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Knock Knock

A little boy who answers the door to a traveling salesman. The boy is wearing a smoking jacket and holding a glass of brandy in one hand and a fat cigar in the other. “Hello, son, are your parents in?” asks the salesman. “What the fuck do you think?” the boy replies jadedly.

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So a travelling salesman is going door to door...

Walks up to large house at the end of the block and knocks on the door. A young man aged 13-14 answers the door in a smoking jacket, cigar and glass of scotch in hand. The salesman taken aback asks "Are your parents home?" The young man pauses looks at the salesman and replies "What the fuck do y...

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A salesman comes knocking...

After a fair bit of time and some noises that sounded like stumbling about, the door opens.

Coming from the house was loud jazz flute music and the distinct smell of weed.

The salesman looked down to see a kid standing impatiently at the door with what looked to be an exhausted meth-h...

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