
What’s purple and doesn’t fit anymore?

A dead epileptic
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Cardi B has a sister that's a fitness instructor.

Her name is Cardi O
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I walked in on my girlfriend having sex with her fitness trainer.

Me: "Okay, this isn't working out."

My fitness instructor advised me to wear loose clothing while exercising.

I would not have joined the gym if I had any loose clothing.
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An overweight guy goes to a fitness club

An overweight guy decides to go to a fitness club to sign up to lose weight. After signing up, the fitness coach asks him to go home and be ready early in the morning.

The next morning, his doorbell rings. He opens the door and standing there is a super hot girl. She tells him,” If you can ca...
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My boss, who is a fit woman, caught me in the shower room after work.

She said to me "Would you mind taking my blouse off?"
I replied, "Certainly," and took it off.
Then she turned around and said, "Would you take my skirt off too?" So I removed that as well.
Then she finally asked me to take her underwear off, so I did that too.
Then she looked at me and...
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What gets long when you jerk it,fits between boobs,slides in a hole and loves to be pulled?

A seat belt you pervert

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I was in the pub last night telling my mate the joke about, “What would you do if an epileptic was having a fit in the bath...

...throw the washing in.” However, the bloke on the next table said, “My brother who is epileptic had a fit in the bath and died.” Fuck me. If the ground could have swallowed me up l’d of been happy. I said, “Sorry to hear that, mate. Did he drown?” He said, “No; he choked on a sock.”

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Looks like Trump is keeping up Michelle's ideals of getting America fit again.

One day in office and he has thousands of people getting up and going out for walks on this beautiful Saturday morning.

Edit: Yes, yes MILLIONS. I wasn't sure if those sources were true or not when I posted.

Also, the spam from the Trump people is great. I feel like I'm on the *real*...

"We're looking for a drug dealer," said the police officer, "and you fit the description we've been given."

I said, "That was easy then. What can I get you fellas?"
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What gets longer if pulled, fits snugly between breasts, slides neatly into a hole, chokes people when used incorrectly, and works well when jerked?

A seatbelt

An atheist, vegan, and cross fit athlete walk into a bar.

We know this because they all loudly announced it within the first 30 seconds.
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Fitting joke for Hurricane Harvey

This is a Joke my Dad (who is Catholic) once told me when I was young. With Hurricane Harvey currently outside my window, I was reminded of it. Maybe it will give some humor to those currently in worse off areas than I.

A woman lives on the Texas coastline. Her town orders her to evacua...
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How do you fit five elephants in a fiat 500?

Easy! Two in the front and three in the back!
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Given the words 'wife', 'odds', 'egg', and 'blowjob' which one doesn't fit the category?

Ans: (First, change the above term "wife" to "traffic" so that the good people are happy.) Blowjob. You can beat an egg, you can beat the odds, you can beat the traffic, but you can't beat a blowjob.

In a fit of rage, a friend of mine ran over a pedestrian with his electric car.

He will be charged with battery.
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My balloon elephant wouldn’t fit on the back seat of the car...

...so I had to pop the trunk.
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How Many Animals Can You Fit In a Pair of Pantyhose?

An Ass, a Pussy, two calves, ten piggies and god knows how many hares! I heard this joke from my aunt in the 70's. Wondered if it was well known.

What would James Charles say if he were a shoe that doesn't fit?

Hi blisters!
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I walked up to a fit girl at a bar the other night and said,

"Hey gorgeous, can I buy you a drink?"

She said, "Do you like sex?"

I said, "Of course I like sex."

She said, "Do you like to travel?"

I said, "Yeah, I love to travel."

She said, "Then fuck off."

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Anal sex keeps my wife really fit.

Every time I mention it she runs a mile.

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The blue whale has a vagina large enough to fit around 5-7 men. That makes her the second biggest pussy right behind

The kid who said his not playing just before he was about to be tagged

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My wife just said to me, "Look at this, I've had this since we got married 20 years ago and it still fits me."

I said, "It's a fucking scarf."

Shouldnt all yogurt be light and fit?

