Snow White started a tutoring center for the Dwarves to teach them math.
She called it "Making the Little Things Count"
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A Classic!
A ten-year-old boy was failing math. His parents tried everything from tutors to hypnosis, but to no avail. Finally, at the insistence of a family friend, they decided to enroll their son in a private Catholic school.
After the first day, the boy's parents were surprised when he walked in af...
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There was this kid who was terrible at school...
His parents had tried everything; after school programs, private tutoring, etc. Nothing had worked to bring up his grades. So they decided to try one last thing, to send him to Catholic school.
So the first day of Catholic school he goes, and comes home. He opens the door and looks at his mom...
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During a high school visit to France, I stayed with a French family.
One night, I was unsure what the meat on my dinner plate was, so I pointed to it and asked in my best 11th-grade French: “Qui est-ce?” The family’s expressions told me I needed some tutoring. Instead of asking “What is it?” as I had intended, I’d asked “Who is it?”
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What do you get when you cross an insomniac, an unwilling agnostic, and a dyslexic?
You get somebody who stays up all night tutoring himself mentally over the question of whether or not there is a dog.
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Little Jewish boy that can't understand math
Two Jewish parents are very concerned that their little boy is failing at mathematics. They exhaust every method of tutoring and schooling, until they reach their last resort.... Catholic School.
The very next day little Elisha comes home from school, runs to his room, and began studying. To ...
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Jewish Kid who is Bad at Math
There is a Jewish family with a son who is horrible at math. They've tried everything they could think of to get his scores up. Tutoring, different schools, nothing has worked. Finally they hear from some friends at Synagogue that they had the same issue with their son, and sending him to catholi...
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