permitlicencelicenserightsprivilegedocumentauthoritymarriagebannscohabitationaustraliadivorcearchbishopmarriage licencewedding licence

Why were the melons upset when they were denied a marriage license?

Because it means they *cantaloupe*

What do you call the marriage license for a couple whose main kink is bondage?

A restraining order!

I’ve heard it said men have been in charge and called the shots throughout history. So explain this to me:

Why do you need a new fishing license every year while your marriage license never expires?

Marriage expiration date

Husband: “Why do you keep reading our marriage license?”

Wife: “I’m looking for an expiration date.”

An older couple are working together in their home office and the old man figures out that he needs a specific business document out of the office safe...

As he’s looking through numerous documents, he comes across their marriage license. Instantly, he is overcome with frustration when he realizes a missing detail.

“This is terrible! There’s no expiration date on our marriage license!”

The wife turns around from her work and reaches aro...

I like to keep a list of all the girls I've slept with

Its called my marriage license

My wife has a contract to give lectures...

It's called a marriage license

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