Since they are an active culture?
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What kind of tree fits in your hands

A palm tree
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How do you fit 2 elephants in a bottle without them touching each other?

You put a third in between them
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Wife: "Look. I haven’t worn this in 8 years and it still fits."

Husband: "For God’s sake woman, it’s a scarf!"
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So Joe had these headaches...

The doctor said, "Joe, the good news is I can cure your headaches. The bad news is that it will require castration. You have a very rare condition, which causes your testicles to press on your spine, and the pressure creates one hell of a headache. The only way to relieve the pressure is to remove t...

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Astronomy Fact: You can fit 63 Earths inside Uranus

64 if you relax.

If someone is a vegan and does CrossFit...

Which do they have to tell you first?
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Fitness is important

Being healthy and in good shape is important. My grandmother understood this better than anyone. When she turned 75 she started walking 5 miles a day.
She's 90 now, and we have no idea where the hell she is.
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A vegan bitcoin investor who owns a Tesla, does CrossFit, and refused to vote in the last election walks into a bar

The real question is, what he’s going to bring up first?
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I was sitting on a bus with a friend and he told me this joke...

What do you do if you see an Epileptic having a fit in the bath?

Throw in your laundry.

The guy behind us leaned over and said "I think that's disgusting. My son died in the bath whilst having a fit."

We both went white and apologised. The guy got up to get off and said, "he c...
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What’s black, white and red and can’t fit through a revolving door?

A nun with a javelin through her head.
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My grandma decided to start walking 2 miles a day when she turned 60 to try to keep fit

She's 70 now and I have no goddamn idea about where she is.
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How do you fit an Elephant in a refrigerator ?

Open the door, shove in the Elephant, close the door.

*How do you fit a Giraffe in a refrigerator?*

Open the door, take out the Elephant, shove in the Giraffe, close the door.

*A plane has 20 bricks on the right hand side and 21 bricks on the left side. How do you balanc...
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What makes a bathroom fit for a Prince?

A raspberry bidet.
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Some people are like a fit ass.

They look good from the outside, but really vile and shitty on the inside.

When the Hulk goes into an uncontrollable fit of rage he's "incredible"

When I do it I'm an "alcoholic"
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How many dwarves can fit in a box?

I'm not sure you should ask Snow White
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My husband once bought me a dress two sizes too small to encourage me to lose weight so I could fit into it.

When he gave me the dress, he said that he was "looking forward to seeing you in it."

So for his birthday, I bought him a coffin.
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Apple fitness products don't work.

I tried the iHop and it only made me gain weight.
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I have a shirt with 120 tiny pockets that fit exactly one mint each....

It's my Tic Tactical vest.
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Just made the most audio copies to ever fit on one vinyl disc.

It was a record record record!
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When the doctor told me that he had fitted me with a thermostat instead of a pacemaker, I was livid

It made my blood boil.
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A guy is constantly suffering from terrible headaches...

A guy is constantly suffering from terrible headaches. He goes to a bunch of doctors, runs any test imaginable, and no one can figure out why. One day a doctor tells him- “I think we figured out a solution, but you’re not going to like it. If we cut off your balls, the constant headache will stop”. ...

When I moved to Florida, I couldn't fit in

Finishing 3rd Grade really affected my social life there.
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If you meet a vegan who’s into CrossFit…

What won’t they shut up about first?
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How do know when a punchline doesn’t fit the set-up in a joke?

A frog in a blender.
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What's the difference between a fitness blog and a porn site?

One's all about proteins, whilst the other is more about amateur teens

I’m not having much luck with jobs lately.

I wasn’t suited to be a tailor.

The muffler factory was just exhausting.

I couldn’t cut it as a barber.

I didn’t have the patience to be a doctor.

I wasn’t a good fit in the shoe factory even though I put my soul into it.

The paper shop folded. Pool maintenance...
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“He gently slid her panties to the side

so he could fit the rest of the socks in her drawer.”
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One of my employees today complained that the sundae lids won’t fit.

I told her “Well duh, that’s because it’s Monday!”

They are so done with my bullshit today. Lol.

What’s ET short for?

