
Caitlyn Jenner becomes a super hero but doesn’t know what group to join...

She’s still deciding whether to be an Ex-men or a Trans-former

If Caitlyn Jenner were a super hero, what team would she be on?

The Ex-Men.

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I'm really impressed by both Kim Kardashian and Caitlyn Jenner...

Both women got famous by making a dick disappear.

Caitlyn Jenner is going to be working on Fox News.

Now they’ll have two tuckers.

I remember seeing Bruce Jenner on Wheaties boxes as a kid and wanting to be him.

Apparently he looked at Wheaties boxes and wanted to be Mary Lou Retton

Caitlyn Jenner ran over and killed someone with her car.

What a drag.

What did Kris Jenner say to Caitlin Jenner when they split up ?

.. you're not the man I fell in love with !

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I was at a party once. I was like, “Aahh, that Caitlyn Jenner...

...she’s kind of weird looking.“

Some girl goes, “Hey, she’s beautiful.“

And I was like, “Well, you kinda look like her.“

And she was like, “Fuck you.“

*thanks, Mark Normand*

I'm assuming that none of the Jenners ask Kylie to make breakfast.

Since she can't even beat an egg

Whoa, front page, im ashamed. Thank you kind stranger for the silver oh, you made my day!

Caitlin Jenner just signed a deal with Marvel.

She is going to be in the new Ex-Men film.

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How does Caitlyn Jenner like her penises?


I don’t care if Caitlin Jenner identifies as a woman,

but April identifying as January is crossing the line.

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What did Bruce Jenner tell Kris Jenner on their wedding night ?

I want your sex.

If Caitlyn Jenner became a superhero...

Would she be an ex-man or a trans-former?

Why can't Kylie Jenner see her mom?

Because she's trans-parent

Why is Caitlyn Jenner so skinny?

Because the FDA just banned trans fats.

Kendall Jenner is the worlds youngest billionaire

She’s followed in her father’s footsteps in becoming a self-made woman

Caitlyn Jenner won Woman of the Year on 2015

Proving that even when men are women... they're better at it than women are.

Kendall Jenner and her dad Caitlyn Jenner are in a heated argument.

Caitlyn says: "It's true, Kendall. You have to believe me!"

Kendall says furyously: "I see straight through your lies. You are so trans parent!"

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Caitlyn Jenner

So Caitlyn Jenner is trans, but is still a Republican.

Can you believe the balls on that woman?

What is Caitlyn Jenner going as for Halloween?

An Ex-Man

Preemptive Edit: Proudly! Proudly going as an Ex-Man! Yikes....

If Caitlyn Jenner were an action figure....

would she be an X-Man or a Transformer?

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Caitlyn Jenner deserves credit for getting sexual reassignment surgery.

That decision took balls.

Why was Caitlyn Jenner chosen as the PTA treasurer?

Because posting read “Must be trans parent.”

It's going to be a busy couple of months for Caitlyn Jenner

Mothers' Day and then Fathers' Day

What's the difference between Kylie Jenner and an egg?

One is just a fragile shell, containing contents so shallow, they hardly give any sustenance to those who want it. And if dropped, or tossed away, can be easily replaced by bunch of others, exactly like them.

And the other is an egg.

Caitlin Jenner Must Be Very Honest To Her Kids

She seems Transparent.

What is Bruce Jenner's nephew's favorite movie?

Aunt Man

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I feel bad for Kylie Jenner...

It must be rough knowing your dad has a tighter pussy than you.

What do Caitlyn Jenner and Wolverine have in common?

They are both X-Men.

They're giving Caitlyn Jenner ANOTHER TV show

Apparently, they have her competing in the Olympics again. It's going to be called "Drag Races".

Caitlin Jenner is in the next X-men movie

Well, she is an ex-man...

If Caitlyn Jenner was a superhero...

I'm not sure what her name would be, but I'm quite sure she'd be a part of the Ex-men.

Why does Caitlyn Jenner feel like her kids see though her?

I guess she is trans parent now

Why can't you see Kylie Jenner's dad?

Because he's transparent

What does Kylie Jenner and a Disney princess have in common?

They're both made by the hands of others.

Caitlyn Jenner wants to be a marvel villain...

I heard Caitlyn Jenner wants to be a marvel villain.... You have spiderman and iron man

She could always be foreman

Thanks to a Facebook comment for this joke.

Why can’t Kendall Jenner see her father anymore?

He’s transparent

Kylie Jenner asked me to roast her.

I said platics don't roast they melt.

What's the similarly between Kylie Jenner and Chicken?

The egg came first.

If Caitlyn Jenner wanted to play a marvel villain, what would she be called?


Bruce Jenner walked into a barber shop...

...looking for a friend.
He asks the barber "Bob Peters here?"

The barber says, "Nope. Just cut hair."

Why can’t Caitlyn Jenner’s children see her?

Because she’s trans-parent.

Why hasn't anyone seen Bruce Jenner in years?

Because he's transparent.

Kylie Jenner just named her newborn baby daughter Stormi

I think the Kardashian family is trying to have a weather forecast for her kids, because it's going to be Stormi in North West Chicago with a chance of Reign.

Kylie Jenner Walks into a restaurant

Kylie Jenner walks into a restaurant where she has made a reservation. The waiter greets her politely, and says, "Right this way Mrs. Jenner" and begins leader her to her table. "Please," she says, "Mrs. Jenner is my father. Call me Kylie.

To the people comparing Rachel Dolezal pretending to be black to Caitlyn Jenner being trans...

Transrachel isn't the same as transjenner.

Why is Caitlyn Jenner’s dad so good at hide and seek?

He’s trans-parent!

What's the difference between bruce banner and bruce jenner?

One turned into a terrifying monster, the other is an avenger.

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When Bruce Jenner changed sex's.

I thought damn... he's Trans-Jenner?

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Why do so many people want to have sex with Kylie Jenner?

Because you're supposed to recycle plastic

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Caitlyn Jenner is filing a Lawsuit for Sexual Harassment...

Claims that she's Constantly being Groped by Bruce Jenner.

Caitlyn Jenner receives ESPY Arthur Ashe Award for Courage

Courage? More like a lack of balls

Jealous of the success of the Travis Scott burger, Kylie Jenner has signed a deal with a competing chain.

Coming soon: Eat Kylie's Taco at a Taco Bell near you.

Heard Caitlyn Jenner wants to be in a superhero movie.

I think she'll either be an X-Men or Transformers

Why can't Caitlyn Jenner's kids ever find her?

Because she's Transparent.

Caitlyn Jenner comes with a warning label...

It says:

Warning - May contain traces of nuts.

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Caitlyn Jenner just became the latest to expose another sexual harasser.

She is alleging Bruce Jenner groped her about 10 years ago.

A picture of an egg on Instagram got more likes than Kylie Jenner...

...I guess you could say the egg beat her.

I spent my Google Rewards on a video of Caitlyn Jenner

It was definitely worth the transaction

Why can't Bruce Jenner drive a KIA?

Because they have tranny problems too

What will Caitlyn Jenner’s ghost look like to the Kardashian kids?


My momma told me Caitlin Jenner drives a Dodge

I guess that's why she's having all those tranny problems.

How did Caitlyn Jenner and Kanye West settle an argument?

They went outside and exchanged blows.

My boss dressed up as Caitlyn Jenner in a mini-skirt

He showed a lot of balls...

Why did the military name it's new drone system "Caitlyn Jenner"?

Because it's unmanned

I feel sorry for Bruce Jenner.

He should have never admitted that he is a Republican. Some things are just better kept in the closet.

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