady who is sitting next to them ignores them at first, but her attention is galvanized when she hears one of them say the following:
“Emma come first. Den I come. Den two a$ses come together. I...
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How do pirates spell Thicc?

With seven Cs.
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How do you spell anarchy?

Any way you fucking want.

A redneck's father passed away in his sleep. So in the morning, he calls 911 to come pick up the body. The 911 operator told him that she would send someone out right away. "Where do you live?" asked the operator. He replied, "At the end of Eucalyptus Drive."

The operator asked, "Can you spell that for me?
There was a long pause and finally he said, "How 'bout if I drag him over to Oak Street and you pick him up there?"
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Some people don't take spelling seriously...

... but a 'd' is the only difference between being a lady and a laddy.
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My husband: I forgot how to spell briefly

Me: do you remember how to spell now?
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I just discovered that the word 'nothing' is a palindrome...

Backwards it spells 'gnihton', which also means nothing.
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What does a stripper do to her asshole before going to work?

Drops him off at band practice.

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