So he can fit in the spaceship
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As long as it fits

So, one day, these elderly ladies are sneaking a cigarette behind the old folks home. It starts to rain so most of the women throw their cigarettes out. But one of them pulls out a condom, bites the end off, and rolls it down the cigarette and continues to smoke. All of the other ladies look on in a...

A Computer Science student at MIT showed up at his buddies dorm room with a new bike. His buddy said “sweet bike, where’d ya get it?”

“You’ll never believe this,” he said, “I was walking across campus and this beautiful blonde on a bike stopped, threw down her bike, tore off all her clothes and said _take whatever you want!_”

His buddy stared at him blankly for a minute, then said “smart. Her clothes would have never fit yo...
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How do you fit 1,000,000 elephants in a Safeway?

You take the S from Safe and the F from Way
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Entered what I ate today into my new fitness app.

It just sent an ambulance to my house.
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My girlfriend is really helping me to keep fit.

Every time she mentions marriage, I run a mile.
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Three prostitutes are sitting at a bar

Over a well deserved the drink the 3 discuss their skills and attributes.

The first explains that she is so accommodating she can fit a whole fist inside of her and proceeds to give a demonstration.

The second unimpressed states that she can fit two fists, elbow deep. After some stretc...

What summer sport is most popular with fit albinos?

Bleach volleyball.
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How many clowns can you fit in a Honda?

One more.
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I'm into fitness

Fitness cake in my mouth
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"God Save the Queen" seems an ill-fitting anthem following the coronation of King Charles III

The obvious choice for the replacement is the "Charles in Charge" theme song.
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I'm really fit and skinny

Too bad this is the only subreddit I can say this on
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How does this name fit?

Walking through Chinatown, a tourist is fascinated with all the Chinese restaurants, shops, signs and banners. He turns a corner and sees a building with the sign, Hans Olaffsen's Laundry.
Hans Olaffsen?, he muses. How in the world that name fits in here? So he decides to walk into the shop and s...
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How many superheroes can you fit in one car?


Two in the front

Two in the back

And Peter Parker in the ash tray
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Why did Jesus look so ripped during Crucifixion?

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My wife came to me all happy, saying, “Look darling, you got me this 40 years ago on our honeymoon, and it still fits!"...

I love her so I let it pass. It was a scarf.

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A man goes to the doctor for a physical. He tells the doctor not to be alarmed, but he has 5 penises.

The doctor says, " 5 penises!? How do your pants fit?"

The man replies, " like a glove."

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If a lap dog is a dog small enough to fit on your lap...

I'd hate to see what animal qualifies as a "pussy cat".

How do you fit a body in a trunk?

Take the first two out.
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A college engineering student shows up with a new bike

"Woah where did you get such a nice bike?" his fellow engineering student asked.

"I was walking down the street last night and this girl on her bike came up to me started taking off her clothes and said 'its all yours' so I just took the bike" he said.

His friend replied "Good choice b...
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Why do your heart, liver and lungs all fit in your body?

Because they are well organized
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what does a devil do to stay fit?

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You know you can fit any boat on your head

Just flip it upside down. That makes it capsized
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Given the terms: drum, meat, egg, blowjob which one doesn't fit?

Blowjob. You can beat a drum, beat an egg, beat your meat, but you can't beat a blowjob.

Two engineering students were walking across campus when one asked - Where did you get such a great bike?

The second one replied, "Well, I was walking along yesterday minding my own business when a beautiful woman rode up to me on this bike".

She threw the bike to the ground, took off all her clothes and said, "Take what you want".

The first engineer nodded approvingly, "Good choice, the...
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My teacher didn't believe me when I said I had 36 pets so I showed her a picture of my fish tank.

She freaked out when she saw how many dogs I could fit in there.
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I saw this really fit girl in the nightclub last night and she was wearing a chessboard patterned shirt...

So, I made a move on her.
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How can you tell your girlfriend is getting fat?

She fits in your wife’s clothes
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How many birds can you fit under a Scotsmans kilt?

