minnesotanonprofitclinicplummer buildingdoctordoctoralphysiciangpclinicaldoctoratesurgeonmedicodermatologistoncologistsanatorium

What institution servs the most unhealthy meals?

The Mayo Clinic.

Did you hear about the sandwich who went to the doctor?

He went to the mayo clinic.

Where do food condiments go when they need to see a doctor?

The Mayo clinic

Me, on the phone: I have a complaint. Every time I make a sandwich, it’s always too dry.

Guy on the other end: Sir, that’s not what we do at the Mayo Clinic.

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Body Transplant Operation

A family has a son who, due to an unfortunate accident in his youth, is now a disembodied head.

His mother and father take care of him year after year, trying to make his life as good as they can under the circumstances. Despite their efforts, however, their son is quite cynical and bitter a...

An Old Montana Cowboy

An 80-year-old rancher from Montana goes to the Mayo clinic in Rochester for a check-up.

The doctor is amazed at what good shape the guy is in and asks, 'How do you stay in such great physical condition?'

'I'm from Montana and in my spare time I like to hunt and fish' says the old gu...

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