Depends how big the perch is.
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Given the terms “crab”, “tuna”, “lobster”, and “Chinese guy caught in an avalanche of boulders”, which does not fit?

Ans: “tuna”. The other 3 are crushed asians.
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My uncle was the first man to be fitted with a lead pacemaker. He died last week.

We buried him with a heavy heart.
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Did you know; you can fit 35 bananas in a kangaroos pouch

Also, I’m not allowed at the zoo anymore...
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An OverweightTime Traveler goes to ancient rome

An Overweight Time Traveler goes to ancient rome and realizes he wore historically incorrect clothes for the trip. Realizing his mistake he visits a toga shop to purchase new clothes. He looks around the shop and realizes they do not have togas big enough to fit him. He goes to the counter and asks ...
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Why couldn't the psychic fit in the small shirt?

Because he was a medium
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How many women of god can you fit in a standard size brothel?

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How does wind get fit?

Air Conditioning
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Fitted sheets were originally invented in 1682 in Salem, MA.

Unfortunately, they didn't catch on at that time since anyone who could actually fold them was accused of witchcraft and subsequently burned at the stake.
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I once met a man with 5 penises. I said "That must be rough"...and "how does your underwear fit?"

He said "Like a glove!"

Wife: "I have a lot of my own clothes I'd like to donate."

Husband: "Why bother? It's easier to throw the clothes in the garbage can."

Wife: "Don't be selfish! There are so many poor people who have no clothes and are starving."

Husband: " Honey, anyone who fits into your clothing is not starving..."
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My local independent clothing store only sells narrow fitting shoes,

I think that may be they are Fat Toes intolerant.
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A husband and wife are waiting at the bus stop with their nine children.

A blind man joins them after a few minutes. When the bus arrives, they find it overloaded and only the wife and the nine kids are able to fit onto the bus.

So the husband and the blind man decide to walk. After a while, the husband gets irritated by the ticking of the stick of the blind man a...
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How many Mexicans can you fit in the trunk of a BMW?

I need the answer asap. I am about to cross the border.
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[Serious] Just a reminder to be careful when telling jokes that may be offensive.

A few days ago I was talking to some friends, and friends of those friends, at a bar.

I decided to break the ice with the new friends with a few jokes, most of which went down very well...until I decided to tell a few more offensive ones...and picked the worst possible one to start with...
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I am doing a bra giveaway.

Send me pics of your boobs and I'll see if I have something that fits you.

A brunette, redhead and blond went to a remote fitness spa deep in the mountains for some fun and relaxation.

After a stimulating healthy lunch, all three decided to visit the ladies room and found a strange-looking woman sitting at the entrance who said, "Welcome to the ladies room. Be sure to check out our newest feature: a mirror which, if you look into it and say something truthful, you will be awarded ...
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My wife's cooking is fit for a King

Here King! Here King!
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Not to brag, but I just got a job as a fitness model...

They hired me as the "before" picture.
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Why could the petit clairvoyant never find a dress that fits?

Everyone thought she was a medium
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I once dated a girl who was a fitness freak

It didn't last long, our relationship didn't work out.
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How much can you fit in a triple D bra?

Large quantitties

I spent $80 on a belt that didn't fit...

My wife said it was a huge waist.
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The fitness trainer asked me "What kind of squats are you accustomed to doing?

I said, "Diddly !!"
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I thought my drier was shrinking my clothes because they don't fit any more.

Turns out, it was my refrigerator all along.
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The sign outside the drug rehab facility was very fitting

"Stay off the grass."

What is the first rule of CrossFit?

Always talk about CrossFit.
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Two English gentlemen are commuters, using the Tube to the City. They get on and off at the same stations, and having done it for years they occasionally nod greetings or even exchange a “good morning.”

One of them looked really unhappy one day and the other said “I know we haven’t been introduced but if you don’t mind me saying it you do look a bit peaky.”
“My false teeth are killing me.”
“Hmmm. If you let me have a good look I may be able to help you.”
“Oh please do...”
“Give me a da...
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My fitness has been great these past years despite the COVID lockdowns.

I even maxed out the weight on the assisted pull-up machine.
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